My Mobile Romance

Chapter 1: The Meeting of Two

.o. Syaoran .o.

"Hello…?" I answered the phone in my half asleep-half awake voice. Secretly, I'm quite annoyed with the person who's calling.

I should pull the telephone plug whenever I sleep, I thought to myself.

Well, it is 11AM, and I did pull an all-nighter last night. I didn't even get home until 6:30AM, and by then, all the birds were already chirping! Then I have to take a shower, and didn't even get a chance to get into my bed until 7AM!!

I was so tired that I even skipped breakfast.

I'm telling you, my job is no joke!! If you think I get any special treatment because I'm the boss's only son, then you are sadly mistaken.

"Syaoran?" a female's voice said on the other end. "Wow, you're still asleep? It's already 11AM!!"

"Tomoyo, you do know I got into bed four hours ago right?" I yawned.

"You did? Oh my gosh, I'm awfully sorry!" she apologized quickly, sounding guilty.

"Nah, don't worry about it," I yawned again. "So what is it?"

"Eriol and I are leaving for England in three days, so we're throwing a goodbye party at the local karaoke place tonight. Do you think you can make it?"

"Mmm…" I mumbled sleepily. "What time?"

"Hmm…should be around 9:30PM. It's at the Melodic Tunes."

"Yeah, sure, what perfect timing too. My meeting ends at 9PM tonight." I said.

"Great!! Well, see you tonight then!!"

"Alright, see ya."

As soon as I pressed the "off" button on the cordless phone, my head flopped back down on the pillow. I was so sleepy that I forgot to ask Tomoyo which room number the party was going to be held in.




"…and I think we should use it to our advantage. After all, this star shower only comes every 10 years. And our hotel is on the right coordinates to give our guests the perfect view. Syaoran, I'm putting you in charge of this project. Make flyers, commercials; whatever it is you need to do; just make sure that word gets out. This will attract lots of guests and business for the hotel."

"Consider it done," I nodded, feeling well refreshed after my sleep.

"Alright, meeting adjourn." My father nodded and everyone started shuffling their folders around, getting ready to leave.

Glancing at my wristwatch, I realize I should get going too if I'm want to be on time for Eriol and Tomoyo's goodbye bash.

"Going to your friends' party tonight?" my father asked. I nodded.

"Yeah, Eriol and Tomoyo are leaving for England in a few days."

Eriol Hiirazagawa and Tomoyo Daidouji are my long time friends since high school. The three of us were always in our own little group. Ah, the good old times. Eriol and Tomoyo are engaged to be marry next year after Tomoyo wraps up some design deals in England.

It's amazing how we're still in touch with each other's lives now that we're all 26 years of age.

The only thing I've got to complain about is that the two of them are always trying to fix me up with some girl after I broke up with…

"Syaoran, you're going to be late." My father smiled. Looking at the time, I realized it's already 9:16PM! Yikes!




I parked my car in an empty space and got out. Just then, it hit me: I don't know the room number.

Quickly, I dialled Eriol's cell phone number.

"Hello?" Tomoyo answered it. Figures.

"Hey, it's me. I forgot to ask…what's the room number?"

"Oh, you're here?"

"Yeah, I just parked."

"Oh, it's room 32."

"Alright, I'm on my way up."

If I can see into the future and know what will happen as a result of me attending this party tonight, I wonder if I would have went at all in the first place. But if I hadn't...I wouldn't have met her...




Walking along the corridors, I can hear music from other rooms. I can hear some people singing out of key. I can hear people laughing drunkenly.

"28…29…30…31…ah, here it is, number 32!"

I swung the door open.

And inside…

…was a girl.

I stared at her. She was taking a sip from a glass of what looks to be like orange juice. She looked up at me when she heard the door opened.

I blinked. Huh? Where is everyone? I thought tonight is suppose to be a goodbye party.

Shoot, I must be in the wrong room!! How embarrassing!

"Um…hi…this is room 32 right?" I asked uncertainly, feeling colour rush to my face. God, this is humiliating.

"Um, yes it is," the girl replied, blinking her emerald green eyes at me.

Huh?? This is room 32? So I'm not in the wrong room?

"Uh…so…where is everyone? Where are Eriol and Tomoyo?" I asked.

"Um, a bunch of them all went to buy wine. They told me to stay here because they said you'll be coming." The girl said, tucking a strand of her auburn hair behind her ear.

"Oh…alright." I said, taking a seat next to her uncertainly. "By the way, my name is Syaoran."

She smiled at me. "I'm Sakura."

Sigh, I knew it was too good to be true. Eriol and Tomoyo just can't invite me to a normal gathering. They're always trying to set me up. Ever since I broke up with Karumi, the two of them had been arranging gatherings filled with people, mostly girls, I don't even know…


"Syaoran, over here!" Eriol waved at me as I walked over at sat down next to him on a porch chair. "Glad you can make it."

"Yeah…who are these people?" I looked around. Oh sure, I noticed a few familiar faces, such as our high school friends Yamazaki, Chiharu, Yukito, and Naoko. But a bunch of the guests were people I have never seen before.

"Oh, some of them are Tomoyo's clients, and some of them are my coworkers." Eriol replied. "Hey, Syaoran, let me introduce you to someone…"

"Not this again…" I rolled my eyes, but I know it was fruitless as Eriol is starting to rise from his spot.

"Syaoran, this is Miyako. She's the daughter of one of Tomoyo's best clients. Miyako, this is my long time buddy, Syaoran." Eriol introduced me to a girl with waist length hair and bright blue eyes and a nice smile.

"Hi, Syaoran. It's very nice to meet you." She said to me.

"It's nice to meet you too." I returned the polite smile.

Well, needless to say, the rest of the evening sort of went downhill. Miyako didn't stick around for long when she discovered that I'm not too much of a conversationalist. Hey, it's not my fault! It's hard to think of what to say when you know that you're being set up.

End of flashback

I shift uncomfortably in my seat. I'm not a good conversationalist when it comes to girls. Probably because I'm living with the thought that I'm being set up by my friends.

"So…would you like to sing?" I asked, picking up the microphone and handing it to the girl.

"Um, you can go first." She said shyly, not taking the microphone.

"No, ladies first." I said.

"Oh, I'm er…not ready yet. So you can go first."

"Oh…er…I'm not ready either." I said awkwardly, putting the microphone back down.





"They're out to…um…get wine you say?"


"Let me give them a call to see when they'll be back." I whipped out my cell phone and punched in Eriol's number. Again, it was Tomoyo who answered.

"Where are you guys?" I hissed in the phone softly so Sakura wouldn't hear me. "It's just me and this girl."

"Oh great, so you've met Sakura!" Tomoyo said bubbly. "What do you think of her?"

"Tomoyo! God, I knew tonight would be another set up."

"Come on, Syaoran. Sakura's a nice girl. Get to know her better."

"Tomoyo, you and Eriol get your butts back here right now! You know I'm not the world's top conversationalist when it comes to girls you two pick out!"

"Alright, alright, we're coming." Tomoyo huffed.

"They're coming back," I informed Sakura as I flick off my cell phone.

"Oh, alright. I bet there will be a huge fight over who gets the microphone when they come back. Are you sure you don't want to sing now" she asked. I shook my head no.

"So…where do you work?" I asked, hoping this is the right path towards a successful conversation.

"I work in the marketing department over in the next town. I have to take a half hour boat ride to get to Tomoeda" she told me with a smile. "How about you?"

"Oh me? I um…I work in the Li Star Hotel."

"Oh wow, the five star hotel with the highest ratings in every magazine?" She asked, looking impressed.

"Yeah! Right now, we're doing this great advertisement. You see, there's supposed to be a star shower next week, and the coordinates of the hotel gives the perfect view. We're hoping it will attract more business and guests to stay over this time." I told her.

"Oh wow, really? I love star showers!"

.o. Sakura .o.

When Tomoyo said she'd introduce the perfect guy for me…I had my doubts. But now…this Syaoran is not bad. I mean, he's not the world's top conversationalist, but at least he doesn't seem like the jerk my ex-boyfriend was.

Never mind. Forget I mentioned that ex of mine.

"I like your cell phone charm." I said, noticing it on his phone after he hung up with Tomoyo. It was two charms, one of a baby blue half broken heart, and one of a baby pink blue broken heart. If you look closely, the two of them fits like a puzzle to make a whole.

"Oh really? Thanks." He handed me his mobile so I can get a better look.

"Why did you keep both of them?" I asked, playing with it; fitting the pieces together, only to watch them fall back apart.

"I was supposed to give one to someone. But we broke up." He said softly.

I winced. Whoops…bad, Sakura! You said the wrong thing!!

"Oh…I'm sorry." I said awkwardly, giving him back his phone. After that, he didn't say much. Maybe I shouldn't have mentioned his cell phone charms…

Anyways, Tomoyo and Eriol came back along with everyone else soon, and the place started to liven up quite a bit. And yes, there was quite a fight over who gets the microphone. Chiharu ended up getting it after bonking Yamazaki on the head.

Since I do need to take the boat back home, I left quite soon to catch the last ship at 10:30PM.

I didn't get a chance to talk to that Syaoran much. Oh well.

All I remember was…Li Star Hotel will have the best view for the star shower next week.

.o. Syaoran .o.

That Sakura girl left without me noticing. Oh well. After getting questioned about my cell phone charms, I didn't say much.

I mean, what I said the wrong thing? We both knew that we were being set up, and it's not nice to mention your ex-girlfriend while you're on a sort of blind date with a girl right?

Luckily, everyone else came back into the room soon, and all was good.

I didn't stay that long, since I do have work early tomorrow. After wishing Tomoyo and Eriol a safe journey, I headed for home.

I wonder if Sakura will come to the hotel next week for that perfect viewing of the star showers.




I climbed into my canopy bed and grabbed my day agenda. It's a little habit I've developed; I always have to go through my agenda before I can fall asleep. A little note fell out from the agenda as I opened it.

Mr. Yamagotchi's number – 231-6235

Ooh, I better store the number in my cell phone in case I lost it. Mr. Yamagotchi runs one of the biggest advertising companies, so I better give him a call tomorrow about the stars showers project advertisement…huh?? Hey, where did my cell phone go??

.o. Sakura .o.

Rriinngg rriinngg!!

I rolled over in my bed, covering my ears with my soft pillow, trying to block out the sounds. I have an early morning shift tomorrow!! I need my sleep!! Glancing at the clock, I saw that it's 1:16AM. Forget it. Whoever is calling me can wait!! Beauty sleep, here I come!!

Rriinngg, rriinngg!!

It's not working!! Who's calling at this time of night?? Sitting up, I reached over to answer my cell phone…huh?? Wait! My cell phone is being charged!!

I glanced at the table, and noticed that my cell phone is still being charged. Then…if my cell phone is not the phone that's ringing…what is??

Oh my gosh!! That ringing is coming from my handbag!!

Sugar Pink: SO HOW WAS IT? Please, please, leave a comment to let me know what you think!! This is based on a radio drama MOOV, so don't be alarmed if you see slight similarities. Sorry for the lack of updates lately!!! I have a bit of a break now, so I'll definitely be updating more of my stories for the next few days!!

Also, this story is intended to be a light-hearted and short one, so…yeah lol.

I have the second chapter half way done already! PLEASE leave a review for me and tell me what you think!!! Pretty please??? Haha!