(Disclaimer: Don't own anything but this)


The Crone.


Two Weeks Later…

Finn walked downstairs, her bags thrown over her shoulders as she walked to the bar. She dropped her bags on the floor as Mickey walked over to her.

"You all finished then?" he asked as he poured her a shot of tequila.

She threw it back and nodded "Last of it tied up"

"Where'd you leave them?"

"A motel on the outskirts of the city a couple of days ago"

Mickey leaned on the bar "You sure you did the right thing, Finn?"

She nodded "They're needed here, Mickey. It's better this way"

He raised an eyebrow "Better for whom? Him ...or you?" she shrugged and threw back another shot "Finn…" he put a hand on her arm and stopped. He raised his eyes to hers "He doesn't know?"

She was about to answer when the door to the bar opened "Jesus…what are they doing here?" she put the glass down on the bar and grabbed her bags "Thanks for everything, Mickey. I'll be in touch soon"


She smiled at Mickey and walked towards the front door, keeping her head down as she hurried past Dean and Sam. She threw the door open and walked quickly to her car, throwing her bags on the back seat.

"Hey!" she looked up and saw Dean jogging towards her "Hey, wait up a second" he stopped in front of her and cocked his head "I know you"

She shook her head "No, I don't think so" she opened the door and he grabbed it.

"Yeah, I know you from somewhere…"

She smiled "No. I've a great memory…and if I'd met you before, I'd remember"

He grinned at her and she looked away "Come in and have a drink. I'll figure this out…'cause I do know you"

She looked back at him "Sorry, have someplace I need to be" and she got into the car, pulling the door shut.

Dean leaned his arms on the window and smiled "At least tell me your name" she smiled, shook her head and started the engine "I will remember" he said as she put the car in gear.

She smiled at him one last time and drove off, whispering to herself "No, Dean. You won't"

Dean watched as the woman left, he couldn't shake the strong feeling of dejavu he'd felt when she'd walked past him, it bothered him as he never forgot a face and he was sure he'd remember someone that looked like she did…but what bothered him more than that, was why it hurt to watch her leave.

The End.