We Don't Fit
I've done some rather nasty shit during my time as a nobody. Before that as well, but… As a nobody, I've killed, abducted, raped and tortured. The worst thing is that it doesn't bother me. I've never really liked thinking about those topics… Rape, murder and the like, but since I lost my heart it hasn't really mattered.
Then Roxas came along. He made me remember how it felt like to have a heart. He made me remember how to laugh and feel compassion again. Sure, the little bastard is a bitch… But he's my best friend. Him, Demyx and me… We were never made for this whole nobody-business. We don't fit in here, with the order. Sure, Demyx is a cold mother fucker, but he's not exactly your ideal fighter, either. And he isn't the brightest bulb in the box. Plus, he's nearly obscenely cheerful for someone without a heart. It's somewhat disconcerting, because it makes it all the more frightening when his mask slips and you see just how cold and heartless he is.
Roxas, on the other hand, is as angry as a wasp and as bitchy as a female cat in heat. He hisses and bites (proverbially so) and would probably claw your eyes out if you wronged him in any way. He's a frightening little fuck as well, but not as scary as Demyx.
Me, on the other hand… I'm just the local oddity. The clown, if you will. I'm the jester that makes fun of everyone, including myself. The only one similar to me in that regard is probably Xigbar, but he's one of the most "trusted" to the Superior. I don't get it.
Why the hell did we have to become nobodies? Why didn't they ask us first? They left us without a goddamn choice, and now I'm in this Organization I don't really give a fuck about, full of lying, cheating bitches and bastards. Somehow, that prospect makes me feel like shit, makes me feel like tearing my hair out and throwing a tantrum.
That's why it's so good to have Roxas. He lets me vent.
Whenever I'm angry, he lets me pound his tight ass into oblivion, and god damn if it doesn't feel good.
Author's ending notes: I'm so sorry it took me so long to update, but I've sort of been dealing with a Naruto co-written fic with one of my favourite authors, and RL has been a bitch. It even bit my ass. I hope this made up for it though, even if it's short.