Disclaimer: Ouran is not mine.

The Ghost of You


Haruhi used to like the rain. The sounds of water drizzling to the ground never failed to give her a sense of peacefulness. Yet it also brought memories that used to be so sweet but now only left her with a sharp pang inside her chest.

"Haruhi you will catch cold if you expose yourself in a heavy rain like this," said Kyouya with a hint of displeasure in his tone. He pushed his glasses lightly while he watched the girl jumping happily with both hands wide open from the gazebo of the exquisite park inside his mansion.

"I am not that weak, Sempai. Besides, I've been doing this since I was a kid. You should at least try it; it's fun!"

Haruhi ignored the calculating look that Kyouya just shot her and merely grabbed his arm as she added, "Come on…"

In the end, Kyouya only chuckled softly as he let himself being guided by the girl to walk together under the downpour.

He kept on staring at her intently for a moment longer before he asked lightly, "Haruhi, will you marry me?"

There was a trace of indifference in Kyouya's tone as he raised the question, although his face clearly showed otherwise.

He noticed that Haruhi looked extremely astounded upon hearing his words and he could not help but feeling slightly annoyed with her. He knew that it was too much to expect from an insensitive girl like Haruhi to jump in joy upon hearing his question in the first place. However, he definitely did not want her to look at him like he was just giving her the lamest joke ever when he clearly meant it in every single word he just said.

After waiting in vain for a response from Haruhi, Kyouya lost all his patience when nervousness took the best of him all of a sudden.

A deep frown could be seen vividly from his handsome face as he added, "For God's sake, please say something, Haruhi. I have even waited for this damn rain just so I can ask you that."

"I don't understand, Sempai."

Kyouya pushed his glasses smudged with the water from the rain back to the bridge of his nose without bothered to conceal his frustration and a slight anger anymore.

His eyes were veiled behind it when he replied impatiently, "You said it yourself that you always like the rain; even when I honestly feel nothing from it beside wet, cold, and sticky all over my body. Therefore, I stupidly thought that it will only be perfect to ask you that question in this kind of insufferable weather as long as you like it."

However to add his annoyance further, Haruhi merely retorted him back, "No, I am not asking you that. I guess it's just that it never occurs to me to hear such question from you of all people in the first place. Why did you ask me to marry you all of a sudden like this, Sempai?"

Yet when Kyouya answered his tone was unnervingly calm, "That's quite obvious, isn't?".

Haruhi titled her head slightly in an obvious confusion. But before she had a chance to open her mouth, Kyouya had leaned his body forward. And when his face was very close to hers, she noticed there was an impish smirk apparent in there.

The next moment she knew was that her big amber eyes widened in surprise when the guy swept her in a passionate kiss soon after he whispered quietly in her ear, "It's a fair price that you have to pay me since I am the only person who can prove to you that forever is never enough, Haruhi."


"Forever…" whispered Haruhi inaudibly as if she was trying to inject the meaning behind the word to herself.

From the big exquisite windows framed in white color she could see it was raining heavily outside; exactly the same like that day. Yet this time the scenery only made her eyes growing hot and her sight slightly blurred from the water that threatened to come out from them.

Haruhi averted her gaze quickly to anywhere but the windows. She inhaled her breath deeply as she stared at the hallway where she could see people wearing long white overcoats walked hurriedly.


She turned around instantly to see a blond guy ran towards her direction with an obvious worried etched on his handsome face. He completely ignored the disapproving looks from the people around him and merely continued with his current action.

"I've been looking for you at your house but Ranka told me that you went here," said the blonde guy after he finally stood in front of her. His usual siliness was nowhere to be seen as he looked intently at the skinny girl with a long brunette hair standing before him.

"Akito-San asked me to meet him here. He said there's something he needs to discuss with me. I am…"

Haruhi did not have any chance to finish her words as at that exact time she noticed a guy whom bearing some resemblance with the person she missed most was walking serenely towards where she was standing at the moment.

"Tamaki-Kun, what a pleasant surprise to see you here," said Akito as he smiled politely to the blonde guy although his smile failed to reach his grayish eyes.

Tamaki cringed a little upon hearing the words that the guy just said. He perfectly understood that 'pleasant' would be the last word to describe the situation at the moment. Still, he somehow knew that he could not expect anything less than that from the second eldest son of Yoshio Ootori.

However, even before Tamaki managed to find a proper reply for the remark he got from the older guy, Akito had continued with the same coldness hinted in every word he said, "I suggest that we can go to my office straightaway. It will be more suitable for this particular occasion especially since I need to talk in private with you, Haruhi. You can come along if you want to, Tamaki-Kun. After all, you have the rights to know since I know that you're my brother's closest friend."

When Haruhi shot a quick glance at Tamaki, he noticed that she looked somewhat paler than usual and her big amber eyes seemed oddly hollow. He did not know since when his hand reached for hers nor did he care about it in the first place.

However, once he realized how cold her hand was, he instinctively squeezed it gently with his own for a second before answered, "Thanks, Akito-Kun. I will appreciate that."


There was a moment of a deafening silence filled up Akito's office. Both Haruhi and Tamaki merely looked at the guy who was sitting in front of him in a mixture between utter disbelief and horror.

When at last Haruhi found her voice back, it sounded peculiar even for her own ears and there was a faint tremble noticeable in it, "I am afraid I don't get you, Akito-San."

"We have decided to let him go, Haruhi. My father finally agreed with what Yojiri and I have suggested to him previously. This is the main reason why I called you here today," said Akito in a matter-of-factly tone. There was no trace of emotions could be heard from his voice; even for the slightest.

Tamaki frowned. He no longer cared whether he sounded impolite as the realization from Akito's words hit him.

"What do you exactly mean by that, Akito-Kun?" asked Tamaki seriously as he kept on staring at Akito as if demanding for a reasonable answer.

"I believe both of you understand perfectly about my brother's condition. He's still unresponsive with all the different treatments we gave him. There's nothing else that we can do for him now. It's best for us to let him go since continuing this will only prolong his suffers."

Both Akito and Tamaki were startled as they heard Haruhi spoke firmly, "No."

"Pardon?" asked Akito with a frown shown on his face.

"I said no. I will never let you do that to him," repeated Haruhi; there was no hint of hesitation in the way she gave her reply.

Haruhi straightened up from her seat almost at once after she finished her sentence and merely gave a courteous bow before she closed the door of the office behind her; leaving a remorseful Tamaki and a slightly annoyed Akito stunned by her sudden action.

For a moment she leaned her back against the door and let the tears streamed quietly from her big amber eyes before she wiped them harshly with the back of her hands and walked to one quiet hallway which led to the only room occupied that place.


The room could pass as a president suite of any five stars hotel effortlessly. It had been decorated extravagantly with large windows that almost reached the ceilings and a double-door right at the center. A broad European-styled balcony could be seen straightaway from it.

The white and almost transparent curtains veiled the slightly open windows were flowing along the rhythms of the winds that blew softly in between the gaps. There was a set of leather settees in the middle of the room with one expensive looking painting hung on the wall behind it. Located not very far from the couch was an exquisite bed with its heavy lidded curtains entangled neatly at each side of the bedposts.

And there he was, laid in the bed with his onyx eyes closed as if he was only deep in his sleep; Kyouya Ootori, her fiancée.

Yet unlike any other days, Haruhi noticed there was nobody else in the room. No doctors, nurses, or SPs like usual. It was just like their inexistence in there only confirming further what Akito just said in his office; that they had finally given up their hope on waiting the youngest son of the Ootori clan to ever regain his consciousness.


Haruhi walked slowly towards the bed with the quietest steps she could muster as if she merely did not wake the guy up from his sleep.

She sat carefully next to the sleeping figure and took a quick glance at the small monitor beside the bed which shown irregular green lines and dots and emitting a faint beeping sound.

Her gaze changed swiftly to the liquid substance of the IV tube dripping at a very slow pace into Kyouya's arm veins instead as she bit her lower lip slightly. There was no sparks left in her amber eyes as they were being replaced by evident sadness once she stared at him.

She caressed his cold and pallid face gently with her thin fingers as she leaned forward to get a better sight of him from her somewhat blurry vision.

And a single drop of tears fell helplessly on that face as she whispered quietly to the sleeping figure, "You still owe me your promise, Kyouya Ootori. I will not let you escape from your responsibility that easily."

However, her heart almost missed a beat when she could hear a familiar voice behind her. She had not heard it for quite some time yet it seemed like she only missed it for a mere one day.

"I never intend to break my promise, Haruhi."

When Haruhi turned to look at the source of the voice, her body suddenly froze on the spot.

There he was; standing next to the edge of the exquisite bed with his trademark smirk etched vividly on his flawless face like what he always did whenever he teased her. Yet when he stared at her, Haruhi noticed that there was a different kind of emotion lingered in those pair of onyx eyes although she failed to pinpoint exactly what it was.

And after some painful moment of silence, she could barely whisper any other words besides, "Kyouya…"

-- to be continued --

A/N: It's very tragically funny as a couple days ago I thought of giving up my writing as well as my other hobbies with all the hectic life I have lately. But the idea of this story suddenly popped out from my mind out of the blue and my hand has been itching to write it since then.

As you might notice, this story portrays Haruhi and Kyouya's relationship in a very different angle than 'Looking for the Perfect Nanny.' Nevertheless, I hope you like this one as well. Please give your comments and reviews, guys. Cheers!