The Day Haruhi Died

Kyouya shed a tear
(The first that Tamaki had seen
Ever since that day he played)
And had set his notebook aside
Someone had taken a peek
And saw that a page entitled Haruhi's Debt
Had been clumsily erased

Mori said more than he had ever said
Great things burst from his lips
As he was the noble preacher
At the gloomy funeral

Hunny was wearing colors of mourning
His once youthful face of joy
Shrouded in the darkness of sorrow
And matured by his daily grief

Hikaru disappeared for days
And was found by Kaoru
In the church that Haruhi had hidden in
When it had started raining
The Hitachiins stood there facing each other
As the thunder ripped through the silence
There was thunder again
But no Haruhi to protect

Tamaki had paid for everything
The flower, the coffin, the church
He watched with Ranka day and night
Forever praying that he would awake
From this realistic nightmare

Renge had ushered everyone
Every girl that had loved the Host Club
They cried tears of anguish
Moaned their sadness and woe
Silent prayers were willingly lain
They made a festival of pain

Everyone in the church had cried
The day Haruhi died

A/N: I made two stories where Haruhi died. And now I made a poem. Do you think I have some secret sadistic wish or something::sweatdrop::