In the life of Li Syaoran, a woman's life meant absolutely nothing. He would consistently bring women home, use them for one night, and then behead them the next time a pretty woman walked across his path. Was there none who could tame him? Many thought so. But one knew that he was able to love, to care, to nurture a relationship for more than a one-night stand. But who could?

The Story That Never Ends

Chapter 1

There was a certain kingdom in a certain world of this certain universe.

This kingdom contained certain types of people.

These certain people were loving, caring, and completely perfect.

That is why there isn't any point in telling their story.

But there is a point in telling a story in another kingdom in that same world, whose people were full of hate, dislike, poverty, and evil.

Why, you ask?

Because a perfect life is nothing to talk about. A kingdom in which there is no spontaneity, no surprise, no worries turned to happiness, nothing but perfect people. Spontaneity is what makes life amazing and beyond the bounds of perfection. That is why this certain kingdom full of hate and evil is the most perfect kingdom to tell about.

Yelan, the current leader of the country. A compassionate heart, buried in thick layers of the coldest ice known in this universe. Weary glances had been cast from her throne every time that she saw a certain man pass in the royal hall.

Li Syaoran, the most known and adored man in this certain kingdom. Why he was adored, his mother did not know. She saw the same thing every day, only completely different.

But it wasn't her son that she saw differently every day. He always wore the same compassionate smile, always gave the same kiss on the cheek, always cupped the girl's face as if it really meant something to him. But the next day, that same girl, that same cheek, that same cupped face, was sitting in the valley full of beautiful dead bodies outside. Then her son would walk in with another pretty young girl, giving her the same treatment as if he hadn't killed a woman yesterday, giving the real looking smile that was nothing but excellent training from the only other man who would ever be so cruel to a beautiful face: his father.

Was there nothing that Yelan could do to stop him? Oh, there were many things that she could do to stop him. But she knew that his craving was just like his father's, and there would one day be a woman who could trick him into loving again. It wasn't as if there were a scarcity of pretty women in this kingdom; there was rarely an ugly face on the street. That is why she let him kill off the worst of them, the ones who ran around as if they had something the rest of the kingdom didn't. But all they had were cheap faces and an empty soul. And even if he picked one with a decent soul, they would go to a better place.

That is why she let him continue.

Because one day, he would find her.


As you already know, there was no scarcity of beautiful women in this world. That was not the case for Daidouji Tomoyo. Her milky white skin, her raven colored hair, her silky eyes. She was so beyond beautiful that she was hated more than any in that kingdom.

So, of course, when she was summoned to the Li Castle, no one shed a tear outside of her own home. Many were happy, though, because they knew what happened when a pretty girl, at least twenty years old, was summoned to the infamous Li Syaoran.

But although many didn't care, one did. Kinomoto Sakura, the only other girl in the kingdom that was so complexly beautiful.

Kinomoto Sakura was not like the other girls in the kingdom in any way possible. She, in fact, had an actual soul, she, in fact, loved everyone equally, and she, in fact, was not just another face.

So, when she saw Daidouji-san, they became bound to each other like no other friendship this kingdom has ever seen.

They loved each other.

They cared about each other.

And that is why the world hated them.


Kinomoto Sakura was found walking down a dirt beaten path far away from the rest of the town. That road led to a small cottage, which was all that she and Daidouji-san needed to live in. Seeing as they were complete social outcasts, and even their own aristocratic parents didn't want them, they were fine in a house built for scum.

"Tomoyo-san, I'm back from town," Sakura said happily as she entered the cottage.

Tomoyo looked up from the kitchen where she was washing dishes. Seeing Sakura, she smiled contentedly. "Was everything okay?"

Sakura's face suddenly dropped. "Actually, Tomoyo-san..."

Tomoyo set down the dish in her hand. "Is it about the king?"

Sakura shook her head slowly. "Not the king again, Tomoyo-san... The prince, Li Syaoran-sama."


"Don't worry about me, Sakura-san, I will be fine at Li-sama's castle. I'm sure that I'll be taken care of and have lots of fun!" Tomoyo said happily as she stood by the royal family's carriage.

"Are you sure, Tomoyo-san?" Sakura looked at Tomoyo with weary, confused eyes.

Tomoyo's smile dropped. They both knew she would not be fine. "Only call me Tomoyo," she whispered. Giving Sakura one last hug and holding back her tears, Tomoyo stepped into the carriage and closed the door that seperated her from the only life she ever loved.

"Wish me luck, Sakura..."


Three days went by, and Sakura had no information about Tomoyo's stay. Five more days passed. Then ten.

A month passed, and Sakura finally was forced to go into town to buy more groceries.

But as she entered the town, there was no sign of Tomoyo anywhere. Sakura slowly walked over to the message board, hoping to see a release date of some kind.

There was none.

Sakura walked over to the nearest fruit stand.

"Excuse me, but have you heard anything about Daidouji Tomoyo-san in the past month?" she asked, her voice shaky.

The woman looked up from her charts, scowling. She pointed rudely up to the castle.

Sakura looked that way.

Oh, how she wished she didn't.

Outside the castle, there was a tree stump.

On that tree stump was a raven haired woman.

Above that raven haired woman was a man.

In that man's hand was an axe.


There were no groceries brought back from the town that day.

The only thing brought back was a broken heart.

And many, many, many tears.


Kinda weird plot, heh...


...Sorry, I've been reading Bleach, it got me in a killing mood...