A/N: Last chapter! Wow... I actually finished it. :D Reviews, anyone? Come on, it's a pretty little button down there in the corner.

Well, I'm happy with the way it turned out, even if the ending is a bit abrupt. I still want to turn him into a homunculus though... -grumbles- He's been one in my head for months, egging me on and trying to change the plot of any story I write, Deltora Quest or not...

Disclaimer: I own the plot of this fanfiction. Keyword: fanfiction.


One year later…

The festivities were truly amazing. The tables were laden with all different kinds of foods and wines, and people were gathered around them, talking and laughing. Flowers and beautiful ornaments had been forced into any space still available on the tables, and the pillars were wrapped in ribbons and fine silks. In the middle of the room people were dancing, some elegantly and some wildly, while the musicians played a fast jig. Lief beamed around at everyone, happily watching, though he wished he could be out there, dancing with his love. He accepted the fact that he could not, however, and settled for just looking. His heart felt as though it was going to burst, and he could honestly say it was the best day of his life.

Jasmine ran over to him, immediately making herself comfortable on his lap and beginning to adjust the wreath of flowers that Sharn had insisted belonged in Lief's hair. He laughed and batted her hands away, noticing that her matching wreath was sitting straight on her head. Jasmine huffed and adjusted her own wreath, and Lief realised that she had been fussing over it ever since she got it. He laughed again, earning him a slap on the arm.

"This is wonderful," Jasmine said happily, settling into his arms.

"Indeed it is," Lief grinned, kissing her forehead. She smiled and watched the dancers, and Lief sighed. "I am sorry I cannot dance with you. I know I break traditions frequently, but not dancing with my bride?"

"Do not worry about that! This day is perfect. Besides, Barda and Doom have been more than happy to make up for your lack of dancing. I am afraid I will have to say goodbye to my feet," Jasmine joked.

"Ah, such a pity. Well, just so you know, I will tolerate your lack of feet, but lose an arm and I am afraid we will have to call it quits," Lief joked back, earning himself another slap on the shoulder, though Jasmine was laughing all the while.

Doom had asked Sharn for a dance, and she smiled as she watched her son with her brand new daughter-in-law. Lief and Jasmine had overcome so much, and she was very proud of them both. Jasmine had stood by Lief the entire time that he was getting used the chair with wheels that they had made for him, pushing him along when she decided that his arms must be tired and helping him adjust to his new situation. She had watched like a hawk while ramps were built, making sure they were not too steep, and she had been surprisingly patient as Lief got used to his paralysed legs and refused help unless it was absolutely necessary. Lief had been incredibly stubborn, more so than usual, and had lived as normally as he could. Though it frustrated those around him when he slapped their hands away, Sharn admired his courage and strength. Lief did not want to be treated any differently than he had been before, and eventually managed to adjust to his new way of life in his own time. Though Sharn knew they had all wanted to help him, she saw that it was better to let him do things his way, with as little intervention as possible. He was still independent, just as he had always wanted.

"Those two seem to be getting along well," Doom said dryly, gazing at the couple as well.

"They always have," Sharn replied, beaming. "It was a beautiful wedding."

"Indeed. The hilltop was a good place to choose, and here in the castle is a good place for the party. But I think we may be planning another wedding not too long after this…" Doom said.

Following his gaze, Sharn laughed. "I agree with you. Barda is sure to propose soon."

"Who says it will be Barda? Lindal is an interesting woman, and I doubt she will follow tradition either," Doom said, clearly amused. The song ended, and they released each other. "I suppose I had better ask Lindal for a dance. I fear she will be angry if I do not."

Sharn laughed at the slightly disappointed look Barda had on his face as Lindal was whisked away, and wandered over to the food table, smiling as she listened to Lief and Jasmine's discussion.

"I personally think that red would be nice," Lief said.

"Red would be nice, but if Lindal was wearing the traditional white, would it not draw more attention to me?" Jasmine replied, offering Lief a sip of the wine she had in her hands.

"Thank you," Lief said, accepting some of the liquid. "That is good wine. And I suppose you are right, red may do that."

"Well, we will just have to wait and see what she decides, if Barda ever gets the courage to ask for her hand," Jasmine rolled her eyes.

"He is certainly thinking about it. I was speaking with him the other day, and he was trying to surreptitiously get information out of me about how to propose. It was rather obvious, but I humoured him," Lief grinned. As Jasmine laughed again and he held her even closer, Lief felt that everything was as it should be. Life was good.