A/N: It's NinjaSquirls again, and I have a brand-new themed drabble series - a semi-sequel to A is For Arrogance. Just so we're all clear: each of these drabbles will be exactly one hundred words, no more and no less, and they will all be linked by the central theme, which is time - specifically events, conversations, and revelations that occur in a short space of time, a minute or less. Other than that, I'll write them on any topic, idea, or scene that pops into my head. They won't necessarily have anything to do with each other, or even take place in the same world - sometimes Hughes is alive, sometimes I kill him, sometimes characters are in an established relationship, sometimes they haven't gotten together, sometimes they've broken up, etc. There will be a few post-series and movie drabbles. The predominant pairing (80 - 90 percent of the drabbles) is RoyEd, but HavocFuery will slip in every so often, along with the occasional one-sided AlphonsEd and Ed-and-or-Roy-with-someone-else-even-though-they-really-love-each-other. I write fluff as often as I can, but I like to torment my characters, so expect a lot of angst and flangst. I hope you enjoy this!


It took Ed three years to grow his hair out until it brushed his shoulder-blades. It took him five seconds to cut it off, holding the braid tight as he hacked at it with a knife. Blond strands floated to the ground around him, mingling with tears.

When Roy walked in on him, sitting on the floor, crying, newly-short hair forming a ragged corona around his face, his eyes widened, and he demanded to know what Ed was doing.

Ed glared at him, and muttered that it was traditional to cut your hair when you wanted to apologize to someone.

A/N: Please review, for I am a Leo, and therefore a feedback whore...any suggestions on other scenes to drabble on are welcome - I can't promise to write it, and you probably won't see it for awhile since I've got 37 more waiting to post, but I love inspiration. Oh, and this is in the process of being expanded into a full oneshot, once exams are over and brain isn't dead anymore.