And He Took Her Away.
Disclaimer; Erm...Get a brain i do not own Naruto or any of the characters
(Inner Self) I.e. Inner Sakura, Inner Sasuke
Summary: Itachi took Sakura away…….Sasuke wants her back...right? (SASUxSAKU)
A/N: Okay i was thinking about it && i think ItaSakuSasu is the way to go...but it'll have a twist so i'll leave this chapter SasuSaku but it's gonna be short. Bc i could DO so much more if it was ItaSakuSasu...&& i might move the rating to M...REVIEW && LET ME KNOW WHAT YOU THINK
Last Chapter on a.H.T.H.A.:
"Lets get moving. We don't have much time." Naruto sprinted off.
"Naruto wait! We don't even have a clue where they are."
The kyuubi container stopped dead in his tracks, "I have an idea."
(With Sasuke)
Sasuke stopped as well. "What? How would you know?"
Naruto ignored the question and left running. Leaving a questionable Sasuke behind.
"Dobe." he muttered to no one. The wind moved, rustled his hair, playing with him. He knew...that she was alive.
"Sasuke-kun" she moaned.
He shook his head. 'What the fuck is Naruto doing? He is suppose to stay behind me...if he ruins this for me, he could endanger both of us...her.'
The bushes leaves scattered quicky, that would be normal except there was no more wind. Sasuke looked to his left, then to his right, there was nobody around him.
"Naruto" He whispered.
No answer.
"Naruto' He said a little louder, still trying to make himself oblivious to others.
No answer again.
Sasuke rage increased, "DOBE!"
Birds flew away to escape Sasuke's wrath.
Frantic footsteps. Sasuke stood still.
Naruto appeared, "Why are you screaming you teme? Do you want to give away-"
"We are still in Kohona." he pointed to the entrance gates to their city knowing what he was going to say.
"Still..." he said embarassed, trying to think of a smart comeback to say or something. He didn't, there was silence instead.
"Where is Sakura?" Sasuke demanded.
"How would I know?"
"Y-You said you had an idea!"
"Oh yeah. Ahahaha. Sorry. Yeah I do."
"Oh I ment I did have an idea." Naruto replied.
"Don't yell at me! IT WAS YOUR BROTHER THAT TOOK HER IN THE FIRST PLACE." Naruto screeched.
"And all you seem to be concerned about is fighting your brother. What about Sakura?"
"Dammit Sasuke. You are such a bastard." Naruto started to walk away, but was hit over the head.
Naruto turned around, and felt the blood trickling down his skull and falling to the back of his neck. "What the hell Sasuke?"
"Stay.Behind.Me." he demanded.
"Why? No."
"Do you want Sakura back or not?"
"DO you?" He bellowed.
"Then get behind me. Keep a distance so that your not detected. We'll have seperate camps. The only time I should see you is when we are going to get Sakura."
"..." Naruto was silent. He didn't know what to say.
Sasuke got ready to leave.
"Why was she crying last night?"
Sasuke stopped what he was doing, he even stopped breathing. He knew what Naruto was talking about.
"Sasuke. Why?"
"I'll see you in four days." Was all he said, then he left, leaving a patch of dust circulating, and Naruto clueless.
"Yeah. Hopefully." he said to no one, "Hopefully."
(With Sakura)
Her head was down, her neck couldn't support her body. Her body couldn't support her body. She was deprived. Starving, freezing, scared shitless. Oh yes, this is exactly where she wanted to be. Sakura rolled her eyes. The locks clicked. Her eyes rose up just enough to see the door. It opened slowly. Almost like a horror movie, well...close enough anyway. She still felt the dry blood on her face, she knew that she looked like hell. Fuck she was in it. She could feel her skull throbbing from Itachi, she could still feel her bruises pulsing. at least its better than not feeling anything at all. At least this way she knew that she was alive, no mind games with this reality. No. She was alive and she was feeling the pain of it every second.
Every moment.
Every breath.
Every touch.
Every thought.
She felt it. Couldn't change that. Wouldn't be able to do a thing about either.
Sakura snapped back into reality, well hers anyway.
'Great.' She thought sarcastically.
Deidra walked in. His long blonde hair flowing. And his deadly eyes piercing her tired ones. She let her head fall down again. The chains rattled, making an eerie echo flow through out the "room."
"Girl." he said, she looked up as if it was a command.
"Sakura." she corrected him.
He scoffed, "Whatever." he put down somehthing and kicked it over. It scratched over the floor, the noise making Sakura want to tear her ears off, the thing was she was in chains still.
Deidra started to walk away.
"Where are you going?" she said helplessy, sounding pathetic.
"None of your concern."
"How am I suppose to eat this?"
"..." he looked at her.
Sakura moved her arms making the chains rattle, "I'm in chains. I can't...can't move my arms."
"What do you want me to do? Feed it to you?" he sounded disgusted.
"No need for that." Another voice said.
'Itachi.' she thought reluctantly. ' I...No...its...I'm...I'm tired and confused...thats it...' She tried to reasure her self.
"Hmph." Deidra said. Itachi drew closer. Finally when Deidra and Itachi were side by side, he leaned over and whispered into Itachi's ear.
Sakura watched.
Itachi's eyes grew huge, "What?"
Sakura flinched but she still watched.
Deidra moved his head away, looked at Sakura then started whispering again.
'Are they...talking about me?' she thought frantically.
"I'm sorry." were Deidra's parting words.
Itachi nodded, still...he looked like he was in disbelief. He inched his way closer to Sakura again. She pulled her legs closer to her. Making herself in some sort of ball. He sat down in front of her. Just a foot or two seperating them. He reached his arm out and stroked her chin. She gasped.
He chuckled, "Poor you."
"GET OFF! GET OFF ME! GET OFF!" she started to sob.
Itachi looked at her confused. "Sakura."
"Go..." she started to sob.
"Why are you crying?"
"I-I...I don't know."
"I DON'T KNOW! OKAY?" she yelled.
"Here." he said holding out a fork with some type of food on it. "You can thank Tobi for it later."
She waited for him to move it closer to her mouth.
"What do you say?"
"Fuck you?" she scoffed.
"Hmph. Sakura."
"What do we say?" he moved the fork towards his mouth.
'He wouldn' no way...' she thought.
"Please!" she said desperatly, "Please...please..."
He snorted, "Yes. Please is correct, Sa-ku-ra."
She ate the food hungrily, she felt disgusting, she wanted to gag. It wasn't the food, it was her, she begged for food.
'I'm so weak. I...'
"So Sakura."
She looked up.
"I trust you know Sasori died? Or...was murdered."
(With Sasuke)
It was about eleven right now. He wasn't going to travel now, no that'd be stupid. Sasuke needed his rest. His fire was blazing, his tent was complete. He lied down. His mind ws racing, he couldn't stop thinking. About...last night. Exactly twelve hours ago now. How EVERYTHING changed. In a matter of moments. He closed his eyes.
"Sasuke-kun" she moaned.
Every time he closed his damn eyes, THAT was what he saw...
"Fuck." he grumbled.
A/N Oright so maybe its not short lol. Well REVIEW PLEASE sorry for the long update