Takes place at first in 2003, but is an AU. I took real events in the WWE and their personal lives and put it into the story, and then made some up, so...enjoy and remember, review!

Includes all major characters; Stephanie, John Cena, HHH, Trish, Randy, Dave, Torrie...etc

The stadium was packed; every seat was filled with every fan cheering. It was amazing. To stand in the center of all that energy; to the delight of millions, in attendance, and watching at home…it soothed her and boosted her confidence and self esteem. Of course she knew the stunts and most of the fights were all scripted and not real, but she let them believe they were. It was her job, as well as those under her and her family, that she saw they got the entertainment they demanded. Even if it meant hurting her character's persona; it was for the fans.

Stephanie McMahon stood in the center of the ring, holding the microphone, as she looked around and took in the crowds' energy. She glanced over at Michael Cole and Tazz talking to the fans at home, and waiting a few minutes as they went over they're dialogue. As she brought the microphone up, signaling that she was ready to speak, the fans cheers, and few boos, died down. When she was satisfied, Stephanie began to speak.

"Good evening, Las Vegas!"

Once more, the crowd roared. Stephanie smiled and began to walk around the ring, showing her newly slim figure in the dress and high heels she was wearing.

"Now, Las Vegas is known as the place to take risks," she continued. "And tonight, here on Smackdown… because we are here in Las Vegas, Nevada, I'm going to take a risk!" The crowd cheered once more as Stephanie continued her speech. "I had to pull a lot of strings to make this happen here tonight, but I did it anyways. As you all know, Wrestlemania is only a month away. In honor of that very fact, and the main event at Wrestlemania, I've decided to have an inter-promotional match as the main event, here, tonight, on Smackdown!"

Once more, the crowd was on their feet as Michael and Tazz announced there shock and what it could mean for Smackdown. "So," Stephanie said, cutting off the cheers. "Tonight, in this ring, it will be a tag match. Triple H and Batista against Kurt Angle and the Undertaker!"

As Stephanie's music hit, she dropped the microphone and exited the ring as the fans continued to cheer their approval of the main event that they would see live. Four of the biggest names in the business were all going to be a house show, and they couldn't wait.

Another person that couldn't wait was John Cena. He watched as the cameras panned on Stephanie exiting the ring and making her way to the back. He was so focused on the young McMahon that he didn't notice anyone was behind him until her felt a stern grip on his shoulder. Startled, John turned around quickly and saw Vince McMahon grin at him.

"Quite a looker, huh?"

John blushed and chuckled with embarrassment, knowing he was caught staring at the boss's daughter. "Uh, yes sir."

Vince laughed and shook the young man's hand. "Well, at least you're honest." John laughed nervously and followed Vince as he began to walk towards the gorilla. "One thing that'll do you good here, Cena, is honesty. I don't respect a liar because that means that they don't respect me. You never, ever, cross the boss," he added.

John nodded. "Got it."

"We on commercial break?" Vince asked one of the crew men.

"Yes sir."

"Good." As they stopped by the gorilla, near the entrance to the ramp, Vince spun around. "Also, when we finally develop a storyline for your character, don't let the fans get to you. Chances are, they'll boo you at first because they don't know you. All that'll do is given Stephanie a chance to determine whether you'll be a face or heel." John nodded, following along as much as possible as Vince gave him the run around. "Also, don't try and be intimidated. Most of the guys here are really good and they'll give you advice and help you out, but you do have a few that take their jobs extremely too serious…myself including."

John nodded, absorbing his words as Stephanie came up from behind him, getting John's full attention. "Daddy, has Dave and Paul got here yet?"

"No Princess," Vince answered looking at his watch. John frowned at the nick names. "But they still have time before I light a fire under their asses."

Stephanie looked at John. "Who's this?"

"Oh, Stephanie this John Cena, John, my beautiful daughter Stephanie, your boss. Stephanie, this is your newest recruit."

Stephanie gave her father a look, and then looked back at John, with a disgusted look. "He is the new wrestler? The one you said has such 'huge' potential?"

"Yep," he answered, patting her daughter's hand. "I have to go make a few calls. Have fun you two."

Stephanie watched her father leave, then looked back at John and shook her head as she rolled her eyes. John gave her a confused look and looked down at his clothes. Running shoes, long jean pants and a jersey with a baseball cap. What was so wrong?

"Boy does this bring back memories," Paul commented as he and Dave walked into the arena.

"Yeah," Dave agreed. "But not so much for me; I wasn't here as long as you."

Paul nodded. "And you didn't have to deal with the McMahon's as much either," he added, chuckling.

Dave smiled. "True…but I didn't marry the boss's daughter either, did I?"

Paul frowned. "Hey…how many times you going to bring that up?"

"When you stop finding excuses to talk to her, or see her," Dave replied, while Paul rolled his eyes. "If I remember correctly, you're the one who left her. You need to move on man and forget about her."

"We're just friends now," Paul informed him. "Nothing more."

Dave sighed and shook his head as they entered the locker room. "Alright man, whatever you say."

Upon entering the room, Paul and Dave noticed a newbie getting dressed in the corner. "Hey," Paul greeted, dropping his bag.

John looked up, recognizing Paul as Triple H. "Hey man."

"You're the new one here, right?" John nodded and Paul extended his hand, followed by Dave. "Well…welcome. Did you get the three cent tour?"

John nodded. "Yeah…I think I'm set."

"You're promoting tonight?" Dave asked.

John shook his head. "Nah, I did that two weeks ago. Tonight's my first match."

"Against who?"

"Brock Lesner," John answered.

Paul chuckled slightly. "Did you piss off Stephanie already?"

John looked at him, confused. "No."

Dave fought back the urge to laugh. "Don't mind him. Stephanie just normally sends out people that got in trouble at Lesner. The man's insane, I swear."

"Who isn't?" John muttered.

As Paul locked his locker, he turned to John. "Just do your best," he said. "Tonight's your first night, so it doesn't really matter if you win or not."

"It doesn't?"

Paul shook his head. "No…you want a reaction from the crowd, whether it's good, or bad."

John nodded as Paul and Dave left the locker room. Pondering the thought, John looked at the television screen inside the room and saw a replaying of Stephanie speaking on. He looked at the screen intently; at Stephanie McMahon. She was certainly interesting.

Stephanie clicked her alarm button on her Mercedes and walked across the parking lot to the hotel. As she walked up to the entrance of the Hilton, she noticed John waiting by the door; the closer she got, the more he smiled.


Stephanie stopped and looked at him. John raised an eyebrow, curious as to way she was sizing him up. "John…Cena…right?"

John frowned. "Yeah. You don't remember me?"

Stephanie bit back a smile. This guy obviously has an ego. Of course she had remembered him. Not only was he good looking, but his match against Brock Lesner had been impressing. Not only that, but he carried himself well. "I work with a lot of people," Stephanie said. "You have to forgive me."

John's frown was replaced by his smile, which nearly made Stephanie melt. She bit her lip and began to walk into the hotel. John didn't give up that easily though. "So…" he began, following Stephanie in. "How'd you like my match against Lesner?"

Stephanie nodded, trying to ignore the fact that John smelled very good. "It was good."

"Good?" John echoed.

Stephanie snorted. "Don't get so cocky there, John."

John laughed and held up his hands. "Okay, okay. But you have to admit…"

Stephanie grinned as she stopped and turned around to look at him. "Yes…it was a good match. I think you have a lot of potential."

"See? That wasn't so hard…"

Stephanie ignored his comment. "However…" John frowned. "Following me to my hotel like this, especially when I don't know you, is not a great start for your career."

John rubbed his chin. "Uh-huh. So what you're saying is…if I knew you and you knew me…then I could follow you?"

Stephanie rolled her eyes and walked away from him to the elevators. John smiled and called after her. "Okay well…I love you too!"

John watched as Stephanie flicked him off. Smiling to himself, he turned around to leave, realizing that people in the lobby had been watching them. He casually pointed over his shoulder and smiled. "Yeah…that's my girl." Most rolled their eyes and continued among themselves as John added, "She's got a temper…wouldn't want to mess with her."

Smiling to himself, John left the hotel, making a mental note of the conversation they had and her advice to him. Many wrestlers told him to be cocky…it'll be a great aspect to his character. Well, not him. Not if he could, not only, win over the fans…but Stephanie McMahon as well.