Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha or Pokemon in any way. If I did there would be a lot more crossovers of these animes.

Chapter 1

They say curiosity killed the cat.

Now whoever said this did not know Kagome Higurashi, as she is the embodiment of curiosity. From trying to figure out why the sky is blue to following Sesshomaru around secretly, trying to figure out once and for all if that boa he's always wearing is actually a tail (God knows why he hasn't caught her in the act yet.).

On that note, the boa is indeed his tail. Kagome found out the hard way herself. One day while she was tailing him, expertly masking her presence in her opinion, Sesshomaru suddenly disappeared.

Poof. Gone.

No proof that he was ever there, though one wouldn't expect less of him, that sly dog. Not seconds later she found herself suspended off the ground, courtesy of the son-of-the-Ice-bitch himself.

Now in a situation like this, Kagome would normally be screaming her head off for InuYasha at this point in time. But today she had a mission. She was determined to find out if that boa was his extra appendage.

His other extra appendage.

Its times like these that she remembers she needs to stop hanging out with Miroku. God knows all the images she gets in her head from innocent everyday sayings. Note to self: get Sango to pound Miroku when I get back. That is if I get back.

Back to the situation at hand.

One: assess the situation. Ok I' m currently choking to death 3 feet off the ground while Sesshomaru is giving me his infamous death glare. God knows that man can freeze even the hottest flame. Now how do I get my self into these kind of situations?

Two: after the situation is understood, find the most logical way out of it.

That's easy to say. Unfortunately for Kagome's lungs, she was determined to succeed in her mission. So with the best death glare Kagome could muster, she raised her left hand off of Sesshomaru's arm, and reached for his fluff. It was indeed as soft as it looked, if not softer. After a few strokes, Kagome could feel a strange rumble all throughout her body, or was it a purr? With a look at his face, Sesshomaru was practically writhing in ecstasy. Note to self: Sesshomaru's boa is indeed his tail, and is surprisingly sensitive. Fortunately, Sesshomaru was distracted long enough for her to call for Inuyasha and get out of that day alive, even if Inuyasha himself got a wounded pretty badly.

But today Kagome has a new mission.

When the group of shard hunters was camping out and Kagome was looking around for fire wood, she stumbled upon a cave. This wasn't just any particular cave, it was a cave practically flowing with weird energies. Much like the well she uses to travel between her time and the feudal era.

I'm sure everyone wouldn't mind if I took a little detour. After all what's the worst that can happen?


Funny how when one tries to be optimistic, the fates decide then is the perfect time to intervene.

As Kagome found out, that little cave was a one way ticket to another world altogether. How does she know this? Just that fact that there isn't a demon for miles. Though to tell the truth all she did was feel them out, she hasn't actually seen any with her own eyes.

It's also one of those things you just know. Like how you know someone's glaring at you even if you don't see them. You just know it. Actually, more like feel it.

Guess I should start looking around, if I'm lucky, maybe I can find some humans around.

Surprisingly, when Kagome tried to stand on her own two legs she fell on her rear.

Ok, make that four legs and paws.

What the hell?! Along with having four legs, she was furry. Where Kagome's normally human head was, she had grown a snout much like a kitsune, along with two pointy fox ears. But what was the most surprising was that she had nine fluffy tails. To top it all off, her whole body was a pure white coloring. Luckily, the thing that stayed the same was her eyes. They were still that icy blue-gray.

Overall, Kagome was a very, non-demonic, kitsune.


How in the world do I get myself into these situations, seriously?! It's like I'm fates play thing or something. I can hear them now: they're laughing at me from there high horse up in heaven. Well you know what?! I hope you laugh so hard you die! Can gods even die?

Kagome was currently ranting to herself as she traveled the forest she found herself in. It was surprisingly beautiful here. Not to mention peaceful. Bird's were singing songs to each other (strange looking birds…), there were trees everywhere, and there was virtually no smog in the air at all! Though she doubted a normal human could figure that out. Kagome figured her senses were to blame for that. She soon found out that her sense of smell, sight, and hearing had enhanced. She could hear practically everything around her!

"Hey guys, how about we stop for lunch here?"

A boyish voice is what stopped Kagome in her tracks, and from what he smelled like, he was human. Using all the stealth she could muster, Kagome carefully hid behind some bushes close enough to the little group so that she could see them. The first one she saw was the human boy she heard, and from what she saw he was around 12 years old, reaching from 4'10"-5'. He had black hair that was about 4" long and was partially spiked. On top of his hair was a red hat, with some sort of logo in front of it. He wore normal blue jeans that seamed as if they were one size too big for him and a sort of green and white shirt slash hoodie.

"Alright, let me lay out the picnic blanket."

This voice came from the girl that traveled with the group. Kagome would have to say she was also around 12 years of age, but was about an inch taller than the first boy. She had big blue eyes and light brown hair that came out on the sides of her head, however weird a style that was. Tied on top of her head was a red bandana. Her clothes were more on the sporty side, where as she had a red, skin tight, zip-up shirt on, and a pair of black skin tight shorts, stopping about mid-thigh. She was also carrying a tan rucksack of sorts.

"I'll get the sandwiches out!"

This voice came from the youngest in the group. He was probably about 7 to 8 years of age and stood about 4'4" tall. He had messy black hair along with glasses covering innocent but smart brown eyes. His clothes were fairly simple. He had on a navy-blue shirt of sorts and tan shorts that reached a little past his knees.


This came from the little, overgrown, yellow mouse. It was a weird creature, Kagome had never seen anything thing like it. And either Kagome went crazy, or she understood the little thing.

Apparently, pika translates to I'll help too.


Well there's the first chapter. Just for future reference this is my first ever fanfiction. Well the first one I've chose to actually write. I'll try to regularly update this. Now review! D