A/N This is my first story, so R&R please! No burns, flames, etc.
Disclaimer: I do not own these chars. If I did I would also own a pink corvette, a huge mansion and go skydiving every weekend. You get the point.


A light broke across the horizon, reflecting the jagged waves made by the storm. A great roll of thunder soon followed as the downpour continued. The deafening roar of the storm-tossed sea seemed to be the only sound that there was to be heard, but his keen ears picked up the distant wail of a voice. A voice that seemed...familiar.

"Sesshoumaru! You must not lie to your heart; tell her the truth! Don't let your grudge r…" A fresh break of waves sent Sesshoumaru spiralling underwater as he fought to hear the final words of his mother's fading cry.


"Mother? I…" Gasping for air as he fought the waves Sesshoumaru woke tangled in his blankets; his mother's voice was echoing through his head as the dream faded in waking. "I must do as my mother bids even if it's only a dream," he murmured half deliriously. Sesshoumaru slowly got out of bed, grabbed his sword and walked out into the night, leaving his castle behind.

The candle resting by his bedside flickered slightly as a breeze blew through the open window. It was raining.