(A/N: Baba Yaga is NOT my creation, she is from Russian folklore and I have borrowed her name for the following story. A big shout-out to 'The Dooby Gang' over at the IMDb site who allowed me to bring 'Baba Yaga' into one of our story threads, thought I might extend the story here...)

Disclaimer: (Don't own anything 'Supernatural' related, but the story is mine)


The Crone

Chapter One.

The old woman sat in her cottage watching the two men through the veil of smoke. Her eyes glowed a fierce red, the fury in them tangible. Her grey hair was flying out behind her by an unfelt wind as her hands gripped the arms of her rocking chair, her knuckles white. Her stomach churned with rage, her mouth was drawn down in an unending sneer. Her black robes rustled around her like snakes coiling around their prey, the charms around her neck, wrists and ankles sounding a soulless echo. She peered into the veil of smoke, trying to get closer, she needed a woman, not a man. Why was she being showed these two? No! She tore her hands from the arms of her chair and picked up her Staff; she spat on the top of it, rubbing the moisture into the eyes of her long dead child. She closed her eyes and whispered in the language of her people, a language now long forgotten. She, the last of her kind now; hated, reviled, cursed….hunted. She slowly opened her eyes, looked at the Staff and whispered "Show me"The child's eyes snapped open, the red glow from its sockets like rubies dancing a macabre dance of the dead. She waved the Staff across the veil of smoke and was taken back to a time she would rather forget….


They were a peaceful people….in the beginning. They lived off the land, paying their respects to the Mother that nourished them and always giving back for what they took. They were a nomadic people, 'gypsies' they were sometimes called and they smiled at the term. Let the others call them what they liked, they were a people who knew their place in this realm and understood the limitations placed on those not like them. The children were bought up with an understanding of who they were, how they were different from the others they shared this place with and they were taught compassion and empathy for those around them, even those that ridiculed them. Sometimes it was a hard lesson to learn, an even harder lesson to practice.

Her people had learned early on that the length of their lives created distrust and fear amongst others in this world. The nomadic lifestyle was their only way, moving on when the others started to get suspicious. Their magic kept strictly private, never would they allow the others to see it. They had learned that lesson the hard way.

Her birth had been prophesised by the Shaman. Once every two thousand years one of her would be born. One to lead her people. One to which all would turn when trouble befell them. One to which they would be bound for an eternity. One to which much would be laid on her shoulders. One to which life would be cruel. That part was kept from her.

The celebrations lasted for weeks before and after her birth. Great gifts were given to their gods as her mother made the sacrifice. Her life for her child's. She screamed as she felt the knife drive into her mother's heart. Her people believing it a scream of power, not believing a child, minutes old, could scream out her sorrow. The Shaman held her high as her people rejoiced, her mothers blood drying on her small body, her life now beginning it's journey.

She was a happy child, never wanting for anything but she yearned for more. Something she knew she needed but was unable to put into words. Something that stirred deep within her, that she believed would fill the void in her heart, the emptiness in her soul. Something that was on the tip of her tongue, something just out of reach.

She played with the other children but they were wary of her. Their parents telling them to be careful, not to upset her, to do as she asked, to cater to her. She had but one friend. He would always tell her the truth, no matter how much his parents scolded him. He would not let her win the games they played just because of who she was. He played pranks on her, he argued with her and he was the only one that laughed when she fell on her face. When his parents beat him for that transgression, she came to his defence, arguing with the Elders that being open and honest was NOT deserving of a beating but should be praised. Wasn't that the way of her people? They had said she was wise beyond her years…she said she was just being a friend.

They had been inseparable. He would drag her on all his exploits, telling her that he didn't care who she was, she was a kid like him and it was their duty to have fun. "Get into trouble, you mean" she had said with a smile. He had grinned at her and nodded. He took many a beating for her but it didn't matter to him, she was the one person who seemed to understand him, knew that there was more out there than what the Elders told them. Who didn't tease him when he was caught daydreaming instead of doing his chores, who didn't laugh at him when he couldn't do his magic properly. Who listened to him when he told her his dreams, his dreams of leaving this place, seeing the world….all of it, not just what they Elders wanted them to see. They were big dreams for an eight year old boy.

As the years passed, her father tried to make her distance herself from the boy but she wouldn't hear of it. He was her best friend, a true friend….her only friend. The Elders took her aside and spoke plainly to her. She would one day be their leader, she had to distance herself from all of them if she was to fulfil her role, to fulfil the prophecy. She could not have friends, it didn't work that way. She had a destiny and he wasn't part of it. She shook her head, she needed his friendship it was the one thing that kept her grounded, kept her sane. If she were to lead her people, wouldn't she be a better leader if she experienced what they all did? There was no talking her out of it. The Elders let it go for now.

She sat by the river, watching as he tried to catch fish and laughing every time he came back with nothing. He had grown into a man and she knew he longed to leave this place. She knew their friendship held him here and it pained her. She could never leave this place but he could. She would tell him to go…to live the life for which she longed. She laughed as he failed again. He came back and sat next to her, grinning, he didn't mind that he'd caught nothing. He had always lived in the moment, taking pleasures in the most simple of things. Most thought him simple in the mind but she knew better, she saw the intelligence behind his blue eyes, the mischief in them also. He didn't care for learning the lessons of the Elders, he understood more could be learned by experience. She would miss him desperately.

She took his hand and told him it was time for him to go, to live the dreams he shared with her when they were children. He shook his head, no…not without her. She smiled and said her place was here, she had no choice but to stay. She would miss his friendship more than she could tell him but she knew if he stayed it would slowly kill him. He looked out over the river and shook his head again, he couldn't leave he said. It would break his heart. He looked into her soft brown eyes and told her he loved her, had loved her since they were children. He knew she didn't love him but that was okay, he was happy just loving her. He brushed her tears away with his fingers, asking her not to cry, not to feel sad. It was her turn to shake her head, these were tears of happiness, not sadness, for she loved him too. Their first kiss was to be the beginning of the end.

The Elders wouldn't allow it. She could not marry, especially him. He was below her standards, he was dim-witted, unreliable an embarrassment to them all. Her father forbade it. She wouldn't listen. She loved this man. This was what her heart had yearned for all those years ago, she would not give him up. They argued, they yelled and they tried to use their magic on both of them but there was no breaking their bond. Her father went to see him, to explain to him that he was not worthy of her but he would not listen either. He loved her he said, and she loved him. It was as simple as that.

Her people were in disarray, never in their long history had this happened. They blamed the Elders for allowing the friendship to develop. She should have been kept away from the other children, she should not have been allowed to have friends. They had made a mistake. The Shaman tried to step in, the omens he had seen were not good. She had to stop seeing him, it would be the end of her people. She refused. The omens were wrong she said. How could something that felt so right be the destruction of her people? No. They would marry, there was no talking them out of it.

Her father, the Shaman and one of the Elders came for him one night. If she wouldn't listen then there was only one thing they could do. They didn't count on him fighting for his life, fighting for the right to live their lives together.

She found him standing in the moonlight, covered in the blood of her father and the Shaman, the mischief his eyes always held now gone. She knew there was only one way to save him. They left that night, under the cover of darkness, taking nothing with them, knowing her people would come after them. To kill him and bring her back to where she belonged. But they were wrong, she belonged with the man at her side. That was her destiny.

The Elder that survived that night told her people that the man had murdered the Shaman and her father and stolen her from them. A blood war started. His family knew the truth. It was their son they had tried to kill, for no other reason than loving the woman. Sides were taken. Her people were divided. Mighty battles were fought over the truth, a truth that was lost in lies. Her people were without a leader, without purpose. They turned on each other, the lessons of the past now also lost. A race that was once proud and strong now in the throes of battle, of murder, of evil.

The man and the woman fled their people, hiding with those that took pity on them but never staying in one place too long. They had made that mistake once and it had cost their protectors their lives. They would not make the same mistake again. There was already too much blood on their hands.

They were married in a simple ceremony. A day she would remember forever. A day of pure happiness. She longed for nothing more than her life with this man and he longed for nothing more than his life with her. They knew they were being hunted, it didn't matter. They would not be separated and they would not go back. They moved from village to village, town to town; changing their names, their appearance. A life on the run. They'd never been happier.

Her people were not her people anymore. Their thirst for revenge, their hunger for blood grew strong and their magic changed. They were a tainted people. They had turned their backs on the old ways and had embraced the new. They still gave back to the land on which they lived, only now instead of offerings of thanks and prayer they were offerings of blood. The magic grew strong, grew dark and when they ran out of children to offer they stole children from the others. The magic grew, taking on a life of it's own. It now ruled her people but they never forgot who started this and neither did the magic. It wanted her and it would have her.

The realm was in crisis. The other races, those that were like them, long lived and with powerful magic saw the dangers ahead. A 'Gathering' was put in place and the leaders of the other races came together to see how best to stop the destruction of these people and to stop the destruction of those races around them. The new Shaman was called in to speak with them, to try and see reason. He was unrepentant in his actions, saying his people now lived the lives for which they were truly destined. They would not stop until the man and woman were dead. Their sacrifice would appease the gods, until then the blood wars would continue; the sacrifices would continue. It was their way now. He left it with them, he did not care if the man or woman were ever found, the magic was their only leader, it would never be appeased.

Their child was born healthy and strong. She came into the world without a sound. Her blue eyes staring at her father as he delivered her, her mother crying tears of joy as she watched her husband hold their child. He looked at his wife, the wonder and the mischief now returned to his eyes. She had saved him and he had saved her. No sacrifice was made.

The Immortals and the Ancients were at loggerheads. Some believed the sacrifice of two was worth the saving of many. Others believed no such sacrifice could ever be made without repercussions. Repercussions that would echo through the ages. A decision could not be reached. Both races were torn. They had lived in this realm for longer than their memories cared to sustain them, never before had something such as this happened. Something that threatened the very existence of not only their races but all the races that inhabited this realm. The elders of the Immortals and Ancients struggled with a decision. Months turned into years and the realm fell into a time of darkness, the mortals were unaware of the war that waged around them, believing the wars they were fighting were for themselves, not realising it was the impact of the evil unleashed by the woman's people. There was nothing the Immortals or Ancients could do. To save the realm they had to deliver the man and the woman.

She sat on the dry earth in front of their cottage and smiled as she watched her husband follow their child around the small yard. Both of them laughing as she fell on her ass and cried out in frustration. His blue eyes twinkled when he looked at her and she loved him more then than she had ever loved him. He picked up his daughter and held her close, she giggled at her father as she grabbed at his nose. He looked at his wife and smiled. She was the last thing he saw as the arrow pierced his heart. She screamed as he fell, fell backwards, to try and save his child; not realising he would drive the arrow into her. She ran to them, her family; falling to her knees as she pulled them to her, willing them to live, begging them not to leave her. She howled her anguish up to the sky and when her people took her, ripping her husband and child's bodies from her grasp, her mind snapped. True evil had just been unleashed.

They took her back to her people, to where she belonged. It was an arduous journey, one filled with the victory cries of her people and the silent, staring eyes of the woman. She was bought to the new Shaman who explained that she was to be sacrificed to the magic, their new leader. She nodded, she didn't want to live this life without her husband and child. The Shaman told her how the Immortals and Ancients had helped in her deliverance. She blinked. Did she not see how important she was? This sacrifice would appease all the races. She blinked.

That night, they led her to the altar. She walked willingly, her head held high, her step not faltering. She could feel the evilness around her, the evilness that had embraced her people and her people had embraced it in return. She lay herself down on the altar and whispered quietly as the Shaman raised his dagger. Her people cheered, the excitement of the sacrifice travelling like a wave through them. He plunged the dagger into her heart and screamed as fire travelled up his arm, engulfing him. Her people stopped their cheering, confused when the woman sat up and pulled the dagger from her heart. Confusion turned to fear, fear to terror as the black magic embraced it's new host. She screamed her new name to them, letting them know who would be their destroyer "I AM BABA YAGA! YOUR CREATION! YOUR DESTRUCTION!"

When she was done, no one was left alive. They had killed her family, they had killed her and they had paid the ultimate price.

She turned from the massacre, a smile on her lips. It wasn't finished, it had only just begun. One race was gone…there were two more to destroy. The Immortals and the Ancients, they too had played a part in the death of her family. She would not rest until she saw the last of them from this earth.

The dark magic in her grew, believing it controlled her. It was wrong.

The veil of smoke changed. She now saw a woman, was this the one she needed? She saw the woman lean over the body of a dead man, saw her remove a dagger….the old woman shook her head…it couldn't be…'Odin's Dagger', only an Ancient could hold it. She heard the whisperings of that old language, there was no doubt. She saw the woman resurrect the man. She smiled, this was better than she had hoped. She had just needed a host, she knew her body grew weak, would not last another year. Her revenge wasn't complete, there were still Ancients and Immortals that walked this earth. When 'The Covenant' had invoked her power, she knew this was the way to continue her lust for revenge. She gave them what they wanted but she asked for much in return. They were willing to give it. She needed a sacrifice, a special sacrifice…one like hers. But this? This was fate. True revenge. Unleashing one of their own on them. What better way to destroy the Ancient race. The Immortals could wait. Baba Yaga rose out of her chair, she would begin the journey to that hellish place called New York, to begin her work and continue her vengeance. But the men….why had she been shown the two men? She would worry about that when the time came. For now, she had to get to the woman.


Sam's eyes snapped open. What the hell kind of dream was that? It wasn't a vision, not a death vision, the kind he was slowly starting to get used to…this was something else. It was like he was watching it through someone else's eyes. He had felt every emotion the person…no, not person, it was a woman. He was sure of it. He had felt the happiness, the pain, the grief and the hatred. The hatred that had chilled him. And she had been watching him and Dean … he didn't like that. And the woman at the end… someone was coming for her, that woman was coming for her. So maybe it wasn't quite a death vision but he had a feeling that if he and Dean didn't find her then maybe it would be.

He sat up in the crappy bed of their latest motel, switched on the light, reached over to the other bed where his brother was crashed out and shook him awake…

"Dean, Dean…dude, wake up"

Dean groaned "Sammy, no…please…." he looked at his watch and groaned more loudly "I've only been asleep for four freakin' hours Sam, are you trying to kill me?"

Sam grinned "Get up, dude…we got work to do"

To be continued….