A/N: Well, I don't know if anybody remembers me promising an A/A series much like my Heat one with Jay and Theresa….but here it is! Finally! Ehehehe….It's really short, I know, but please don't hurt me. I'll try and get Archie's up soon, and then the tie together one, now that I finally have inspiration to write them. So I hope you guys like them, and the kind of different take I'm doing on their relationship. Remember, I am a review whore, so keep them coming! Love you guys!
She smirked as she silently descended the stairs, padded footsteps making not a sound against the wood. Her prey sat unaware below, reclining on the couch as the television blared before him in all its frenetic glory. She bit her lip to keep the laughter in as she slid into the room, her presence a mere shadow flitting against the walls.
Her prey remained oblivious, though he was often oblivious to many things. Most things concerning her really. And they had the gall to say she didn't notice anything? At least she noticed when he entered a room. Though she supposed a boy with violet hair and a gold leg brace would be hard to miss.
She smiled and crept closer to him as the other occupant of the room, Odie, finally noticed her and raised an eyebrow. She placed one finger in front of her lips as she reached the couch, perching on the arm behind his head. Still unnoticed. She smiled down at him, happy to observe for a moment.
It wasn't often that one found the restless boy warrior at ease, nor so very relaxed. Her prey was a rather active one, boisterous and loud in most everything he did. Theresa would say obnoxious and arrogant, but that was just what made him such an attractive specimen to be preyed upon.
She was most superior on her hunting skills, therefore it only made sense that her prey should be equally as formidable. And when the male in question enjoys thinking he is the dominant one, well it's even more fun to capture him. She had always thought cats to be cruel in the torment of their prey, but she was beginning to see the appeal of toying with him. A hunter she may be, but she was also a girl, still wily and devious in her own terms. She would let him think he was the Alpha, but only by manipulating the situation to her advantage.
A mischievous smile crept across her face as she leaned down towards him, her breath held silently as she tried not to laugh. The timing had to be just right, or her plan would never work. Once her actions were set into place, his male pride would never allow him to back down, and then she would strike.
He was the biggest game she had ever preyed upon and was most determined to win her prize, as she saw it. She had toyed with him, playing pretend and innocently naïve long enough, lest she lose the chance to stake her claim on what, she thought, was rightfully hers.
Like the rest of her movements, the pressing of her lips against his cheek was quick, and she pulled back with a giggle at the sight of his startled, astonished face as he whirled to look at her. With a cocky grin and a wink, she was off the couch and bounding out the door, sure that he would follow. The feel of his cheek played upon her lips, slight bristles of unshaven hair brushing rough against her soft flesh, and she could easily still smell his particular, intoxicating scent. She laughed happily as he ran out the door after her, intent on leading him on a merry chase once again.
Only this time maybe, just maybe…
….she would let him catch her after all.