Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter or Disney, sadly...sniff Just enjoy the story

Authors note: If you haven't read my first story "Disney Warrior" Go back and read it so you'll know their backstory...

Disney Warrior: Alex and the chamber of secrets

By Jedimickey and Dan Man

Chapter 1: Dumbledoor's plea

A blinding light surrounded the body of a teenage boy he shut his eyes due to the brightness, soon though, the light dissipated. He then found himself standing in a dimly lit hallway, this was no ordinary boy though, this was the world famous Disney Warrior, Alex. The light from the torches around the walls reflected off hi spiky blonde hair and his navy blue eyes. He then turned around and saw his friends behind him, al looking rather confused. One was an attractive red-haired girl named Ariel, who was actually part mermaid. The second, was a tall older man, dressed in pirate garb, this was the notorious Captain Jack Sparrow. The third was a small, blue, dog-like creature named Stitch. As they all looked around confused. Ariel looked onto one of the walls and gasped. "A-A-ALEX!!! What's that!?" She cried. Alex turned and saw writing in red on the wall the writing read "THE CHAMBER OF SECRETS HAS BEEN OPENED, ENEMY'S OF THE HEIR BEWARE" All of them gaped at the sight. "What's THAT supposed to mean?" Jack asked. "Um…." Was all Alex could let out.

But before they could do anything else, they heard footsteps; they all turned and saw a large man with a scruffy black beard carrying a lantern. "What are you doing here?' The man asked. "Well mate there's a perfectly good explanation for all this…." There was an awkward silence. "Alex, you got an explanation?" Jack asked. Alex sighed in frustration and turned to Jack. "Why do you always assume I know EVERYTHING?" Alex asked. The man didn't seem to be in any mood for jokes. "I'm going to have to ask you four to leave…" The man said. "Do not be so hasty Hagrid..." An old voice spoke out. The man turned then moved away to reveal the figure of an older man in a dark purple robe. "They are here on MY invitation." The older man said. The older man then turned to the confused heroes. "If you want to know more follow me..." He said as he walked away. Alex shrugged and then reluctantly followed after the old man down the dark hallway. Ariel stayed close behind Alex and Stitch climbed up Alex's back and leaned over his shoulder. Jack smiled nervously at the large man known as Hagrid before running After Alex and Ariel.

After what seemed like a walk that took days, they eventually found themselves inside a large office which belonged to the older man. "Um, Sir, I don't remember accepting this invitation of yours…" Alex said almost sarcastically. "ALEX! Don't be rude!" Ariel scolded. "It's perfectly alright my dear..." The older man said as he sat down. "First of all, let me introduce myself, I am Professor Dumbledoor. Second of all, no one is forced here; you are all free to go…" Jack smiled and clapped his hands. "Excellent! Tata!" He began to make his way to the door. "That is….after you hear what I have to say..." Dumbledoor added. "I was afraid you'd say that…." Jack groaned.

"Alright then, let's hear it…" Alex said crossing his arms. Dumbledoor stood up and approached the window of his office. "This is no ordinary school Disney Warrior; this is a school of magic…" Dumbledoor said. Alex thought for a bit. "Hey wait a sec; I think I've heard of place! Isn't this that "Hogwarts school for witchcraft and wizardry"?" Alex asked. Dumbledoor nodded. "Indeed it is, but I'm afraid these are troubled times…" Dumbledoor sighed sadly. "I assume you read the writing on the wall?" He asked. Alex nodded. "Yeah, it said… "THE CHAMBER OF SECRETS HAVE BEEN OPENED, ENEMYS OF THE HEIR BEWARE…" Alex replied.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Ariel asked. Dumbledoor sighed again and sat down. "The chamber of secrets has been something of a legend in this school. The legend says that inside the chamber lies a horrible beast. And if this legend is true, and the chamber has indeed been opened, then this school is in grave danger…" Dumbledoor said.

"So THAT'S why you called us here, you want us to investigate this mystery, and if it's true, to take out the beast..." Alex said putting two and two together. "Precisely, I have heard of your many adventures young Alex, I apologize for brining you here like this, but I expected a written invitation to be turned down, this is a matter I wanted to discuss with you personally." Dumbledoor said. "Which is why I ask you, please, will you help us?"

Alex thought for a bit. "Sir? Can my friends and I talk this over?" Alex asked. "Certainly…" Dumbledoor replied. Alex, Jack, Stitch and Ariel huddled together on the opposite side of the room. "What do you think guys?" Alex asked. "I dunno, this sounds a wee bit fishy…" Jack replied. "But still, this guy doesn't look like he's lying… He looks really worried…" Ariel added. "Stitch…says…we should help!" Stitch spoke out. "I'm with Stitch on this! I say we help also!" Alex stated. "Well, if YOU'RE going, them I'M going too!" Ariel smiled. "Well, SOMEONE has to keep you out of trouble!" Jack shrugged. They broke from their huddle and turned towards Dumbledoor. "Professor Dumbledoor, we're here to help!" Alex smiled.

Dumbledoor smiled warmly. "Excellent, if you're going to be staying here, then you'll be needing these…" Dumbledoor reached down into a large chest and tossed Alex and Ariel a pair of white shirts, red and yellow stripped ties, and a pair of black robes with a small emblem on the top left. "What are these?" Alex asked. "Our school uniforms. You will be disguised as students in order to roam freely around the school without suspicion. You must hide your sword underneath this, no one must know you're the Disney Warrior; we have enough panic in this school already." Dumbledoor then tossed Alex and Ariel a pair of small objects which resembled brown sticks. Before Alex could ask, Dumbledoor replied. "Those are wands, like all the other students, you'll be attending every class and learn the ways of magic."

"Interesting…." Alex replied. Something then occurred to him. "Hey wait, what about Jack and Stitch?" Alex asked. "Mr. Sparrow will be stationed with our groundskeeper Hagrid. As for Stitch, most of the students here have pets so he should fit right in!" Dumbledoor smiled. "Wasn't Hagrid that big guy we saw out there?" Ariel asked. "Oh lucky me…" Jack replied sarcastically. Dumbledoor then tossed Alex a piece of paper. "This is a map to your dormitory, you will come across a painting of a fat lady, then simply speak out loud the words listed on the paper and it will let you in" Dumbledoor said. "I also want you to keep a close eye on one of my other students; his name is Harry Potter..."

"Yes sir!" Alex said. "Well, let's go Alex…" Ariel said. As they began to make their way to the door Dumbledoor spoke out. "One more thing Alex, Just because you are the Disney Warrior, it dose not mean you will receive special treatment. You will abide by school rules, and will receive the punishment if you don't…" Alex bowed. "I understand sir…" Alex said. With that, they left Dumbledoor's office, leaning him there alone. "Please…. Help us Disney Warrior…." He sighed to himself softly.