Betrayal and Innocents Death

A Harry Potter Fanfiction

Fanfiction By: Star2000fire

Chapter Nine:

...and the death of the old:

The Return of Sirius Black

Part: B

Disclaimer: I don't Own it, It's not Mine, Wish it was, but it's not.

ALL spelling error's are mine.

Warning for this chapter: Curseing, swearing.

Author's Note: has anyone watched Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's stone with Subtittles on? anyone notice how some of the subtittles ethir have more then the people say or less?

I now have the joy of my own Live journal at :

star2000shadow dot livejournal dot com

and yes I have changed my penname, I know bad form. but it was a bit disconcerting to see star2000fire when I am so used to star2000shadow.


XsuicideXkittyX: Yep, Sirius is comeing back big time.

Yana5: Thank you thank you..


...on with the show...

Last time :

As the spell went along the magical power was so thick, you could of cut it with a knife, but that's not what he was going to cut. no he was going to shatter the thing that kept his Godfather from him.
and deep inside, he knew, this was a power the rest couldn't fight.
the crash as the doors to the chamber came slaming open sounded distant, he ignored it as not important and continued.

Lord and Lady protect me, keep me close to your side
Water empower me with emotions of pride
Ancient Ones give me patience that lasts
Be here this night in the circle that's cast.

I call the Lord and Lady who gave me birth
I summon to me the Element of Earth
I stir the Ancients to be here this night
To travel upon their spiritual light.

Lord and Lady protect me, surround me with love
Earth empower me as below so above
Ancient Ones give me wisdom that lasts
Provide me this in the circle that's cast."

As the last word's left his mouth the 'circle' became a blinding light for a moment, showing the spell as haveing been compleated.
and this just the spell to protect him from back lash and anything else.

Now came the fun part, The towers and everything else he'd need.
he wasn't useing HIS energy, or he was, but he wasn't.
he was asking something ELSE to step in and help him pull his godfather from the veil.
Takeing another deep breath, Harry picked up a feather and started.

"I call upon the watchtower of the East,
Of wind and Communication ,
I give my magic as a rope,
Let Sirius black hear these words..

he gave a soft hiss of surprise when it felt like.. something slowly grew from about his 'head' level, and could actully see a small and delicate line of magic streatching form him into the veil. he gently blew the feather away and it dissapeared into the veil as well, coverd in magical power.

I call upon the watchtower of the South,
Of Fire and Passion,
I give my Desire as a link,
Let Sirius black return to those who love him..

another thread of magic, this time from where his heart was,
this one was a blinding burning red, where the other had been yellow,
as he called each watchtower he lit a candle the same color and in the same area on his altar.
Yellow for the watchtower of air,
Red for the watch tower of the south.

I call upon the Watchtower of the West,
Of Water and emotion,
I give my Emotional energy as a call,
Let Sirius black be wrapped within my love...

another line of magic from his heart, generaly and his head as well thickend the two and locked the other two line's together, forming a thicker rope, he could feel.. something tugging on the other end almost as if it where searching.
Searching for a beloved presence that had been toren away.

I call upon the Watchtower of the North,
Of Earth and Wisdom,
I give my knowledge and memory as a rope,
Let Sirius black come back..

There was a blinding flash as he finished and his magic lept from his body in one long rop that snared on something and started dragging it back toward's h im, he fought to stay on his feet,
tiredness already makeing his head swim.
He forced himself not to think of anything else but what Sirius looked like, what he had smelled like, how he had stood up for Harry, anything and everything he could pull up from his mind on his Godfather..
There was something like a scream from the veil as it fought to keep it's prisoner, but he still pulled, his breath comeing in sh ort little gasp's.
sweat poured off of his body, causeing his shirt's and rob's to stick to him, but slowly he saw a hazey image within the veil as smoke bellowed out of the thing.
dimly he heard voices..
"He's.. what's he doing.."
"He's bringing something out of the.."
"...but that's impossible.."
and ignored them all, pouring more of his magic down those lines and the form became clearer.
the hair was shaggy still, the eye's haunted but suddenly Sirius black stumbled out of the Veil and almost droped onto Harry's altar. Harry caught him and eased him down to the cement floor with a gasp as the link's all dissapeared. takeing a breath he forced himself to go through the motions of closeing all the spells down, from the protection, which left a lingering sense of protection behind, to the sheild that kept anything else from interfearing with the spell he'd been calling, and then, finely he droped to his knee's by Sirius's side.
"H..harry?" came from cracked lips. his uncle looked like hell, but he seemed to be the same as when he fell INTO the veil, except for the lips. then again he probably hit the floor hard and split it. "W..what's going on Harry..?"
"Never mind that Sirius.." he whisperd tear's in his eye's.. as he pulled his Godfather close. people rushed forward but slamned into yet another sheild, this one wasn't Harry's doing, more the power's he'd called up.