Kate's POV

Time passed, and soon, my back healed, as did Snaps'. But the scars remained, much like the ones I could feel on my heart. M had made sure that I was "stable" enough to return to my work.

Everyone at MI6 seemed to notice the change in me, even I had. And no matter how much I smiled, my eyes were always sort of a deep sorrowful blue. Now and again, I woke up with tears in my eyes, but with Snaps and James there to help me, I slowly became somewhat like myself again.

James and Snaps remained as close as they thought was safe and Dyna and Jack did the same.

Life went back to normal, or as normal as life could be for Double O's. We continued to work in pairs and go on missions as usual.

We waited in the dark shadows of an alleyway. Snaps and James were holding hands for a few moments longer before it was time to go.

James kissed her on the cheek and I couldn't help but think of Lex for a moment. I looked up at the stars, shining down on us, yet it was a new moon tonight. Thankfully.

"Ready?" James asked us.

"Always," Snaps answered with a smirk.

"Yep," I said, smiling slightly, but I mumbled, "and never."

We all cocked our guns and headed off into the darkness, the life of shadows. Running, hiding, living, dying...but the living. That's the important part. Right?

The End

A Note to Our Loyal Readers: Hello all! We really hope that you enjoyed the final chapters of "Always and Never," and we apologize for the (literally) years it took to finish posting it. Like "Walk Two Sides," these chapters were written at the same time as all of the other chapters (approximately six years ago), I just didn't take the time to type them up until now, after a long and arduous search for our hard copies. However, we are pleased to announce that we will once again be combining our efforts to write a sequel to this fic, which should prove to be even more epic than the first installment. Keep your eyes open for updates and thanks for your loyal reading over the years!

P.S. Remember to check our our individual accounts, which play host to more current fanfictions including Fruits Basket, True Blood, Twilight, Harry Potter and more! My sister can be found under the username Liz08, and I can be found under annemarieknight. Thanks again!