This I don't know how I cared to so much to write, I guess I needed to write another YoNa...FAnyway, dedicated to Charavgi, I AM SORRY that I haven't talked to you for so much time! I could never forget you!

I own nothing but the plot of this fic. Shaman King belongs to Hiroyuki Takei


"Anna, I'm home!" Yoh breathed hardly. After running 80 miles for the whole morning, just to please her...With no particular reason now, she had woken him early in the morning, even before the dawn, and told him to go run 80 miles before coming home for lunch. The lunch that he was supposed to cook of course; of course! Yoh walked in the hall and whispered with his eyes closd "Anna...Anna...Where are you...?"

No answer. Then bored he murmured "Anna...I'm home..."

Again, no one replied.

"Anna?" Yoh's eyes opned wide, it was not like Anna not to be home when he returned...This was weird.

Yoh proceeded to her room and knocked the door. "Anna?" asked the boy sligtly. But there was no reply. Yoh worried, he doubted Anna would forgive him if she found him sneaking into her room while she was gone, but, concerned as he was, curiosity won over him. He opened the door and stepped in. "Anna?"

The sun-kissed room was silent. An open window, her futon tied carefully at a corner on the floor; everything in Anna's room was in the right place. Not that there were much for somebody to see in there...The wooden floor, the light-brown shoji door, the fading-yellow curtains that were hunging parted in fromnt of the wide-open window, letting the sun come in...Yoh's eyes travelled around the room to find any sign of Anna being in there. He searched for anything that seemed out of order, anything misplaced, something that Anna may had forgotten to...And he found it.

On the floor, a few steps away lied an open notebook and a pen, next to her red bandana and her...

"The cain...NO way! It is..." Yoh's voice faded, his eyes widened in surprise; he was ready to face anything but what he saw. On the notebook and the floor and in the bandana, lied the beads of Anna's broken chain.The blue orbs were gliding under the sunlight, gleaming pure blue. The chain. Her cahin. Broken...Yoh moved closer and closer, and kneeled next to the broken chain. He touched the beads, and cold was what he gained.

"Where are you Anna..." He whispered. Now he really was worried. Anna would never leave her bandana behind, and mostly her chain.

But then Yoh noticed her handwritting on the notebook. He lifted it and looked at the well-shaped kanji that adorned the notebook.

"Dear Yoh..."

It was her diary.

Yoh was surprised. Anna having a diary? The loner, the angry, the famous Ice Queen having a diary? He didn't consider Anna as a touchy person, most like someone who they all have started to wonder if she had a heart.

But now, it seemed that indeed, she had a heart. And she had raging feelings as well. Yoh didn't want to open it and read it; Anna would kick him out of the house no matter if he was the Shaman King now or not, if she knew he read it, but who ever resisted when a chance to learn the secrets of the heart came up? So he opened it and went to read it.

"Dear Yoh..."

"Dear Yoh..."

"Dear Yoh..."

An hour passed and he was still there where left, with his fiancee's diary on hand, goign deeper in her inner world, and having forgotten everything about the broken chain and abandoned bandana of hers. But when he read what Anna wrote the last time, a day before...

"Dear Yoh,

Your alter ego is so selfish! Not only has he been missing for the whole day without my permission, but also, when he came, he had the "request", as he called it, me to have his dinner ready. Oh, yes, how convenient...I already have problems of my own to think of, and cooking for him would be an absolute waste of my time.

It's not easy and he has to understand...Last night, He came again, and this time he threatened me. He told me that my time is running out, HELL I know it! He said that if I didn't tell Yoh within the hours I have left...

Anyway, how am I supposed to know WHEN is my time finally over, so to be able to know how much time I have left? He never told me when this time will be over. And besides...

Why do I have to be his messenger? Why I? I don't want to give Yoh such a message. And besides he has this..."Opacho" thingie, sent her instead! As always, why this being different? Why me? And now I know that if I indeed DON'T give Yoh the message in the time he arranged...

Forget it. I won't. And HELL, I don't care what happens to me.

Oyasumi, my King"

Anna was certainly in danger. And Yoh didn't have even the slightest clue of what to do to help her...


I didn't know how else to finish it...And in my opinion, both look so OOC...Forgive my crapness, all of you who adore SK...I promise I'll try not to get them so OOC next time! I'll try, ok?