Disclaimer: Sadly I do not own Naruto or any of the characters in it.

Good now that that's out of the way. I would like to say that this is a Temari/Naruto fic. This is also my first fan fiction ever so please review. But review it harshly. Don't be mean. Hahah, but I won't mind some helpful criticism. For those of you who may ask in the future. I don't know why I made it a Temari/Naruto fic. I just really like the idea. I think they would make a great couple. Oh and for those who are up to date with the manga or the new Naruto TV show, you will notice much of what happens in this first chapter is straight from that. Yes it is. But if you look closely, the characters personalities are set up a bit differently. I left out characters that wont be important in this story, and by the end of the next chapter things will obviously be much different. But I will shut up now. I hope you enjoy.

The Ties that Bind

Chapter one: He Finally Returns

Uzumaki Naruto was finally home after three long years. At the age of sixteen he now stands 5' 6". At a quick glance his basic appearance hasn't changed much. His wild blonde hair is still unkempt and kept out of his face by his forehead protector. The whisker like marks on his cheeks are as dark, if not darker, then ever. While you can still tell it is Naruto, his uniform has changed quite a bit. The once blue forehead protector is now black, while his orange and blue jumpsuit has been changed to a less vibrant black and orange one. His face lost all the baby fat, and his muscles are more defined. He simply looked… Older.

Naruto ran a hand through his wet hair, and stopped to breath in the slightly damp air, thanks to last night's rainfall. He looks up at the towering entrance to the Hidden village of the leaf, and a fox-like grin appeared on his now matured face.

"Are you going to stand there all day? Or are we going inside?" Jiraiya asks, breaking Naruto out of his Daze.

"Of coarse I'm going! I'm just taking everything in…"

Jiraiya cannot help from smiling at the boy. 'No.. I cannot think of him as that small, loud boy anymore. I don't even have to look down to see his face anymore. All of our training has really paid off. But out of all the training I have given you Naruto… You've progressed the most mentally, in both maturity and intellectually.' Lost in his own thoughts, Jiraiya failed to notice Naruto start walking into the village.

"Come on Ero-Sennin you're the one who said we should get going!" Naruto yelled over his shoulder. His words dripping with excitement.

"You go on ahead. I have business to attend too with the Hokage," and with that he disappeared in a puff of smoke. Naruto turned his attention back to the village.

"Who needs that perverted hermit anyways? I can't wait to see everyone!" Punching a fist into the air, he took off running ignoring the surprised guards at the front gate.

"Hey, was that???"

"Yeah no doubt about it!" The two guards looked at each other with a smile, then back at the strange boy with the spiky blonde hair.

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Naruto was excited. Scratch that, really excited to be back. He couldn't wait to see all his friends, and more importantly, to eat a couple of bowls of ramen at Ichiraku's. With his mind elsewhere, Naruto barreled ohhh so gracefully into a certain young boy wearing a rather long scarf.

"Watch where you're going you idi…" The boy started to say, as he rubbed his sore arm. He stopped himself mid sentence the second he saw that trademark spiral on the back of that young ninjas jacket.

"Naruto?!? Naruto-niichan!!!" Konohamaru was needless to say, very surprised and very happy to see him. Naruto slowly raised himself to his feet rubbing his head.

"Konohamaru! It's been a long time." Naruto looks his old friend over. 'He has grown so much. He's taller then I was at that age.' It was the gleam from the metal forehead protector that really caught his eye.

"So you're a full fledged ninja now! Congratulation Konohamaru. I wish I had been there!" Konohamaru gave a Naruto like grin and a thumbs up. Then a wave of terror washed over his face and he started to run in the direction he was previously heading.

"Sorry Naruto-niichan!! I was in the middle of a mission!"

And with that the young shinobi was gone. But before he could even have time to start moving again he heard a voice calling to him.

"NARUTO-KUN?! The rumors are true its really you!" screamed a beautiful ninja with shoulder length pink hair, as she ran towards him.

"S-Sa-Sakura-chan?" Was all he could get out before he was wrapped in an embrace. He clumsily returned the hug as best he could and looked down at his former teammate. 'Wait…. Looked down?' Almost as if reading his mind, she spoke.

"Looks like your taller then me now huh.. Naruto-kun." Sakura sighed into Narutos' jacket. Unable to control her emotions.

"Ya… Looks like it." He stated looking down at the top of her head. After a few more seconds of holding the embrace, he pulled away.

"When did you get back?" She stated, trying hard to take out the emotion in her voice. She hadn't seen him in three years. No letter, and no contact in three full years.

"Just now actually. Your only the second person I've seen." He flashed her his fox-like grin. She was a bit taken back. 'Is this really Naruto? He's so different… Not only mentally but physically too.' She blushed a bit at that thought.

"Do you think I look more womanly now?" She asks, with a slight red hue to her cheeks. Posing a bit for him to make her point.

"Very much so Sakura-chan."

She almost fell over herself with surprise. She was expecting him to say something stupid like 'you haven't changed a bit.' Or just stutter and blush. But never did she think he would actually comment on it. "I am actually on my way to the Hokages office to bring her some paper work, Want to come along? We can catch up on the way!."

"That sounds like a great idea" And with that they depart together to the Hokage office.

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"Welcome back to Konoha Naruto." Tsunade stated warmly looking at the young man she met just three years prior.

"Thank you Hokage-sama"

'What? No Granny Tsunade?' the buxom blond let out a smile. 'So Jiraiya trained him in more then just the way of the ninja.'

"Lets get to the point you two. I would like to see the results of your training."

"Results of our training? How are we going to do that sensei," Sakura asks.

"You will fight a certain Jonin. I made sure to give him no missions so he could rest up." She flashed them a devilish smile. They had no idea what was in store for them. Just then the door to the Hokages office opened. Naruto recognized them instantly.

"Shikamaru! Look who's back!" Sakura pointed at Naruto excitedly.

"Oh?... Naruto?!" A smile formed on the genius' face.

"Hey its Shikamaru!" Naruto smiled. He felt a little strange. He didn't expect this many people to be happy at his return. "Wait is he our opponent?"

"Opponent what are you talking about?" Shikamaru was a bit confused now. "I just came by to pick up some documents."

"If it's not you… Then it must be.." He looked at the girl standing next to Shikamaru. She was extremely beautiful. At least.. That's what Naruto was thinking. It took him a few seconds to stop staring and place her name.

"Hey Temari, I guess it's you?"

Temari really didn't know what to think. She hadn't even paid attention to the question he asked her. Her mind was else where. 'I can't believe that's the shrimp who beat Gaara! He is taller then me now. Just how much did he change? How much more powerful did he get?' She suddenly remembered a conversation she had with Gaara three years ago, about four months after his battle with Naruto.

"I don't want to say this Gaara… But the people of the sand only think of you as a weapon… To Separate from me and Kankurou, your brother and sister… To just go into their midst outta the blue like this… It'll be hard... To hard. The superiors don't think very much of you. When it come down to it the majority of the village is still afraid of you." Temari cried out trying to hold the tears back, but failing miserably.

"I know… But… By just waiting, I get attacked by an even greater pain. All I can do is create my own path through hard work. Without being a loner and taking the easy route… So someday, I'll maybe... be like…" He paused looking out over the cliffs off the sand to the great vast desert beyond. "So that's why I, as one of the sand's shinobi, aim to be Kazekage. To bond with and live for this village."

Temari was speechless wiping the tears from her eyes as Gaara continued.

"Through hard work, I want to be respected by everyone. I learned that after seeing Uzumaki Naruto. But up until now… My bonds with others… Have been nothing but rage and murderous intent. Thought fighting him and seeing his will to save these… bonds, I understand a little better. Hate, sadness and even Happiness… To be able to share it with another person…That is a true bond. Uzumaki Naruto… From fighting with him… I think he taught me that. He knows pain like I did. And then, he taught me that you can change that path. I wish one day, that I can be needed by someone. Not as a weapon. But as the sand's Kazekage!"

She felt like crying. She wanted to thank Naruto from the bottom of her heart for changing Gaara so drastically. She wanted to show him how much of his courage and tenacity. rubbed off on other people. She wanted to tell him so many things, and ask so many questions she didn't know the answer to. But that's now how she worked. Plus she didn't want that idiot to get the wrong idea. She was brought out of her trance by the voice of Tsunade.

" She is not your opponent either. Your opponent is there!" She states as she points to the open window of her office. Confused, Naruto made his way over to the window. Peeking his head out he looks around to find his mystery opponent. Finishing the last sentence in his book. Kakashi looked up "Hello… Naruto."

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Two men could be seen walking through the windswept desert. Black cloaks with red embroidered clouds blew in the mid afternoon wind. "Are you going to be okay with just that bag?" The short hunched back man asks, his gritty voice unexpected from his appearance. "Our opponent is a Jinchuuriki."

The tall blonde haired ninja laughed with a slight crazed look in his eyes. "All of my techniques are works of art." A gust of wind blew revealing two small pouches, one on each hip. "I am also carrying… My specialty." The mysterious ninja unzips both pouches and snakes his hands inside. If one could see the inside of his palms they would be quite surprised to see a mouth. The mouths open and his hands began eating some of the contents of the bag. "After all… Were just going up against a little shrimp."

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"Hello… Naruto." Kakashi smiled through his trademark mask.

"Kakashi-sensei!" Naruto jumped out of the window and onto the roof running over to where Kakashi was currently sitting. "I have a present for you!" Naruto smiles and reaches into his side pouch, obviously looking for something. He pulls out a small book with a sky blue color.

"N-N-Nani!?!?!" Kakashi stutters as he stares at the book in astonishment.

"It's the first book in the series in three years! It's not even in production yet. It's kind of boring but I thought you would like it." Kakashi takes the book from Naruto as if it was a priceless artifact. He opens the front cover and a golden light, which only he could see, emanated from the pages. He closes the book and recomposes himself.

"Thank you very much Naruto"

"No problem!" Naruto flashed him his trademark grin. Then his brain catches up.

"Wait… YOUR OUR OPPONENT?!?" Narutos jaw practically hit the floor. As did everyone else's, having walked to the window to watch the interaction. All were surprised except the Hokage of course.

"Indeed. Well, we will begin tomorrow at the third training ground. Naruto has been traveling and should get a good nights rest before we start." Kakashi stated.

"I am not tired lets st…" Before he could finish his statement Kakashi disappeared in a puff of smoke.

"I wonder why he was in such a hurry?" Temari spoke up. Everyone's face faltered. If you knew Kakashi, you would know he went off to read that book.

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After the meeting at the Hokages office the four young shinobi were now walking towards the center of the village. Naruto and Sakura were up front thinking of plans to take down Kakashi. Even with his newfound intellect and maturity Naruto was still Naruto and his curiosity got the best of him. He looked over his shoulder at Temari and Shikamaru, and a fox like grin spread over his face. He stopped and looked straight at the two.

"Soooo… You two on a date?" He drew out the last word for dramatic effect.

"What? You've got to be kidding me. Why would I go out with someone like him!" Temari steamed, pointing a shaking finger at Shikamaru.

'She's worse then my mother… how troublesome' Shikamaru sighed to himself.

"It's nothing like that. She is here as a representative from the sand. I have been assigned to be her guide while she's here preparing for the Chuunin exams." Shikamaru countered. Temari nodded her head, her anger a thing of the past.

Naruto sweat drops. 'What a dramatic change in mood. Although she's kind of cute when she's angry…'

"What are you going to do about the exams Naruto?" Naruto caught off guard looked at Shikamaru.

"What do you mean?"

"Well… You're the only one in our age group that's still a Genin." Suddenly everything went black. "The only one?' Narutos shoulder slumped downward.

"This one," Pointing to Temari "Kankurou, and Neji are already Jonin." Shikamaru said. Naruto was quiet for a few seconds.

"Everybody… Even you Sakura? You're a Chuunin?" He looks back at her and she gives him a nod and the peace sign. Then it hit him like a brick wall.

"GAARA! What about Gaara?'

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"Kazekage-sama" A voice rang out into the audience chamber of the sand. Gaara nodded his head in understanding.

"I see. I've heard rumors of them before, but how do you know about this organization?" Gaara asks the young captain Yuri.

"I have received this information from Jiraiya-sama, on of the legendary Sannin." Mummers could be heard traveling around the room. " Regardless how much power these shinobi may have, they are not going to be able to break into the sand through sheer force alone. Akatsuki members wear black capes with red clouds printed on them. I have ordered everyone to attack such a person with full force should they decide to show themselves."

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"Is that so… Kazekage huh?" Narutos gaze fell upon the rock sculptures of the four Hokages. His fists visibly tighten and shake. Everyone waited for him to explode. But that didn't happen.

"Amazing.. He must… Have worked so hard... To get everyone to accept him… How did he do it in such a short amount of time... I have been trying all my life to be accepted by this village but I still haven't fully succeeded. But I am not going to lose either! I'll work just as hard, just wait and see Gaara! I will defiantly become Hokage. I will be accepted by the people of my village, just like you did! For being the truly great ninja we are!"

Visibly shocked everyone couldn't help by smile at the boy's outburst of emotions. 'Naruto.. You can always put a smile on peoples face. You can always turn situation in your favor, and you can inspire courage in other people… I missed that when you were gone.' Thought Sakura.

Temari on the other hand was on the verge of tears for the second time in one day. The second time! 'How does this kid know so much about Gaara.. He seems to know exactly what he has gone through. And how did he effect Gaara so much just by fighting him.' She remembers the first time her brother ever apologized for anything in his life. It was right after his fight with Naruto. She wanted to know why. She had to know why! Why did he care so much! Before she could think anymore on that subject, Narutos voice broke the silence.

"So, who's up for some Ramen!!?"

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Well that is the end of chapter one I hope you enjoyed it. Reviews would be much appreciated. It'll show me I am not writing this thing just for myself P.

If anyone has any questions, feel free to email me at Djrossincomcast. net

I would love to hear from you. Oh and sorry for my lousy grammar. Ill try and get better at that.