Yes, the Plot Bunnies of Doom have struck me again...damn bunnies. This is in Misc - Crossovers, just because I get plot bunnies from various fandoms, and all the ones I want to get rid of are going here.

Summary: What if, instead of the Yondaime sacrificing himself when he sealed the Kyuubi, he sacrificed the life of a Missing-Nin named Hitogoroshi. And both Hito and Kyu are sealed in Naruto. And Hinata gets adopted by Yondaime!

Intended Rating: T


"Hitogoroshi talking to Kyuubi and Naruto."

"Naruto talking to Hitogoroshi and Kyuubi or Naruto thinking."

"Regular talking."



Arashi Kazama sighed as he looked over the scroll he had recently found. It was the only way to get rid of the Kyuubi, but he knew his wife, Koiji, would never allow him to do it.


Sarutobi watched with a heavy heart as the Yondaime Hokage argued his wife. Sarutobi knew that Arashi would never sacrifice any one of the Konoha villagers, no matter how old they were. Arashi would only sacrifice himself if he used this seal against the Kyuubi. Unless…

"Arashi. Koiji," Sarutobi interrupted the fighting, "What if I said, I had a way to use this seal without Arashi having to sacrifice himself."

"How?" Koiji asked.

"The seal requires a sacrifice, but it doesn't necessarily have to be the caster's life," Sarutobi began.

"I will not sacrifice the life of any villagers," Arashi interrupted. Sarutobi laughed.

"Not the villagers, Arashi. You know me better than that."
"Then who?" Koiji asked.

"I'm sure the both of you remember the S-Class Missing-Nin you two caught a few weeks ago."

"Yes," the two replied. Arashi winced a little though, not particularly wanting to remember what happened.

"Ibiki's done interrogating him, and he's still alive."

Chapter 1



"Hitogoroshi talking to Kyuubi and Naruto."

"Regular talking."


Hitogoroshi sat in his cell and cursed his luck. He had managed to just defeat the Yellow Flash of Konoha when said man's wife knocked him unconscious by way of rock to the head. And she was pregnant too, for Kami's sake. She shouldn't have been able to lift that big of a rock at what looked to be eight or nine months along. But she did. And he was stuck in a cell after being interrogated by Ibiki. How the hell he managed to survive that, he had no idea.

Hitogoroshi glared in the general direction of the door as two people came in the room. One he recognized as the Yellow Flash. The other was an old man he didn't know.

"Back to gloat," Hitogoroshi smirked at them. Arashi glared, but Sarutobi responded before him.

"No," the old man smiled, sadistically, "Just to use you as a sacrifice to protect the village."

Hitogoroshi paled.


"I'm sure the both of you remember the S-Class Missing-Nin you two caught a few weeks ago."

"Yes," the two replied. Arashi winced a little though, not particularly wanting to remember what happened.

"Ibiki's done interrogating him, and he's still alive."

"Ibiki interrogated him, and he's still alive," Koiji said, "That's a first."

"Would you like to go see him?" Sarutobi asked. Arashi nodded, but Koiji declined.

"You two go ahead," she said, "I have to go see Tsunade for my checkup." She put her had on her rounded belly.

"Are you sure you should be going alone," Arashi said, slipping into Protective-Father-To-Be mode.

"I'll be fine; go," Koiji said, as she pushed them out the door. Koiji smiled, as she heard Sarutobi dragging a now reluctant Arashi along with him.


Sarutobi and Arashi walked into the hospital room, just as Tsunade was finishing up.

"Everything looks okay, Koiji," she said, "He should be born any day now, so get ready."

"Thanks Tsunade."

"No problem." Tsunade left the room, after nodding to Sarutobi and Arashi. She had to go see what her mischievous little niece had been up to lately.


Two Days Later


"Keep pushing Koiji-san," the nurse said. Two ANBU entered the room.

"Hokage-sama. The demon is in sight," the one with the bird-mask reported.

"Now? Dammit," Arashi said.

"Go," said Koiji, "Hurry up. You need to get the Missing-Nin before Kyuubi gets here." Arashi nodded, kissed his wife on the forehead, and left the room.


Hitogoroshi, having resigned himself to his fate, followed Arashi willingly. He stopped dead in his tracks when he saw the Kyuubi nearing the village.

"That thing's huge."

"That's why I'm sealing it," Arashi said, "Anything you wanna tell me before you die?"
"Orochimaru's gathering Missing-Nin from all over in Otogakure."

"And you didn't tell this to Ibiki?"

"I do have pride you know." Arashi smiled a little.

"For what it's worth, I'm sorry for doing this to you." Hitogoroshi snorted.

"I doubt that."


Hitogoroshi woke up and looked around. He was in a cell that was a little different than his last one.

"Maybe that was all a dream," he said out loud.

"DON'T COUNT ON IT," was the answer he received.

"Who the hell-" Hitogoroshi started, but stopped when he saw what spoke.

"WELCOME TO YOUR NEW HOME," the Kyuubi said.

Chapter 2



"Hitogoroshi talking to Kyuubi and Naruto."

"Naruto talking to Hitogoroshi and Kyuubi or Naruto thinking."

"Regular talking."


Arashi stood in the room, an hour after the Kyuubi was sealed, holding his newborn son. Koiji had named him Naruto with her last breath. Arashi stuck with the name. No one in the village knew what had happened yet, only that the Kyuubi disappeared in a flash of light.

None of them knew if Arashi was still alive, except for Kakashi, Sarutobi, Jiraiya, Tsunade, and Ibiki. Arashi knew that the people of the village were in pain. They would seek someone to blame for their pain, and they would eventually blame Naruto for their problems. He made a split second decision.

"Tell them I died," he told Sarutobi, "Tell the villagers that I died while sealing the Kyuubi. I'll take Naruto and go. I have a place ready just outside Konoha, where the villagers won't find us."

"Are you sure you wish to do this, Arashi?" Jiraiya asked.

"I'm sure. I'll return to the village when Naruto has become a Gennin and can take care of himself."

"If you're sure," Sarutobi said, "then I shall go tell them. I would suggest you leave tonight, under the cover of darkness. I'll take over as Hokage. For a while, at least."



Six Years Later


Arashi watched as Naruto played outside. It came as a great surprise to him, when he taught Naruto to contact the fox, and use it's chakra, that Hitogoroshi had been sealed as well. Naruto now had nicknames for the both of them. Kyuubi was called Kyuu much to his - or rather hers, as the Kyuubi turned out to be female - displeasure. Hitogoroshi didn't mind being called Hito. Mainly because it pissed 'Kyuu' off that he liked his nickname while she hated hers.

Arashi saw as Naruto tensed. Being the container of the Kyuubi had it's advantages, like super senses for instance. And by the way he was tensing, Naruto had just heard something.

"Dad," he called, "I think there's someone crying down by the river."

"Alright, lets go see, and remember what I said," Arashi replied.

"Don't be seen," Naruto grinned, "Gotcha."


Hinata Hyuuga could never be good enough in her father's eyes. To him, she was nothing but a failure. She decided that she couldn't take anymore, and she ran away, into the forest surrounding Konoha. But now she was lost, and had no one to help her. She sat down my a river and started to cry.

Her head popped up off it's place on her knees, when she heard footsteps from behind her. She turned to see a blonde man she had only seen in photos before, and gasped.

"Y-you're the Yond-daime," she stuttered.

"And you are a Hyuuga," he replied, "Hinata, I presume." Hinata nodded.

"A-are you really h-him? T-tou-san said h-he d-died a long t-time ag-go."

"I had the Sandaime tell people that so I could spend time with my son," Arashi said, "Can you keep that a secret?"

"Uh-huh," Hinata nodded, "Will you ever come back to Konoha?"

"When my son becomes a genin I will," he replied, "And we're not to far from Konoha now. Will you tell me why you're here, and not there?"

"M-my Tou-san says th-that I'm j-just a f-fail-lure a-at everything I-I do, so I r-ran away," Hinata stuttered.

"No ones a failure at everything," Arashi said, "How about you stay with me for a little while? You can meet my son Naruto."



Sarutobi stared at the letter he had just received from Arashi. Apparently the Hyuuga heiress had run away two days ago. This was the first time he heard of it. He had summoned Hiashi, her father, into his office, and asked what was going on.

"The girl is nothing but a failure," Hiashi said, "Her sister isn't even a year old yet and can fight better than her. Hinata is in no way nor will she ever be a Hyuuga." Hiashi stormed out of the office. Sarutobi sighed and penned his reply to the Yondaime, thinking one thing:

If Arashi ever gets his hands on Hiashi, we'll never be able to find the body. If there'd even be one left to find.

Chapter 3



"Hitogoroshi talking to Kyuubi and Naruto."

"Naruto talking to Hitogoroshi and Kyuubi or Naruto thinking."

"Two or More (Hito, Kyu, and Naruto) talking at once"

"Regular talking."


Two Years Later


"STUPID GAKI!" Kyuu yelled.

"Stupid Fox!" Naruto yelled back.

Hito sighed. This had been going on for about two hours now, and he was starting to get a headache.

"Could the two of you tone it down a little?" he asked.

"NO! STAY OUT OF THIS!" they yelled together.


"Stupid Fox!"


"Stupid Fox!"


"Stupid Fox!"


"Stupid Fox!"

"What I need is a pair of muzzles," Hito said to himself, closing his eyes.


"Stupid Fox!"



Hito opened his eyes to find both Kyuu and Naruto wearing muzzles. He laughed. Fate seemed to have a sense of humor. At least in his opinion. 'Cause Kyuu and Naruto didn't think so. Hito settled down and closed his eyes.

It was time for that long awaited nap.


"Naruto, Nii-san, come on!" Hinata said. (1)

"Wazzah?" Naruto mumbled, finally waking up.

"We start at the academy today, don't you remember?"

"Ah!" Naruto shot out of bed, and got dressed. Hinata giggled at her brother's antics. After Hiashi had disowned her last year, Arashi had formally adopted her. Though their last names were legally Kazama, both Hinata and Naruto were going into the academy under the name of Uzumaki. A still giggling Hinata followed Naruto downstairs to the kitchen.

"What's for breakfast Dad?" Naruto asked.

"Pancakes today," Arashi replied, before smiling, "And yes, Naruto, they have chocolate chips in them."

"YEAH! ALRIGHT!" Naruto yelled. Hinata giggled again.


Neji Hyuuga was watching from the shadows as the new Academy students arrived. There was one in particular he was looking for. His cousin - or rather, ex-cousin, Hinata. Hiashi had disowned her a year before, but the Sandaime would not allow him to claim her dead. So Neji was told to wait at the Academy entrance to see if she would show up. If she did not, then no matter what the Sandaime said, Hiashi would declare Hinata Hyuuga dead to the world.

As Neji saw two figures come running up the street, he smirked, for Hiashi Hyuuga would never get that pleasure.


(1) Hinata is the same age as Naruto but was born on December 27th, while Naruto was born on October 10th, so she's younger than him and calls him big brother.

Chapter 4



"Hitogoroshi talking to Kyuubi and Naruto."

"Naruto talking to Hitogoroshi and Kyuubi or Naruto thinking."

"Two or More (Hito, Kyu, and Naruto) talking at once"

"Regular talking."


"Hurry, Naruto!" Hinata called, running to the Academy entrance, "We're going to be late!"

"Not…at the rate…we're running," Naruto huffed. Naruto running out of breath shows you how far away their house was from the academy. Though for some reason, Hinata didn't show any signs of being tired. Naruto attributed it to her being a morning person. They started searching for their class, the moment the two of them got into the academy. For some reason, all the Teachers glared at Naruto…till they saw Hinata glaring back at them. Hinata's glare was the scariest thing in the universe in Naruto's opinion. The two of them finally got to the right class, and took their seats just as their teacher came in.


Sarutobi sighed as he picked up his grandson, and followed Hiashi Hyuuga, who was currently storming through the halls of the academy. Hiashi was a little pissed, that his daughter Hinata was out of his reach.

You see, Hiashi had come to the school, demanding to see Hinata. And he was led to courtyard where she was having lunch.

As he approached her, he was stopped by a Chuunin, telling them that if he wanted to talk with her, he had to be in the presence of the Hokage.

So, after glaring at the Chuunin, whose name was Iruka, he set off for the Hokage tower, and demanded to see him.

He argued with the Hokage for a while, who very kindly reminded him that he had disowned Hinata, and therefore she was no longer his daughter.

He was also informed that her it was adoptive father, whose name was apparently an S-Class secret, who would not allow him to talk with her unless the Hokage was present.

All in all, this pissed off Hiashi Hyuuga beyond his limits of patience. Way beyond. Which meant Fate was happy with herself.


Hinata nearly giggled when she saw Hiashi come into the courtyard, followed by Sarutobi holding Konohamaru. Hiashi seemed a little pissed.

"'Nata! 'Ruto!" Konohamaru called, before squirming his way out of Sarutobi's arms and running to them. (1)

"Hinata," Hiashi spoke, coldly.

"Hiashi," Hinata spoke in the same tone.

"You will address me a-" Hiashi started.

"Pardon my interruption," Hinata said, "But it is not your decision on how I address you. You have done nothing to deserve any respect in my eyes, and therefore will not be addressed as sama by me. You want someone to suck up to you, go find Hanabi." Hinata turned from Hiashi and started to play with Konohamaru.


Four Years Later


"Alright class, I have your genin team assignments here," Iruka said, "Team one…" Naruto and Shikamaru were both taking naps. Hinata and Choji would fill them in on team assignments later.

"Team Seven. Shino Aburame, Ino Yamanaka, and Sasuke Uchiha." Sasuke's eye twitched, Ino cheered (and stuck her tongue out at Sakura), and if you looked real close, you could see Shino twitching too.

"Team Eight. Sakura Haruno, Kiba Inuzuka, and Choji Akimichi." Sakura sighed, Kiba looked like he wanted to bang his head on the table, and Choji just continued eating his chips.

"Team Ten. Shikamaru Nara, Hinata Uzumaki, and Naruto Uzumaki." Hinata smiled slightly while Shikamaru and Naruto both snored at the same time.

"You're jounin sensei will be here after lunch."


(1) Konohamaru is currently four as Hinata and Naruto are eight.

I don't care what parings you use...I also don't care if they're slash or het, but I would prefer if Hinata and Naruto only had a sibling relationship. It would be interesting to see them dating, but I think this story sets them up for a sibling bond.

A note about Hito...I originally planned him to be Haku's uncle (on the father's side) who was kicked out of the family and Kiri for supporting those with Kekkai Genkai. You can make him whoever you want but I think it would be cool to see him as that.

If someone does decided to do this (and I don't care how many do), I thank you with all my heart; hopefully reading this under someone else's name will help me get the plot bunnies to go away! Smiles.

Feel free to adopt this story. If you do, please remember to PM me so I may add your penname below.

Adopted by:

Momma Lici (userid = 1230182)

arashi wolf princess (userid = 1716772)