Title: His Cold Heart Her Warm Love

Summary: Everyone thought that Kagome was the purest miko of their time for purifying Inuyasha's broken heart, but Kikyo disagrees. They make a little wager that Kikyo finds repulsive but she wants to prove Kagome for the whore she is. What happens when she falls in love?

Ch Summary- Everyone is telling Kagome she's unbelievable it gets to her head. Kikyo denies it and they put on a little wager. Third person for the whole chapter.

Ch 1: Wager

Kagome was walking down the dirt road in Keadea's village. Everywhere she passed she got looks. Like wow, she's the best, and she is pure. She smiled.

She loved when people complimented her. She knew she was pure. She thought she was pure. In fact everyone thought she was the purest of all. She came into Keadea's hut and sat down next to everyone else. She was sure they were thinking she was pure too.

"Hello everyone," she cheered happily.

Sango and Inuyasha sweat dropped. Inuyasha lifted his hand to interrupt but she kept on going. For hours and hours she talked nonstop. Inuyasha and Sango got up, "Umm, we have to go. I promised Sango I would help her train."

Kagome frowned as the man she found attractive left with the girl she thought was her best friend. Miroku and Shippo stood up as well, "I have to go help Shippo with his fox power."

They walked out in a hurry. Kagome was left alone with Keadea. Kagome gave in a fake smile and sighed, "Kagome."

She looked up at the old wise priestess, "Yes."

"Do you mind taking a walk with and old bat like me?"

"Oh no of course not," she smiled.

The two got up and walked out and headed down the path to the Bone Eaters well.


The young priestess with red hakamas and white kimono walked along the row of trees to her village. She was beautiful with her milky cream skin and her long ebony hair that swayed with the wind. Her bow was arched on her back with her arrows in her quiver. She seemed depressed and tired. She came upon the village she once called home.

"Pathetic little village, they denied me…"

She glanced over by the well as she heard two people. Her so called sister and her look alike reincarnation, "… and embraced her."

Keadea was supposed to be her sister but it looked as if she was replaced by that wench. She walked away and came into a clearing. A few weak little demons lived there witch didn't take long to kill. The lonely priestess walked to the lake and stumbled across a pile of clothes.

Looking up into the lake she saw two people kissing each other passionately. Recognizing the silver locks of hair and the brown locks of hair she smirked, "I am so pleased and relieved to see that my old lover has found another besides my reincarnation."

Inuyasha and Sango turned around in shock. Hiding in the water Sango yelled, "Please Kikyo, please don't tell Kagome!"

Inuyasha was shocked. He still loved Kikyo and she was perfectly fine with him and Sango.

"Don't worry, Sango, I wont tell. A matter of fact I don't even care anymore. I'm just surprised the stupid girl hasn't found out the way she snoops into others business.

Sango held onto Inuyasha kissed him and smiled at Kikyo, "Thanks."

Without a word of good bye she turned and left the two. Inuyasha stilled stunned with depression.


Kagome and Keadea came back late and seen that everyone was back and asleep. Kagome gracefully walked over to Inuyasha and layed on his lap and fell asleep. Being the dog demon he half was he knew what she did and moved over making her fall flat on her head. She got up and yelled sit. Breaking a hole in Keadea's floor and waking everyone Kagome smiled.

Next Morning

Kagome was outside letting everyone admire her and accept that they weren't as special and beautiful she was. She smiled to herself and kept walking for everyone to see.

Making her way to the well she stopped and sensed Kikyo's aura. Kikyo walked into clearing. Revealing herself, the miko smirked, "You could sense my aura today but why not yesterday?"

"You weren't here yesterday I would have sensed it!"

"Or your not as powerful as you think you brat," Kikyo snapped back.

Kagome growled, "You're just mad you can't have Inuyasha."

Kagome smiled as if she won with that remark but Kikyo started to laugh, "AS IF I CARE ABOUT THAT DOG ANYMORE I AM PLEASED WITH HIS CHOICE."

Kagome stepped back, "Fine if that's not it, it's the thought that everyone rejected you for me."

"You're not as pure as you think or as pure as the villagers think. You lost your innocence to the perverted monk. Miko's are forbidden to have sexual affairs like that. And you are in love with Inuyasha and it's forbidden to have that feeling or think about having it."

"How'd you know about Miroku!?" she panicked.

"I saw you guys," she replied.

Kagome gritted her teeth, "I am pure. As long as no one knows, I am the purest one alive."

"I may not be the purest for going to hell and falling in love, but I know for a fact you're not pure at all!"

"Fine, how about we make a wager? I mean if you're purer than me you can cure a cold broken mended heart."

Kikyo's eyebrows went up in interest, "Go on."

"If you can cure Sesshoumaru's heart you'll be purer than me. You might as well be a goddess. But we all know I'm the goddess," Kagome chuckled.

Kikyo crossed her arms and thought about her little proposal. Sesshoumaru was a noble majestic lord. Not to mention the fact that he is a stubborn full fledged demon. He despises humans and wants nothing to do with them. The only human he will have something to do with is Rin.

Kikyo sighed. Sesshoumaru and Inuyasha may be half brothers but one thing for sure is that they both claimed to hate humans but only to end up traveling with one or more.

Sesshoumaru is very hard to crack. Not once in his cold hearted lonely life has that straight line on his face curved into a smile nor a frown. He was like a statue never willing to break after being knocked down from its high emplacement. He always found his way back up without a scratch.

She could try to see if she really does have the potential of healing a broken heart. She would have found out fifty years ago if the one she loved had not betrayed her soul.

Kikyo held out her hand and Kagome smirked. Grabbing her hand securely they had sealed the agreement. Before letting go Kagome added one more thing, "Who ever wins gets to also decide the fate, punishment, or victory over the other."

Kikyo nodded in agreement. She let Kagome's rough hand go and left without another word.

Kagome went to turn around to go back into the village for more admiring. But a sudden strong overwhelming aura popped up. Speaking of devil, their little wager had just appeared out of no where. She considered her options on how to get him to travel with her or something.

Hello I hope my story is good so far and im sorry if it was short to you. The next one should be longer and more exciting I hope. Please review please.