New story! I was bored and this sort of popped into my head lol.

Alright so in this fic Naley weren't pregnant yet. Jake and Peyton were together all throughout high school, along with Jenny. Brooke and Lucas stayed together, Peyton never fell for Lucas. The gang were all set to go to Duke, but Brooke decided to take a different turn and go to NYU.

Remember to check out my other stories!



The first thing Lucas Scott always did when he woke up was to check and make sure he was still living, because the people he had pissed off in Tree Hill for the last couple of years, he was sure someone would've murdered him by now. Lucas wasn't proud of it, but it was the man he had become, the man he swore he would never be.

The next thing he always did was make sure his wife, Peyton, was still in the house. He would've thought she had left him by now. Once again, Lucas never thought he would be married to Peyton Sawyer, of all people. But Jake had been on the run again, and Brooke, well, Lucas really didn't like to think about her. It was a buried story and it was gonna stay buried.

He got up and looked outside his window. The house Lucas had bought had more than enough room. It was huge for a couple with no children, but hey, Lucas made money, and he made sure everyone knew it.

He walked down the long spiraling staircase, where a few maids were bustling around the kitchen. The table was already set up with his breakfast, black coffee and pacncakes. Since Peyton couldn't cook to save her life, the cooks came in handy. There was a note next to his plate, in Peyton's handwriting. Art show, be back later. Lucas rolled his eyes and sat down. They couldn't even write letters to each other without it sounding disconnected. But that was what their relationship was, disconnected.

In high school, Lucas would've jumped at the idea of being with Peyton Sawyer, but that all changed with the name of Brooke Davis. Lucas loved her with everything he had inside, she was apart of him. They were together through part of junior and the rest of senior year. They had stuck together through just about everything, and he always thought that they would be together forever. But reality had kicked both of them in the ass, and now Lucas was alone in a big house, with a wife he wasn't in love with. The gang had all applied to Duke, but Brooke had also applied to NYU for fashion. She didn't want to go, but Lucas and everyone else begged her to go, to follow her dream, so she went.

It was hard, but the first 2 years were easy. They all kept in touch with Brooke, it was like she never left, then starting junior year of college, everyone became busy, there was no time for 2 hour phonecalls, and the only time you could be on the computer, was if you were doing research, not emailing. And Brooke's schedule was just as demanding, there were times they wouldn't hear from each other for weeks, sometimes to a full month.

Then Nikki had come back, and knew exactly where to find Jake. Nobody knew she was back, until Nikki had tried to kidnap Jenny. Fortunately, she was more stupid than anyone had thought. She had tried to take Jenny in broad daylight. Lucas and Nathan saw her, and quickly took her away from Nikki, but Nikki promised to be back, and she did come back, this time with a heard of lawyers and child services, but there was no way they could get to Jake now. He was long gone.

After Nikki had come back, Jake took Jenny and ran as far away as they could. Peyton was heartbroken, but that's just the way things were. Now they had lost two people closest to them, then there were four.

Despite being married, Nathan and Haley pulled off marriage pretty well. Nathan was playing for Duke alongside Lucas, and Haley was studying to become a professor in English Literature. They had wanted kids, but decided to hold off until they were financially stabled, and not living in a dorm. They all pretty much got along, what was left of the gang. It was hard sometimes, losing touch with all yuor friends in only a span or four years, but that was the way things were, so they all accepted it. Lucas was still playing only 15 minutes in every quarter, but it was better than nothing. But soon Lucas literally got nothing.

It was Duke against University of Florida 89-91, Duke was down by 2. Nathan passed the ball to Rivera, who faked left and bounced it to Lucas, with only 4 seconds left. Lucas shot it behind the three point line, and it went in just as the buzzer sounded. There was so much noise, so many people around him, cheering. Lucas was happy, overjoyed, but he was this tight feeling in his chest, it was harder and harder to breathe. He heard Nathan calling his name, but it was faint, and all Lucas heard were screams as he collapsed.

He was rushed immediately to the hospital. Turns out he suffered from a heart attack, no doubt from his HCM. He had several doctors come in and give his opinion, but they all said the same thing. There was no way he would be able to play basketball professionally, ever. Not even for 15 minutes for each quarter, Lucas basically kissed his career goodbye.

He remembered the first night he was in the hospital, Nathan had stayed with him most of the time, while Haley went out somewhere, Nate said she was making a call. After they had left, Lucas was alone in his own misery. His whole life had been ripped out from under him, and all because of some disease he inherited from his bastard father.

Brooke showed up at his room that night. He'll never forget it.

"Come in," Lucas said bitterly.

"Hey Luke."

Lucas turned his head, "Brooke," he croaked.

"How are you doing?" she asked as she sat down in the seat next to him.

"I'm just fantastic. I haven't heard from the love of my life in two years, and now i've just found out i can never play pro ball ever again."

"Luke i'm sorry, about everything, but would you seriously rather be dead?"

"Sometimes i think so. I mean what am i supposed to do now?"

"Lucas you can do lots of things. YOu're still in school, you can become an author, or if you still wanna be involved in sports, be a sports agent."

"That's all really nice, but what about us?"


"Brooke no. I wanna know if we can ever get back to the way we were."

"It's not that simple."

"I know that. But i've been on this grind for two years, playing basketball and then thinking about you. I wanna knwo if its just wishful thinking."

"Lucas i can't pick up my life and move here. My life is in New York, i'm doing good in NYU, and i have to stay there if i want to make it big."

"So you're saying that your career is more important than me?"

"No, that's not what i'm saying. Lucas i have worked so hard for an opportunity like this, you have no idea, and i don't wanna give up on it."

"You know what, fine, go back to New York, and become that fashion designer, and forget about me."

And she did. Lucas never heard from her every again, except on television and in magazines. She was really living her dream, something she worked hard for. After awhile, Lucas felt bad for how he treated her, but too much had happened, he felt embarassed to even call her, he was that guilty. So he didn't. He went on to be that person he just didn't want to be.

Then Dan had died. It was old age, but the guy finally kicked the bucket. It was ironic really, people had been trying to kill Dan his whole life, but the only thing that managed to break him what just of old age. So Lucas attended the funeral during the end of senior year, along with Nathan, Haley, and Peyton. Lucas wasn't necessarily sad, but there was a loss and he felt it. Dan was an evil man. He hurt people, and he made people pay.

At the reception, Dan's lawyer had shown up with his will. Deb inherited the house and all his other assets, and Nathan and Lucas owned all of the dealerships in North Carolina. At first they were gonna sell it, but it occurred to Lucas that he needed to be making some money since he couldn't play in the NBA, so he decided to keep it. Nathan didn't want it, and it wasn't like he needed it, so Lucas was the sole owner of Scott Dealerships. Then things started getting messy.

The summer after college graduation, Lucas and Peyton had a little fling. It wasn't anything special, it was just two bitter angry people. Peyton missed Jake so much, and then he just left, 'people always leave,' was the story of Peyton's life. Lucas had alot going on, but it was mainly the fact that he was stuck in the life of Dan Scott. He was running a dealership, his dreams squashed because of an injury. All he needed was a kid to corrupt.

So they went on dating, if that's what you wanna call it, then they decided to get married. It also wasn't anything special, just Haley and Nathan were there. And they hated the idea of them getting married. Haley was still sure that Brooke and Lucas were meant to be, and Nathan just didn't think they were even in love. Those issues caused the two couples to drift apart eventually.

The irony of it was that both couples had moved back to Tree Hill ,and none really said a word to each other. Lucas was making money from the dealership and Peyton was still painting and having her own art galleries. Nathan had played in the NBA for 5 years, he loved it but when Haley got pregnant, he decided to retire early and be with her throughout the whole pregnancy. He was only in the business for five years, but he made alot of money off of it, and he was still getting endorsement offers. Haley was orginially studying to be a professor at a college, but settled for THH as an English Lit. teacher for seniors. Haley was now about 7 months into her pregnancy.

So much had changed within the past couple of years, it was hard to imagine the six were ever friends.

There were times when Lucas missed his old friends. He wondered how Brooke and Jake were everyday, if they were happy. He wished he could just go over to Haley and Nathan's house and hang out with them, just like old times. But again, those were old times, and Lucas had turned into an asshole, just like his father. Before most people figured it would be Nathan following in Dan's footsteps, but the tables were completely turned.

Lucas sometimes felt jealousy towards Nathan. Nate had everything Lucas wanted, always have, always will. Nathan had the love from his father, basketball opportunities of a lifetime, and a wife that loved him. Not to mentioned NBA stats that went through the roof. And now his wife was pregnant with a perfect baby on the way.

So basically Nathan had everything. The only thing Lucas got was a heart disease and a dealership.

Even six feet under Dan was taunting Lucas.