Here is the next installment to this story..I want to say thank you to all of the reviewers who have left me reviews for this story..And I big thank you to all of you for making this story reach 200 reviews..I'm sooooo happy!

Chap 25 - Introducing "my family" to Reefside pt.2

Reefside High

The three adults and two babies were standing across from one another

Tommy smiled genuinely at his former enemy" This is Kimberly and her children Demetrius and Desiree." Tommy stated as he looked at Kim then he gestured to Elisa who took the hint

" Nice to meet you Kimberly, I am the principal of Reefside High School," Elisa applied as she held out her hand

Kim smiled as she shook her hand." Same here."

" I came to show Kim my classroom real quick and then we will be heading out to finish our sight seeing tour of Reefside."

" That is wonderful to hear, I'll let you go and I hope to see you again Kimberly."

" Me too take care."

" I will."

Tommy nodded his head then he and Kim walked away heading down the hallway

Elisa smiled as she turned and headed towards the office

Tommy and Kimberly stopped in front of his classroom and situated Desiree onto his other hip then he reached out and grabbed the doorknob and he held the handle down and pulled towards him.." After you milady."

Kim laughed softly as she moved passed him and into the classroom taking in everything..." Whoa, this is so surreal."

" Tell me about it Kim, to be the one on the opposite end of this Teacher/student thing is still shocking and rewarding."

Desiree and Demetrius started to babble and coo with one another

" So how was your first year of teaching?" Kim questioned

" It was a crazy one and the lady we met in the hallway was a former henchman to the evil force we had to battle against."

Kim's shocked expression made Tommy laugh loudly and both of the twins joined in as well resulting in making Kim laugh along.." Well that is something shocking."

" Yeah even more than the fight we had on the school yard."

Kim shook her head from side to side.." Only you Tommy."

" Yeah and the topping on the cake is that their top henchman was the adoptive father of the White Dino Ranger."

" Dang that does top the cake."

Tommy nodded his head in agreement.." Well let's go the Cyberspace Café to get something to eat for lunch."

" Alright that sounds good.." Kim stated as she followed behind Tommy who shut the door after she came out and once the click sound was heard the twosome heading back towards the entrance

Elisa Randall was walking pass the window when she stopped and stared out of it watching the two adults place the babies inside the vehicle then the two got in the front seats and a minute later the vehicle backed out of the parking space and then drove away.." I hope you gain all that you want in life Tommy."

Hayley's Cyberspace Cafe

It was a slow day in the Café and the owner was behind the counter with her back towards the door going over papers when the bell above the door chimed but she didn't turn around

" Good Afternoon Dr. Oilver." the employee greeted

Hayley turned around hearing her friend's name only to gawk at the scene

" Hey Hayley."

" Wh-what is..what's going on." Hayley wondered as she stared at Tommy and his companion but she also noticed that both of arms were holding onto carseats that he lifted up onto the stools

"This is Kimberly and her children Desiree and Demetrius who decided to take a nap."

Hayley closed her mouth as she stared at them for a few minutes as she tried to get her wits together

" Hello Hayley, how are you doing." Kim implied softly as she tugged on the strap of the diaper bag

" I'm doing good Kimberly." Hayley issued out quietly as she tried to figure out what was going on between her friend and his ex-girlfriend

" Hey Emelia, can we get three of those mixed berry muffins and two of those vanilla milkshakes please." Emelia said as she quickly went to work on the order her former science teacher requested

" I have some papers to go over in my office." Hayley pointed out as eyed them again

" Well me and Kim are going to be here for a while then we will be heading out." Tommy stated as he picked up the car seats from the stools and then he moved over to the couch near the window with Kim not that far behind

' You best to believe Tommy that we will have a little chat about all of this' Hayley thought to herself as she turned and went to her office in the back

" I'm going to go wash my hands real quick." Tommy informed

" Okay."

Kim sat down on the couch and digested over the little scene that she witnessed between Tommy and Hayley.' I hope he doesn't get offensive if I ask about his relationship with Hayley'

Tommy returned to them after a few minutes and he sat down next Kim after noticing how tense she seems to be

"I'm going to use the ladies room as well, be right back Kim pointed out as she stood up

" Alright see you in a bit." Tommy applied as he watched her walk away.." Desiree and Demetrius are still sleeping I wonder how long you two will stay asleep knowing that I'm about to be grilled by your mother."

Kim came walking over and she sat down next to him and breathed in and then she let it out.." So, how well do you know her." Kim questioned as she glanced down into the seat checking up on Desiree who was sleeping contently

" She's a College Friend who helped me keep my head above the water figuratively." Tommy answered quickly without blanching knowing that she didn't waste no time with the questions

" You two never hooked up at all."

" We casually dated for six months but we both just let it go because the two of us felt like we just didn't have that sort of connection with one another on that level, but we both made sure that one another was always there for each other."

" Hmmm." Kim stated softly

" What is it Kim" Tommy asked

Before Kim offered him an explanation Emelia brought over their order and set it on the table then she hurried back to the counter.." Does she know who I am."

" Yes she does, she knows about everything." Tommy replied

" Everything about me and the letter or Everything else in total."

" All of it." Tommy reaffirmed

Kim nodded her head as she reached out and picked up a mixed berry muffin and pinched off a piece and put it in her mouth and after she ate it she looked at him noticing that he was looking at her." Well I hope she does give me a chance to explain to her that I mean no harm."

" Kimberly you owe no one anything." Tommy stated as he drunk some of the Vanilla shake.." Hayley is only looking out for me as a concerned sister and I look out for her as only a brother figure and more likely she will question me about you and the little ones and all but I'll just let her know that I plan on doing what I told you about when I found out what you were going through."

" And you'll leave out the important stuff."

" Yes of course I will, we don't need no more people knowing about why and who."

Kim nodded her head just as Demetrius grunted and opened his eyes.." Hey bubby."

Tommy looked down and met the stare of Demetrius who blinked a few times but then he smiled as his eyes landed on the item in Kim's hand.." It looks like someone wants a piece." Tommy said softly as he picked up a muffin and pinched a small piece off and put it in his mouth

Kim chuckled softly as she saw Demetrius lick his lips and his chubby hands reached for more.." Muffin man is on the loose."

" Aaahhhhhh." Desiree injected as she started to cry making her presence known

Kim reached down and unbuckled her then she picked her up and set her on her lap after checking to make sure she didn't have a surprise in her diaper." She's wet so I am going to go change her real quick." Kim informed as she gathered the bag

" No problem." Tommy assured as he set to get Demetrius out of his seat

Kim walked away to change a babbling Desiree

Hayley came out of the back after seeing Kim go pass the window so she went over to him.." Tommy."

" Yes Hayley."

" What's going on."

" I went to visit my grandfather and brother and then I was out picking up a few items and came across Kim and the babies."

" Why are you.."

" Hayley, I know what I am doing." Tommy applied quickly

" But what if..."

" She won't Hayley, we talked and I know we can work it out and learn from that mistake and move forward."

" Just be careful Tommy."

" We both know what's at stake." Kim informed

Hayley glanced at Tommy then she turned her gaze back onto Kimberly..." I just wanted Tommy to make the right decisions."

" You have nothing to worry about Hayley." Kim applied as she came around her and gestured for Tommy to hold Desiree and once she was secured by him she picked up Demetrius and went to change him

" Hayley, I thank you for looking out for me but trust me I know what I am doing."

" Okay I trust you Tommy." Hayley stated as she watched Tommy with Desiree..' It's Kimberly that I don't trust'

Kimberly came back over to them and she sat down on the couch but she didn't sit back

" Ready to head out Kim." Tommy wondered

" Yes I am, it's time for them to take a nap." Kim replied

" Can we get a bag for these Hayley."

" Sure you can." Hayley applied as she turned and went over to the counter

Kim and Tommy quickly secured the twins into their car seats and made they cleared up any mess they made just as Hayley came over with the bag

" Thank you." Kim said as she took the bag and put the muffins in the bag after wrapping them in a napkin a piece then she put the bag inside of the diaper bag.." It was nice meeting you, have a nice day."

" You too." Hayley commented softly as she watched Kim pick up a car seat and headed towards the entrance

" I'll talk to you soon." Tommy exclaimed as he followed Kim to the door and the two of them left out of the cyberspace

Tommy and Kim had secured the twins into the car and then the two of them got in the front seats and soon Tommy headed towards his house neither one speaking at all and the twins were quiet as well

half hour later

A rented tan car pulled into the parking spot.." I'll go inside and get something to eat and also ask around." the male associate informed

" Good Boy, try not to be all day." the boss suggested

" Yes ma'am."

The set of hazel eyes watched from the back seat as she drummed her fingers on the middle of the console

That is the end of this chapter...stay tuned..plz drop a review just to let me know that you still with me
