M'kay, I'm starting with a good summary!

Everything was going as it should've for Lewis and Wilbur, but there little adventure with time drew unwanted attention. Someone who has been looking for Lewis for a very long time has been able to track him through where the Time Machine left him off, and they don't exactly plan on letting him live! Lewis can't remember his adventure with Wilbur, and Wilbur and his family are slowly ceasing to exist. As the puzzle of why the enemy is doing this is falling into place, it is very possible Lewis's mom is the missing piece.


The ground everywhere was cloud. Nothing but rolling fields of fluffy white clouds. Above there were stars. There were the kinds of stars you could see without any pollution or light getting in the way of your view. Nothing but clouds on the ground and stars above. Three girls sat on benches made of cloud next to a big fluffy mountain of cloud, shadowing them from the little light the stars gave.

Another girl started running across the fluffy landscape towards the trio. She was waving a piece of paper in the air. "We were right! We were right! It's him! It's Lewis!" she shouted. Her friends shushed her quietly.

"Do you want everyone to hear us?" one of them hissed under her breath. The girl that just came in shook her head wildly.

"What will we do? What can we do?" another one asked. The first one fingered her traditional pentacle earrings nervously.

"We have to help him. For Lea?" she asked. The fourth one of their group looked up at the star spangled sky.

"For Lea, if anyone else," she said. A glowing silver ring encircled the four of them, and they disappeared.

Page break!

"Wilbur! Where are you?" Franny called from the hallway.

"Right here mom!" Wilbur called back, stepping out of one of the rooms. Franny crossed her arms.

"You were supposed to help your father with getting the valve in the time machine fixed!" Frannie said. Wilbur sighed.

"All right mom," he said.

"Carl and your father are in the garage." Franny said.

"All right mom." Wilbur said exasperatedly. He stepped into the living room and flipped over one of the sofas, jumping into the tube underneath. The tube quickly dropped him in the garage. Carl looked up from the time machine. His head went forward so it was right next to Wilbur.

"You forgot didn't you?" Carl said. Wilbur waved him away.

"Nothing but a bit of a blank." Wilbur said. He walked to the time machine and stood besides Cornelius.

"So what's the problem, Dad?" Wilbur asked. Cornelius opened the hatch of the time machine.

"When my younger self fixed the time machine the second time, one of the valves were leaking the chemical that actually controlled the time part. If your exposed to it, it takes a bit longer for you to grow fully because it detaches to from time somewhat. We have to fix the leak." Cornelius said to his son. Wilbur's eyes widened.

"But me and Lewis were in that thing!" he said. Cornelius crossed his arms and raised an eyebrow.

"I said it only makes you take a bit longer for you to grow fully. You would just need an extra year or something around that," he said. Wilbur climbed into the hatch and looked around a bit. He found a slightly broken valve inside one of the panels.

"I found it!" he said. When no one answered, he turned around and looked out. There wasn't anyone there.

"Dad?" he said. Cornelius was nowhere in sight. Neither was Carl, for that matter. Wilbur jumped out of the hatch and jumped up one of the tubes. He soon found himself in the living room again. Just like the garage, the place was totally deserted.

"This does not look good." Wilbur said to himself.

Lewis's time

Lewis watched the teacher intently. He was in English class and Ms. Marina was explaining the text of The Comedy of Errors, which was the Shakespeare book they were reading. Suddenly, a young girl of twelve tentatively opened the door and inch in.

"I'm sorry I'm late," the girl mumbled. Ms. Marina looked up from the book and smiled.

"It's okay. Class!" she called. Everyone looked up. The girl had black hair pulled neatly into a bun and she had deep almost-black eyes. She looked Hispanic and she was wearing no make up. The teacher spoke again, "We have a new student. This is-"

"Tess. Just Tess," the girl interrupted. The teacher was surprised for a moment but recovered quickly.

"Okay, why don't you sit in an empty seat and we'll continue the lesson." Ms. Marina said. Tess walked down the rows of seats and sat in the back, apparently not paying any attention to the teacher. Lewis looked at her curiously. She seemed to be drawing absently on a piece of paper. She was sketching a full moon with a dagger driven through it. Lewis glanced at her bare shoulder and saw that the same image was tattooed on her skin. Tess looked up suddenly and her gaze locked with Lewis's. He suddenly felt cold, as though the room around them had turned to ice. Her eyes held him and there was something in them that shouldn't have been there. It was inhuman. She turned her head to the front of the class and the feeling passed.

Lewis looked back at the teacher. There was something not right about Tess. He was right. If he were looking at her, he would've seen her eyes flash silver.


Well, I hope you liked it! I tend to have bad first chapters, so just give it a bit of a chance!

Disclaimer: Disney owns everything and their lawyers would probably rip me limb from limb if I tried denying it. Oh, well.