Story : Healing Heart
Author : ElvinaPotter a.k.a ElvinaP.
Disclaimer : I do not own Kyou Kara Maou, or any other fandom mentioned in this fic in any way shape or form. No money is made from this. It is purely Fanfictional fun. Any additional characters were created for entertainment and have no ties with the real and living whatsoever.
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Chapter 1.
"Where are you going Conrad?" asked a seven year old Harry Potter.
Harry was sitting on a swing at the playground. It was early noon, so there was no one around. He looked at the man before him with teary eyes. The man, was so different from the Dursleys. He was kind and gentle and understanding, where else the Dursleys are anything but. Even though Harry knew the man for only a short period of time, he didn't want him to leave.
Harry got off from the swing and went straight to the man, hugging him tightly by his middle, teary eyed.
"I don't want you to go" sobbed Harry. "Can't you stay here with me?"
The man, Conrad Weller, sighed sorrowfully. He knew young Harry will take this news hard… but it was unavoidable. He has to go. He has his duties and family waiting back at Shin Makoku, also known as the Demon Realm, so he must returned.
While he was soothing the neglected and lonely child, He remembered the day when he first met Harry Potter.
A month ago, he came to Earth to check on their new King as the Great One ordered. When he found out that he would only be returning to his world much later, he came to England with Bob for some relaxation. At least he was the one to do the relaxing while Bob was on business.
While he was strolling down the park on one particular afternoon, he saw a group of kids was bullying a young boy, taunting and throwing threats at him.
He of course, being the gentlemen he was, decided to step in and stopped the bullying. Once he scared the kids away, he gathered the shaking boy in his arms.
"Are you alright, little one? Did they hurt you?" asked Conrad gently.
The boy quit sobbing long enough to look at him. Conrad was mesmerized by the intense emerald eyes that looked back at him through teary eyes. The boy shook his head and continued to stare shyly at him.
"That's good to hear. What is your name?" asked Conrad.
The boy hesitated a moment and then said in a shy yet shaky tone. "Harry Potter, sir."
Conrad smiled. "I'm Conrad Weller."
From that day on, Harry and Conrad became great friends and they were inseparable. Harry was often seen in Conrad's company. And Conrad looked forward to spend time with the bright green eyed boy. Conrad soon learned about Harry and his lifestyle. Needless to say, he wasn't too keen with the Dursleys. But since he is not Harry's guardian, he can't do anything. And that disturbed him.
"I'm sorry Harry. But I have family and duty waiting for me at home. It will be irresponsible of me to leave them like that," Conrad told him tenderly. He felt Harry's arms tightened.
"But what about me?" tears flow down Harry's cheeks harder. "Will you forget me?"
"Harry…" said Conrad slowly. He pried Harry gentle off him and squat down to Harry's level. He brushed away all Harry's tears with his thumb. "…There is nothing in this world or any other world for that matter can make me forget about you," He vowed vehemently. "And I would never ever forget you Harry. Never!"
"Promise…" asked Harry, hiccupping.
Conrad gave Harry a tight hug. "I promise. But I want you to promise me something"
Harry looked tentatively at Conrad and nodded.
Conrad smiled sadly. "I want you to promise me that no matter what, I don't want you to give up and that you will continue to live with your very best," Conrad told him steadily. "I promise that someday, I'll come back for you."
Harry gave Conrad a big smile while trying to rub his tears away at the same time. "I promise. I promise that no matter what I'll never give up and I'll wait for you. I'll wait for you to come and get me. I love you. And then we could be together forever," Harry promised and he throw himself at Conrad for another hug.
Conrad smiled a softly and gave a kiss on Harry's forehead, right on the lightning bolt scar.
"I love you too," said Conrad from the bottom of his heart.
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Read and Review on your way out.
-Elvina P.