



You can guess the others.



Chapter 4

Turn Back …

The two black figures were flying over the two sleeping boys. The tear-shaped one with two bat wings took a few rounds before settled down on the one with short hair. The other ball-shaped one with the same wings flew away and disappeared in the dark.

Two hours later, it came back with an unwelcome friend. The short haired boy immediately got up with big hammer in his hands. He's very unpleasant with this guest and hit it to pulp right there.

"Just let me have some peaceful sleep, will ya? Don't you know what time it's, now?"

He grumpily said and he didn't care who would hear. Annoyance and light anger quickly disappeared when he turned to look at the other sleeping one. He smiled and sighed that he wasn't awake. He didn't know how many hours left but he better went back to sleep.

From the sight, he's sure that his friend wouldn't wake up easily, so he dared to wrap his arm around his waist.

He wasn't pleased that morning came before he wanted it to. And, his tear-shaped Golem just made it worst by flying up and down in front of his face.

"Stop doing that before I crash you with my hammer, Golem."

The wireless tool immediately dropped down neatly on the grass besides its owner. The boy patted it lightly and put his black and green headband on. His unruly short orange hair was pushed all up easily. He stretched and signed that his friend still was the same. He started to get worried. It seemed to be too much for sleeping the whole day and night. His wounds were that serious? And, how many days would he take? If he didn't wake up, how they went back to the old man? It's too risk to fight the Akuma while he still had his sleeping friend to worry about.

"Better find something to eat." He laughed when his stomach asked for food. "Um...some grilled fish."

He ate his handmade-and-easy-going breakfast in lazy mood. His eye kept looking back at the sleeping figure frequently.

"Damn...I know, I know but I start to get boring!!" He cried to himself. The disappeared Golem flew back to him as if it heard. "Hey, 'lil buddy, you went around in the forest, right? Let me see how it's." His Golem was interested and came to set on his shoulder.

Light shot out from the circle glassed-eye and showed the faint moving vision like hologram movie. Though, there wasn't anything out of ordinary but it's enough to kill the boy's boredom. His eye automatically caught and memorized everything since one small rock to the widescreen of the forest. Sometime, he thought his sight and memory were too good. If he's good in art, he could draw everything down like he took a photo. He thought without knowing that there's one of six Generals really could do that.


Next day

The sleeping figure finally waked up around 9 a.m. in the morning. He didn't dare to open his eyelids while he slowly got the bandage off. His tired body's sore and numb but he forced his hands to move and tie his hair with blindfold. He checked his hearing and nodded that it's normal.

He could smell grilled fish not far away and slowly walked to the said food. He smirked that his silent presence seemed to get the redhead Exorcist.

"Yu!! You finally awake! And don't sneak up on me like that, again!!"

The future Bookman stopped when his eyes caught the closed eyelids. Kanda knew why and didn't mind to be stared. He just sat and ate some fish. His body stiffed a bit with a light touch. But he relaxed and leaned his head aside a bit when he recognized the familiar feeling of his balled Golem. It still loved to stay under and inside his collar as always.

"Yu-chan...Your eyes...They're..." Ravi trailed off while looking at the other.

The silent one didn't know what to say. He didn't want the other to stupidly worry no end. It's annoying to being watch all the time.

"They'll heal..."

"If you say so..."

By that weak uncertain voice, Kanda knew that the other didn't believe him. But, he couldn't do anything with that. So, he just let him be.

"We'll go after you finish your meal."

Kanda said evenly and walked to the lake for drinking some water and washing his face. Ravi smiled and quickly ate.

"You still have some scars, Yu-chan..."

Kanda stopped taking his bandages on his body off. His body stiffed when the short haired Exorcist suddenly appeared behind him. One day, he'd finally get used to it this switching boy.


"Oh? Yu-chan's finally worried about me?"

"Idiot. If you ain't in perfect statue, you'll just pull my leg in the fight."

The arrogant boy easily said as he did know this redhead's trick, now. So, he won't get embarrassed with this kind of words, again.

"Merciless as always..." Ravi just pretended to pout.



Though, the way wasn't the safest one but they couldn't help. There're only one emerald eye and two set of blind ones, what you would expect. At least, several kinds of Akumas weren't that tough.

"You're sure that it's this way?"

The blind Exorcist asked distrustfully. The path wasn't this far when they had walked in. He really wanted to lead the way himself but he couldn't. It's frustrated to depend on the other.

"C'mon, just trust me, will ya? I already told you that I'm good in memorization thing."

"Oh, with that one eye? I don't thing so, eyed-patch." Kanda just snapped back and he's surprised a bit with the other's serious words.

"I'm not blind. I just…..never mind….Just forgets it."

"Sure, why not. You think I would easily do that? Hell. You've that eyed-patch but you say you ain't blind?"

Now, the unusually silent Exorcist stopped. It took a few seconds for Kanda to notice that he walked alone. He turned to face the other directly as if he could see his face and waited for the answer.

"Look, I'm annoying and keep pressing you to answer what I ask but I stop when you don't want to do that. So, I just hope that you would do the same. This thing…..about my patched eye, I don't want to tell….Okay?" The short haired boy said cheaply and sadly.

Sadness and uncomfortable aura made the silent sword Exorcist sighed and turned away before he said over his shoulder.

'Hn, and he acts like I can trust him while he never trust me.' He sighed frustratingly. "Tell you first, I never force you to tell me anything. You just can't shut your big mouth."

Though, it's not all pleasant words but Ravi didn't mind. It's enough to know that Kanda respected his decision. He couldn't stop smiling widely and grasped the other's hand happily.

"You're really cute, Yu-chan!!"



The outside of the cave

It had taken nearly five hours before the Exorcists would finally step out of the cave. The red haired one cried happily and stretched his arms up in the air. The other just sighed with relief inside. He slipped his hand in the robe for checking a small glassed-box. He nodded to himself when it's secure in its place.

"C'mon, Yu-chan!! It's near dawn! I don't want to sleepover here. I'm really hungry, right now."


He walked after his enthusiastic partner but with Mugen in his hand. Black and white hammer's also out and ready, too.

"Why don't these stupid monsters leave us alone?"

"Get it, first!" Kanda just interrupted and jumped to the nearest Akuma.

"Wakatta Sa!!"

Ravi said with smirk. He rolled his hammer over his head and extended it in the same time. His body dodged the big shots fluidly and jumped in the air. He dropped down to hit the other Akuma with huge weapon.

"Hi Ban! Gouka Kaijin!!"

The torrent of flame shot up like a huge fire pillar. It burned the monster before turn to the other target. He wondered why his friend didn't finish it after he already slashed it countless times.

But, they couldn't take a break when a big tall shadow suddenly appeared behind Kanda. He warned but it's too late. The swordboy's slashed on the back by a thorn lash. He suddenly was hold up by the same lash before he would touch his friend. Blood immediately poured out through his pierced neck.


The dolled Akuma laughed with half destroyed baby face. The other free hand with very long nails tilted Kanda's pal hurt face up and slowly changed to be the thorn lashes. They also wrapped around his neck tightly, so he couldn't move.

……You want to save this pretty one……Its sound sang in their mind. The lash squeezed the bloodied neck tighter.

"Hell yes!! Let him go, now!!" The redhead nearly screamed angrily.

……Why…… There's full of innocence in its voice but two Exorcists never believed it.

"I don't want to chitchat with you, now! Let him go!!"

……What's this pretty one to you……

……Tell me……

And it kept repeating those two words. Why they didn't just get a stupid silent Akuma instead of this one, the boy wondered inside.

Hammer kept hitting every lash that stretched and shot at him with very high speed. The young Exorcist wasn't fast enough to dodge them all but he still survived with a few scratches.

Unfortunately, one of them suddenly appear behind him and slashed his left shoulder. He cried out with pain and struggled to get free. And, the monster willingly shoved him against the tree and left him like that. Now, its attention turned to the laying boy.

Ravi hissed and groaned. He unconsciously grasped his bleeding shoulder. His emerald eye kept staring at the barely struggling figure.

"If you want to play and kill that bad, then comes here!! Come to kill me and let him go!!"

He didn't know why he said that but he just didn't want his friend died. He'd do everything and take every risk for saving his life. But, he won't die for that. Ravi'd survive. So did Kanda Yu.




Smell of blood……

Cold fresh blood……

Sliding down……

Faint sound……



Evil laugh……

Another pain……


Have to……

See……That One……


Pal lips parted to gasp and called weakly through very small breath. Mind kept pushing body to struggle more. But, only eyelids obeyed and slowly opened. Blue orbs could be seen and they caught the sight of small figure with short red hair. He's kneeling on the ground. Blood. Blood's on his shoulder and no!! Those long vines were going to slash him to pieces! No! I won't let it happen!!

"First Illusion : Kaichu Ichigen!!" 'Why? Why I don't let them?'

Silver blade stabbed right through Akuma's side while white insect worms destroyed those vines and saved the red haired Exorcist just in time. His bloodied body was roughly shoved away as the monster suddenly yelled painfully.

But, two boys didn't have time to move when the grown-back nails shot at them. Ravi's shoved on the big tree. Kanda's stuck on the ground with nails stabbing through his stomach. His blood splashed and pooled under his small body. He barely had any strength to cough the blood in his throat out.

The emerald eye widened with long nails wrapping together in a big thorn sword. It held over the dying body.

"Stop it!!"

The last thing to hear…

That big deadly sword's coming down……

The last thing new set of blue eyes saw……

The last one who witnessed his death……




Urusai – Silent, Shut up

Wakatta Sa – I got it or I understand or I know it.