He had never known more than the beating of his heart as he ran through forests; the wild freedom that could never be contained within him. Always had the thrill of moving on in leaps and bounds, never looking back. Never known that he could not rush straight to the heavens themselves.

Gunshots and commands, two roses in the brambles of the wilderness.

That day, he found his anchor to this world. Pale and fragile, but with a haunting, unbroken spirit that no one else could see. He watched from afar but held her when she escaped from the horrors before her. Loving her innocence.

Steep rocks; the edge of the world.

His spirit had returned, raging at the cruelty life held. He would not win. With his dagger, he cut the last chain that bound him to the earth. It is possible to reach the sky.

Two bodies, one spirit. Caged birds set free.