Prologue: Redone


By: (elloshort)



Louis and Bach stepped out the limo as they reached the palace. They couldn't believe the sight they saw. An immaculate Japanese castle stood before them. There were two koi ponds on either side of a bridge, leading to a beautiful garden, which had blooming Sakura trees. The bridge ended and they ended up at the door, in which they knocked and waited for someone to answer.

A door opened and a twenty something looking maid answered and bowed to them. Knowing this was part of the Japanese custom, they gave a slight bow to the maid, and she led them down some halls, till they came to a large wooden door, which in itself was magnificent. There was a fan in the middle of the doors, but also in the fan was a swirl.

"The mistress is waiting for you." The maid said opening the door, revealing an astonishing library, table set for tea, and an aging woman that had gray hair, but the brightest blue eyes they had ever seen, with a hand on jeweled box.

"Welcome to my home." She said with a warm twinkle in her eye.

Louis and Bach did a deep bow.

"Thank you for inviting us over to your home, my lady" Louis said.

"Please sit down." The noblewoman said gesturing to two chairs in front of her and they did so.

"And please call me Suki." She added.

"Okay." Bach said.

"I know you two may be wondering why an old woman like myself would request the presence of the writers to children stories?"

"Well, it was quite a shock." Louis said.

"I do enjoy your stories, but I was quite disturbed as I read your story of Cinderella." She said.

The two men smiled and chuckled.

"Suki-sama, it's just a fairytale. Some claim the pumpkin was a squash." Supplied Bach.

"While others believed the glass slipper was actually made of fur." Louis said.

Suki opened the jeweled box and pulled out a single zori. The thong was of black silk, while the sole was orange. That wasn't what made the sandal so extraordinary though; it was what was on the side.

It was a carving of a fox at the beginning of the sandal and then there were approximately nine tails flowing towards the end of the heel. The detail, simplicity, and elegance of the shoe, caused the men to a sharp intake of breath.

"Gentlemen, for one, there was never a Cinderella, but more so a Cinderfella." She said.

"You're saying, that the story is true, and it was between two men?" Bach said disbelieving the woman.

"Well, yes." She said, settling the slipper in the middle of the table.

"But why do so many believe it was a man and a woman?" Louis asked.

"Over the years, many start to not approve of the relationships of men and men, so the writers of your history books will never write of those types of relationships. Also, back in those days, there were real bisexuals; Men could get pregnant, thus the belief it was between a man and a woman, but as society turned on those types of relationships, the number of bisexuals became so scarce, till the point they became extinct." She explained.

Suki held the men's attention, so she continued.

"In today's society, happily ever after is just for fairytales. There are no magical pumpkins, talking teacups, or dragons that need to be slain by a prince charming. None of that is real, yet as children we were entertained with such fairytales, secretly wishing that we were the damsel in distress or handsome prince that saves her."

The two men were still listening as the maid filled their teacups, and then left.

"We grow older and because of the "real" world and its hardships, we forget our secret childish wishes and dreams. We learn life doesn't have a happily ever after, but why should we be deprived of such stories that include one? Why can't we sometimes escape the real world and go to a land where we can believe in the fairytales once more and secretly wish?" she said smiling a small smile.

"Do you want to?" she asked, and received two nods.

"Do you want me to tell you the real story? Of how I came to be because of my great-great-great-great-great grand parents?" and received two more nods.

"Allow me to take you to a land of fairytales and happily ever afters. Now how do you two start your stories again? Oh yes!

Once upon a timeā€¦"

Yay! The prologue is finished. Hmm...this will get good (evil smirk)