"For Serenity's Sake"
By: Isis }-
Rated: G
Disclaimers: Please do not copy.
AN: The wrap up and conclusion to another installment of my
imagination. Please note, this epilogue is meant to encompass
several years time. Dedicated to the dreamers, there are select few
of us out there, and we have a place… who else can God count on
to love rainy days and simply need a good book? ;)


Endymion rested his hip against the railing to the first story
balcony outside of his quarters. The prince was happy to be back
to the soil of his birth, yet it felt foreign to him in some way. The
experiences of the past week had numbed him badly, and he found
himself clinging on to some idea of what should have been, more
than allowing the happens of what was settle in.

The palace was quiet and the wind whistled cold through his
nightclothes. And still he stared up at the frozen stars mingling
their light through the clear ice of the sky.

The battle that took with it both the near insane Council Loki and
mysterious Lady Styx was still prevalent in his mind… and on his

He was not all that surprised to find that no one had seen Styx, in
her true form, withholding the blast that was intended to destroy
them. None had known how she had accomplished it once they
found out that it was her powers that had held it at bay enough for
the core of the explosion to be uncondensed enough to limit its

And he was not to ever mention what their friend's purpose had
truly been here, or that her sacrificed was for penalty of using the
extent of her powers over Time.

Serenity as well had promised to keep her secret and remained
faithful to that. Glancing over his shoulder he looked into their
rooms, ensuring that her door was still closed. The princess had
saved the life of her teacher and friend, Luna, by her abilities to
heal. And she had come into her own as far as her powers were
concerned, and grew forward in them readily now.

The Councils of the planets had been aghast at the prospect of one
of their own driven over the edge and with what could have been
disastrous consequences. …Or more disastrous.

He shook his head and looked up to the stars once more. He could
not escape Styx's last words, but oddly they did not haunt him,
instead they gave him hope that her spirit was indeed well. He did
not understand the mysteries of her mission, yet he could not
question her loyalty to them or her obedience to the path that she
had chosen for herself.

Looking up again, he found, not a bright star, but a patch of blank
sky, and in that darkness he smiled slightly. Her domain was
never Earth, nor even this Solar System. She guarded all beyond
that, guarded time itself. He had nothing to fear for her, or for
their future.

Turning away he retreated inside; and in the patch that he had
sighted, there began a faint flicker of garnet light…

The thaw of the spring introduced the Earth's Palace to a warmth
of heat and color as the snows gave way to the rising temperatures
and the flowers that dared to peek through the cover of white
slowly replace it with more intriguing hues.

Though the nights were still cold, the snow had turned to rain and
when clouds filled the sky of such a night, the rain did not come


The cry sent the prince from the grips of sleep and to a sitting
position in his bed only a second before Serenity crashed into him;
the door that adjoined their rooms just now banging against the
wall behind it due to the force she had exerted on it.

She leapt onto the bed and headfirst into his arms as another blast
apparently ricocheted off the castle walls. Cringing for dear life
she threw her arms tightly around him and whimpered

"What?" he questioned quickly. "What is it? Serenity?"

He cradled her against him as the sound continued from outside,
this time accompanied by a blast of white light that lit the room.
She cringed back again and pointed towards the window across the
bed, too shocked to speak.

He looked to her outstretched hand, tense beside her; yet still
unsure what it was that terrified her. Serenity croaked out a
question, balling herself smaller into his arms, "Are we under

He looked down at her, in the room being lit sporadically by the
light from the blasts, and the rumble could be heard near
constantly. How could he not notice a battle being wagged right
outside the walls of their protection?

He shook his head slowly and she heard him begin to laugh softly,
in what seemed like an eternity inside her view of frightened
energy. She looked up at him insanely confused, and now
possibly more frightened.

Yet for his part, Endymion took to holding her a bit more tightly
and rubbed a hand down her back and a kiss to her hair. "No,
there is no attack, Princess," he soothed.

"What is it?"

"It is only a lightning storm."

She looked to him, more confused than frightened. "What?" she
questioned, nearly unheard in another wave of the rumbling.

He smiled at her in the bright flashes. "It is a rain storm. Nothing

"Rain?" What sort of rain would come with such destruction?

He nodded, pulling her close and settling back against his
headboard. "Storms are common here, especially during the

"But, what is it?"

He pointed calmly at the window and whispered close to her ear.
"The flashes are lightning, something that you commonly do not
have on the Moon since your weather is instituted by the calm of
the Silver Crystal. As far as any know, it is a force created by the
clouds rubbing against each other."

She gazed out the window, mesmerized by the thought of these
forces being natural, and not the destructive energies of what has
come to be the sole donation of mankind to creation. She could
not turn away, but her hands still clung tightly to her husband.

"The sound is called thunder, it is now being described as the
direct result of these flashes of energy."

Serenity barely heard his words as a mounting crash smashed into
them, possibly shaking the foundations of the castle. She turned
from her trance and buried her head into the covers, wrapped
haphazardly around his frame.

Endymion pulled the remainder of the covers up around her and
held her fast, smoothing her hair and pecking a kiss here and there
along her head. "It can not harm you, Princess," he whispered to
her, using his often-said pet name to sooth her.

She glanced up again, his words striking her. "No?"

He shook his head slowly as more light poured through the
windows. "You are perfectly safe here."

She glanced around her again and settled back against him, wide-
eyed and frightened but more calm. Perhaps, there truly was
nothing to fear. Yet each time she thought that, another roar of
this "thunder" ripped physically through her.

Each time she would cringe, and Endymion would pull her a bit
tighter or rub a hand along her neck, to sooth her. And once she
quieted her heartbeat enough, she heard his, slow and calm,
unruffled by the developments of his planet's weather.

Slowly the noise diminished to infrequent busts, yet each time she
thought to remove herself from her guardian's care a blast sent her
heart-rate soaring. Her nerves were trembling and her eyes were
dry, yet he held her close and allowed her sporadic questions on
the nature that now terrified her.

Realizing this, Serenity rose herself from his arms just a bit and
looked up at him. "I am sorry…"

"For what?" He tipped her chin up a bit farther. "I should
apologize for not having versed you on this before."

She shook her head, "You underestimate the type of coward I am."

He chuckled at her, not very strong, joke and hugged her once
more, finding her hand in the wad of covers and bed sheets. He
slid over to the opposite side of the bed and tugged at her hand to
come with him. "There is only one way to rid yourself of that."

She shook her head furiously once she discovered that he meant to
lead her towards the window.

He nodded again and held her hand fast, but waiting on her to
finished crewing her bottom lip before slowly following. She
realized now that her lip mildly hurt and, she was sure, slightly
swollen as well from her nervous biting. She truly would have to
break herself of that habit…

He padded over to the window that still slowed flashes of light and
the rumblings were distanced a bit now, but still grudgingly
frightening. Endymion led her before the window and wrapped
his arms around her, calmly standing her before the glass and the
elements outside it.

The flashes, she now saw, emanated from the clouds seemingly so
low in the sky. The waves of light crawled along their lumpy
surfaces and etched out patterns that, had she not been so numbed,
would have caused a greater sense of wonder than fear.

Yet off in the distance a line of light, branched and forked in many
places, slashed like a knife from the sky to the ground of the
horizon. A second later, the quick burst of an explosion
ricocheted around them. Serenity pressed back into her husband's
care and he cradled her tightly.

"That is sky to ground lightning. It has been known to cause some
mischief, but normally it is more show than fight," he whispered
aside her ear. "It is nothing to fear, yet I warn you never to be
caught without on such a night."

She nodded solemnly that she would never attempt that adventure.

He led her back to the bed and let her sit down. "Are you all right
now?" he asked, kneeling down next to her in the light-studded

"Yes," she mumbled shakily. And by the quiet she knew he did
not believe her. "Truly, I will be well."

He chuckled and rose to place a kiss on her forehead, "Then why
do I still feel a desperate fear from you?"

She sighed hopelessly, how did she lie to someone that could feel
her emotions? "Perhaps, but I have taken up enough of your rest,"
she commented.

"Indeed." He scooted her over and crawled into the bed beside

She was surprised at the move and she now found herself rather
shamed at having spent so much time within his bed already
without even thought of it.

He curled the covers up again and glanced at her, pulling her chin
over to look at him. "Stay here tonight."

Serenity did not know what to say, it was not as though they were
not married, yet they were fully without relations…

"You will never get to sleep alone and you are still frightened."
He smiled at her, "Allow me the honor of your protection,

He bowed just a bit and she could not help but smile at his
warmth. "I should not impose," she muttered though.

"No imposition, I would just like you to feel safe." He hugged her
lightly and she fell warmly into his embrace.

"If you so insist, my Prince."

He lowered them to the mattress snuggled the covers close. She
felt a bit unplaced again and wondered at the properness of the
situation, yet with the receding sounds of the storm, she did feel
safe still wrapped in his arms and within these walls. She felt a
blush rise to her checks as she noticed for the first time that both
her and her husband were clothed in much less than they had
previously seen each other in, and she became rather thankful of
the dark.

The thoughts continued, yet she slowly began to slip off,
comfortable as she was against his side, and her worries for the
future also began to melt away as she would look back on this
from time and again.

The darkness penetrated everything, and was everything. Deep
and cold in a place outside of existence, two figures stood in this
emptiness filled with all that they knew.

A circle of light illuminated by images held within its spherical
frame. They spiraled rapidly, projecting a loop of snap-shots of a
singular couple; a young woman with long blond hair, and a man
cloaked in armor.

The visions continued to play without pause as they reflected the
pair, here dressed and dancing at a ball, here atop a horse in the
countryside of Earth. Once it showed them wrapped within a
blanket, just kept from the rainfall outside the shelter of the
overhang of the balcony above them. Another flash illumined
them back-to-back in a makeshift argument.

Several hundred moments flew by in the timeless instance of these
two figures… yet it came to pause upon a scene frozen in the
second of a flash of lightning. The two lay curled together,
wrapped under covers in soft sleep.

"God grant that they shall last," came a soft feminine voice from
the keeper of space.

The other remained, silent and watchful.

Looking to the other the first asked, "Will you be this subdued
when you meet him again?"

Lady Pluto turned to regard her. "Time has a way of altering
things, and it shall be the one to tell."
Without farther comment the other walked away, headed once
more for the cold outer rim and to her waiting rest.

The other looked after her before turning once more to the globe
still before her. With a flicker of her hand the ball extinguished
itself in a bust of light and the black of night was only interrupted
by a formless voice. "And once in motion, a force shall forever
remain in motion."

Kunzite looked up from his book as someone walked into the
library. The ball was still in full display, yet Mina happily
wondered into the dimmer lit sitting room. Flipping her long
golden hair back behind her she walked forward, clasping her
hands behind her back.

"To what do I owe the pleasure of the Social Light visiting me?"
he asked setting his book aside. She stopped before him, still
draped in her formal gown.

"It is my duty to ensure that you do not skip out on your duties,"
she said easily.

He frown up at her, "What would that be?"

She blinked a few times, realizing that her joke did not seem to
work. "Well, to attend these functions of state," she mumbled,
more to the floor than to him.

"I see," he said, eyeing her playfully. "Would that be because the
prince would like to see me there, or because you would?"

She looked up at him, a bright blush busting in her checks.
Stuttering she lost eye contact again as she found the floor tiles did
not have her script written on them.

Kunzite rose from his chair and, smiling, tipped her chin up to
look at him. "I am hoping for the latter," he mumbled. Before she
could gain herself for an answer he lowered his lips to hers to
quiet them. The initial shock wore away quickly as he heard a
dreamy sigh before she sweetly kissed returned his lips' visit.

Minerva smiled triumphantly at the young woman beside her as
the two made their way quickly away from the prince's quarters.
Ida, the child-maid of Princess Serenity, giggled along happily
beside the elder servant of the Earth's court. The two were not
prone to eavesdropping, yet they had ears, surely the wish was to
not allow their disuse…

"The princess would think of having us both flogged should we
mention this to anyone," she sighed as they dismounted the stairs
from the young heirs' second story wing.

"Indeed, I believe Endymion would allow her the spectacle," she
muttered between chuckles.

The two continued to laugh their way along the corridors, now in
search of such friends as would be interested in hearing what two
old and two young ears had to say…

"It is impolite to spy upon your friends," seemed to be the only
thing Ami had to say as she was tagged along behind Lita, Zoicite
and Nephrite. Yet she was being physically dragged by Lita as
they follow, nonchalantly, behind the two generals.

"Come on Ami, they have been out here for hours, they could be
in some sort of trouble."

"We would know if there was trouble," she commented

Zoicite circled back around and placed an arm around her waist.
"Come now, we will only ensure that they are all right," he

She was still unsure of sneaking around, looking after their lieges,
yet she found a blush to her checks at being carried along by the

The group came to a crossing in the gardens and Nephrite snagged
onto Lita's arm, calling her back from the front of the group to
creep up behind a bush. "I would not have figured you for the
type to play pranks like this, General Nephrite," Lita commented,
giggling as lightly as possible.

He smiled a bit at her, "In truth, neither did I."

The four chuckled over their goofiness, yet they continued to inch
forward until the group was in earshot of two voices. They paused
to listen for a few moments, unable to catch any good gossip, and
only managing the weather report and a few varied accounts of the
flowers nearby. The group slowly slinked away again.

"That was almost dejecting," Zoicite commented as they left

"It was simply not right of us."

At that Lita spun around, arms crossed and rolled her eyes. "Oh
come on," she sighed. "We are made to live lives, not look at

Ami held to her proper position and simply folded her hands in
front of her, lowing her eyes and preparing a lecture. "I just do not

She squeaked loudly as she found herself picked up bodily from
the ground and placed in the arms of Zoicite. Looking up she
found herself nose to nose and inches from his crystal green eyes.
"We are going to have to teach you to be a bit more lively."

The other two laughed at the sight and he carried her easily
towards the fountain, central to this area of the rose garden.
Seeing this she clutched onto his neck, determined not to be
dumped off. "You would not!"

He chuckled, "Of course not."

She sighed, relieved.

"But I have wondered how far your manipulation over water

She smiled sweetly, and found an evil idea plant itself in her mind.
It would be his own fault for being such an influence. "Only as far
as I need them to," she commented.

He looked at her oddly, and was rather unprepared for a splash of
the fountain to rise up and dump itself over the top of his head, yet
barely dampening her.

His ponytail was soggy, and once he reopened his eyes, his bangs
were draped over them and dripping. She could not help but laugh
at his expense, yet helped to remove the hair from his eyes. Yet
without warning, and with one hand not supporting her, she found
herself dropped from his arms into those of the fountain they were

The cold of its water sprung a shiver up her back and she shrieked
beside herself.

Even at that, Zoicite was quick to offer her a hand to rise from the
water, and once soggily on her feet again; he wrapped his hands
over her shoulders, laughing uncontrollably. "I am sorry," he
mumbled between bouts of chuckles, and for reason she was not
sure of, she returned his laughter at their predicament.

The other two continued to laugh uncontrollably, Lita holding on
to Nephrite's arm to keep herself upright. "Of course you know
what this means," she managed to him.


Leaning up she showered over him an avalanche of leaves, picked
up from a newly racked pile behind them. "We can not allow
them to outdo us!"

A quiet blanket of snow covered the winter ground. Its quilted
patterns overlay small bushes and trees tucked in for the long night
of their peaceful sleep. The dim winter quiet permeated the air
and hung in the heavy drapes of clouds above; promising more
snow once the night's cold was sufficient.

Nothing disturbed this white loneliness… Except for a few flying

"Oh!" Rei squeaked, as she fell over, off balanced by the sudden
splat of frozen water against her muffed right ear. Toppling over,
her aim was thrown off and her shot at the now-ducking Lita went

"Come on, Pyro, too cold for you?"

The fallen princess picked herself up, dusted off the snow, and
glared ice cycles at her offender, who for his part stood a ways
away, bouncing a prepared ball up and down in one hand. "That is
princess to you, General Jadeite." Walking slowly forward with
one hand on her hip she continued to glare at his mockingly
smiling face. "Of course if you would like me warm things up a
bit I would be more than happy to," she added.

He nodded happily as she slid up next to him. "Oh would you,
Princess?" he asked leaning his check down towards her for a

"Of course," she mumbled, hopping up on one toe and promptly
bringing her other hand up to knock his remaining snowball, hand
still attacked, to smash into the side of his face. "I am said to be
the Queen of Cold Shoulders," she sighed happily and walked
back towards the fray, spinning just fast enough for her length of
black hair to whip past his face as well.

"Funny," the other mumbled, wiping the wetness from his face, "I
thought I was the one that gave you that title."

Endymion and Kunzite stood slightly behind this whole scene and
neither could help but laugh at their comrade. They continued to
laugh at the sight of five royal princesses throwing snow at each
other. And of course, Jadeite was not the only one that had been
lead into the fray either. Zoicite was right at home in the snow
and was more than happy to show the girls a few strategies.
Nephrite likewise had been carried out by an insistent Lita, who
somehow had become a favorite target.

And acting as a protector he was not fairing as well either.
Coming from a section of Earth that, like Kunzite's home, never
saw snow, he was doing all he could to keep both of either heads
down. The prince and the high general had so far been able to
avoid being drug into this little war, yet they were not going to last
long either.

A surprise attack was launched from behind as they had been
absorbed by Jadeite's terrible flirtation display. Two snowballs
flew out of nowhere to land upside either of their heads.

Two figures, nearly indistinguishable in the overstuffed coats and
makeshift pants, blond hair spilling from around the hoods,
giggled merrily. The two men wiped snow from their faces and
looked at each other hopelessly. "You realize that they do not
believe that we will retaliate, correct?" Kunzite asked quietly.

"Correct," Endymion responded. "But neither of them realize how
frosted I am just standing here."

The two nodded, and while their opponents were distracted, they
attacked. Kunzite scooped up a handful of snow and narrowed the
gap between them too quickly for Mina to run far. Catching her
arm he spun her around from her gasped flight and threw the
powdery snow into her face, bracing her from falling over
afterwards with a supportive arm around her back.

Endymion never bothered picking up the pillowing fluff, he only
caught Serenity by the waist and spun her around. A decisively
too quick movement that left them off balance and waveringly
landed them in the nearest bank.

Endymion heard Serenity mumble something and looked up to
find her pulling herself upright, white powder cascading off of her
face as she had landed right side down into the mound. The prince
could do nothing but lie there and laugh at the sight she made,
brushing her already red checks off with the sleeves of her coat.

Hearing him laugh at her she promptly smacked him with her
sleeve as she shook her head to get the snow out of her hair. He
continued to laugh as he pushed himself up to one elbow and used
the other hand to brush her bangs back from her face. Her nose
and checks were both cold and red, yet she smiled at him
warmly… Warm enough to melt his heart that much more.

A small snow-shrouded bush hid them from view of most of the
still rampaging others and he could not help but see them as
secluded enough. Looking up into those two beautiful blue eyes
that he had come to know more deeply than his own, he carefully
leaned up towards her, using the hand he held on her chin to bring
her down to meet him. She giggled a bit at the move, but did not
back away as he met her lips to his, warming the frostbite from
them both in a sweet embrace. Releasing her lips he rubbed his
nose over hers, her breath warm on his check. Giggling
hysterically she backed away, rubbing her nose with her sleeve
again, as though the cold had amputated her hands.

Slowly he picked himself to his feet, helping her up as well, but
not letting go. With the others still chasing themselves around the
once proud gardens, he pulled his wife into a warm hug and she
willingly snuggled in close. "You were not suppose to retaliate,"
she muttered.

He laughed again, "I know."

With her hood partially folded back from the surprise attack he
pecked a light kiss on her hair. Placing his chin on her head he
noted a snowflake fall gently down in front of his eyes. Looking
up he could see that it had started in again sooner than they had
expected, probably attempting to make up for the damage that the
group had done to the beautiful landscape it had created earlier.
Looking around he was tempted to call the rest of them inside for
the night, yet he found no one near…

He did not get the chance to figure out where they had gone before
a full barrage of flying snow hit the two of them from all sides.

"Is there a reason that you must be so persistent?"

General Jadeite followed the red-cloaked woman out onto the
balcony of the Moon's Imperial Palace and continued to pester the
young woman. "I simply asked you for your hand in a dance,

She spun back with an annoyed gurgle. "For the last time,
General, I am not interested."

"No?" he questioned looking hurt. She spun away; nose tilted a
bit too high as she walked on. He followed with a smile. "But
perhaps I am?"

"I do not particularly care."

Her haughty voice only led him on as Jadeite continued his
frequent bickering with Lady Rei. She was the only person that he
had come to know that could always return his banter, never
faltering to have a comeback.

He had no doubt that he annoyed her, but in truth the few times
that he had resolved to lessen his attempts at gaining her interests,
he found himself wrapped in a conversation just as vibrant, and
usually by this lady's fault. Perhaps wishful thinking, yet he could
not help but try his hand at this woman… time and again as it was.

She glanced behind her to see him still following along, taking in
the scenes of the night while tagging in her footsteps. And she just
as quickly turned back around, throwing only a "Will you quit
following me?" back over her shoulder.

He chuckled, and stepped up his pace to stride beside her, "Do you
mean me, Princess?"

She did not even flutter a response as she sidestepped onto a
downward stairway and away from him again. He did not follow
but instead turned back the other direction and prowled along her
path above her as she made her way through the beginnings of the
garden just below this balcony.

She paused at a small bench and turned to look behind her, yet
found no one there. Looking more curiously around her she still
found no sight of him and seated herself with a sigh on the stone
directly beneath Jadeite's feet.

"Why might I be so cursed by that man?" she asked herself aloud.
Shaking her head she looked back again and still finding no one
she giggled to herself and leaned back upon her hands, looking up
at the sky with a happy sigh and smile touching her lips… Only to
have that smile washed quickly away.

"Cursed indeed," he muttered indignantly, staring openly at her.

With a growl she jumped up to her feet and then surprised him by
bounding up atop the bench she had been seated on to rise to a
height just above that of the railing he lounged against. "Is there a
specific purpose why you are incapable of leaving me be?"

Pausing thoughtfully, Jadeite tapped his finger against the stone
rail before quite straight-facedly stating, "No."

She slapped a hand atop his tapping finger to quiet it and
threatened to turn away. Catching her hand though he stopped her
and she wheeled back to him on being restrained. "Although, I
could be forced into submission, should the lady allow me only
one dance this evening," he smoothed over, attempting a quick
peck on her hand, though not making contact before she yanked it

"Why should I want such a thing as that?"

"To get rid of me?"

She laughed heartily and stood up to face him fully, "I do believe I
was told that before."

"Yes, but that only lasted for one night." He bowed his head to
lounge it against his hand held by the elbow on the railing and
smiled at her. "How should a man be able to content himself with
just that for the rest of his lifetime?"

"Your lifetime may be shorter than you anticipate, General."

There was no fire behind her words, but it was that argumentative
indifference that he was truly growing very fond of. "Then you
would not disallow a dying man a last wish, would you?"

She rolled her eyes and swished her long shadow of hair behind
her. She leaned forward against the railing and gazed up at him a
moment. "What wrong did I do you in a past life to make you
hunt me like this?"

"No wrong," he smiled, settling lower in his stance.

"Then you simply enjoy these arguments?" she questioned

"Of course," he answered honestly. "One of the best of your
features…" he muttered, taking in her, and the bright earthlight he
was slowing becoming accustomed too.

Her dubious expression softened slightly but she laughed at him
just the same. "I am so thrilled that you noticed."

"Always," he smiled, lowing his chin to his crossed arms above
the railing, looking her directly in the eye.

She seemed surprised by his switch of tactics, but she was no less
without a comment. "Is there not someone else that you could
take your 'affections' out on? Why am I so singled out?"

He smiled, still gazing her, wondering just the same thing. He had
never imagined being so knotted by a single woman… but none
also had those perfect violet eyes. "Because you have an answer
for almost everything," he said instead.

She blinked, "Just almost? It seems to me that—"

He nodded, and leaned in closer over the rail that separated them
before allowing her to finish. "Let me just test it," he whispered,
before he thought of his actions, and leaned in; brushing her lips
with his in a small kiss.

Pulling away he looked up to see her eyes wide and stunned.
Realization clicked in his head a few seconds too late and he
leaned back. He had just committed what would be a high treason
against a maiden of her years without her consent. Violating his
soldier's protocol was not the foremost care on his mind as he
looked back at her unblinking stare, realizing that that simple kiss
was completely unbidden and unreturned.

"Rei," he muttered, tearing his eyes away, "please forgive me…"

"Forgive you?" came a breathed question.

He looked back down at her, swallowing hard. To his surprise she
held a smirk to her lips and a glimmer in her eyes.

"Why should I want to do such a thing as that?" He shook his
head absently and she stepped up on tiptoe, placing her hand on
his shoulder to being him closer, "I always have a come-back."

Sliding her hand up to his neck she brought him closer yet and
rose to meet her lips to his again. Shocked it took him a moment
to register everything before he raised an eyebrow, closed his eyes,
and kissed her back.

The snowfall continued lightly though the early evening and into
the night, yet Endymion stood a moment at the balcony door's
glass and studied the flakes' reflection in the guard-post fires that
lit the outer edge of the castle wall. They spiraled slowly down in
a serene pattern that somehow calmed every soul beneath their
originating clouds.

He smiled to himself and glanced back into the room, with its fire
burning warmly and the night's pressure to rest settling heavily.
His young wife still sat perching on the sofa, wrapped round with
a blanket and curled up before the fire.

…Serenity… That one thing was for what he truly lived.

"Take away love and our earth is a tomb." - Robert Browning

"A psychiatrist is a person who will give you expensive answers
that your wife will give you for free." - Chad Woerner

Ending Author's notes:

Well, yet again I bid you farewell, but invite you to write to me
any time. I am entering my last years of college and do not know
if I will be able to continue writing. sniff Although I love this,
and am truly amazed at the people that I have been able to talk to
through this universe, this may be the last work that I am able to
do… at least for a while. I am hopefully going to get my web
page out of mothballs and put up, and another mixture type story
put together, but I do not know yet.

For any developing information I have a profile set up at Yahoo!
with any forthcoming info.
web page at: realmofisis
BTW, alternate e-mail address is
in case you have any trouble with my normal one. I thank you all
for reading through this and I pray that my writings have helped
you in some way (at least as a combat to boredom!) I am also
available for any consultation, I just love mail! ;)

If this is my final work, I thank all of you sooooo very much for
the wonderful experiences I have had. God bless.

Isis }-

copyright January 3, 2001.

"My books are water; those of the great geniuses are wine.
(Fortunately) Everybody drinks water." - Mark Twain

"I have never written a thing; I have only been privileged enough
to have been able to read a few things before anyone else."