Devil May Care

A "Devil May Cry 3" (Manga/Game) Fanfic. There will be few characters from the manga in this along with the game characters, (A few…). I have not played Devil May Cry one or two; I'm looking into getting them. So if any of this is off by those two's standards, oh well. I truthfully don't care…

--Alma Theresa--

Chapter 1

The Mission

"Rrrr---" the phone is what woke Dante from his shallow slumber. He groaned, rolling over and looking at the clock on the wall. He groaned again seeing that it was 4 in the morning, and knowing only one person would be calling at this hour…Enzo. The normally drunk Italian was supposed to be his help, but taking half his profits to go whoring around was hardly help. Sure he found him a job now and then, but he couldn't defend himself worth a damn and he could hardly walk a straight line half the time.

He pulled himself off the sofa and stalked over to the desk. He kicked the desk's leg, making the phone fly, slumping in his chair and raising up his hand, catching it with ease. "Talk quick, Enzo," he said lazily, ruffling his hair while trying to blink the sleep out of his eyes.

"I got ya a job!" Enzo said gaily. Dante put his feet on the desk, "Why don't I like this?" "O, ya bum! It's just a simple rescue mission!"

"Rescue?" Dante raised an eyebrow, "Do I look like the CIA? Try again…"

"Dante!" Enzo yelled, "Ya gotta do it! The reward it eighty-five hundred grand!" Dante sighed heavily, closing his eyes and leaning back in the chair, looking up at the ceiling, knowing he was going to regret this for one reason or another, "What can ya tell me?"

Dante rubbed the back of his head, standing at the gates to a mansion that looked like it was out of a Dracula movie. "Okay," he sighed, "So, I find the girl; kill a few demons, and leave, right?"

He laughed, pulling Ebony and firing at the lock, kicking the gate open. "Never that easy…" three pride demons sulked toward him. He pulled Ivory, holding the guns with his arms crossed, "Let's party!!" he fired rapidly, lust and envy demons appearing. He grinned, "And me with out my music," he shot into a demon's mouth, blowing off its head, "Shame, I would've loved to dance."

He pulled Rebellion and swung it in a clean slice, killing three demons easily. He twirled Ivory and shot down the last of the demons before looking around, "Come on, that wasn't much fun…" he put the guns back in the holster on his back, "Hope there's a real party inside."

He walked to the door, reaching for the knob when he felt the stinging pain of a scythe going through his back. He looked down at his chest, sighing at the sight of the scythe's blade going through his skin, "Do you know," he pulled Ivory, "How much it's gonna take to get my jacket PATCHED?!?!" he killed the pride demon that had somehow escaped his gaze.

He looked at the long pole that was sticking out past his side, "Damn it, he wedged it in there pretty deep." He gripped the pole and tugged, it didn't budge. He sighed, rolling his head and then gripping it again, pulling Rebellion once more and slicing the pole off before pulling the blade through his front. He threw it to the side and tugged the sides of his jacket, turning the knob and entering the mansion.

Inside, lines of greed demons and pride demons were waiting. Dante smiled, "Now this is more like it. Bring it!"

Dante walked on the third floor, kicking open room doors and looking for the girl. Enzo said that her name was Eden, she was about 15 and the heiress of the Hector mansion. Dante thought that this mansion was more like a castle, with almost six stories and who knows what was in the basement.

He walked down a hall, looking over the portraits of strange looking people and suits of armor. He turned a hall and found only one door at the end. A shined hard wood oak door that had what looked like a female angel carved over it. He looked from it to the door, seeing the lock was on the outside and needed a key. "Now," he thought aloud, "Why would someone need to lock up brooms and mops?" he pulled Ebony and fired it off, twisting the knob and pushing the door in.

"Hello?" he called in, sticking in his head, looking around. He walked in and looked behind the door…WHACK!! He stumbled back as the pole of a broom slammed into his face. "Jesus!" he held out his gloved hand to see he had a nose bleed, "What the fuck…?"

He heard the broom fall to the floor and foot steps dashing off. He looked to see the back of a young woman with brown hair running off. 'Gezz…why do I always have these troubles with women?' he got up and dashed after her, the nose bleed healing itself rather quickly.

Around the corner, he skidded to a stop. There were three other hall ways she could've gone down. "Ah, shit!" he rolled his eyes, walking forward a bit, then sniffing the air. He could smell his own blood in his nose from the nose bleed, so that fogged his senses a bit. He still tried to find a human sent.

There were lots, all of them dead, not what he needed, he needed a live sent. It would be female, and alive. He grumbled to himself, "This is getting me no where, so…" he looked to the three hall ways, "Einie, meanie, minie, mo," he ended up pointing to the left hall way. He turned and ran down that way.

He didn't notice that behind one of the suits of armor, hid a young woman with highlighted green eyes.