1. Just A Memory - Did it ever happen?


The sun shined brightly behind the tall trees in the never-ending forest. Anyone would stop just to look at the clear blue sky or notice the cool shade under each and every tree. As did a little boy who seemed to be lost...

Little Ky looked around him and saw nothing but trees behind him and in front of him. No large building nor any plain field was in sight. The boy sighed and thought that there was no hope. As he sat down under a shady tree, he heard a ringing type of sound. Though it was not annoying like a school bell or the doorbell of a house, it had it's own sweet melody. A melody so sweet, that the boy searched from where such a sound came from. Soon he came to a clearing as small shrubs lay limp before him. He hid behind one that was his own height as he peeked through the small branches. As he moved them away, he say a little blue-haired girl wearing a short white dress. She looked very cute in Ky's eyes and he could not take his eyes off her. The little girl was staring at a small white box with a pink lace that looked like the ribbon on a gift. Of course! It was a music box! That's where the sound came from! The little girl hummed the sweet tune as the figures on the music box twirled slowly. The figures were of a girl wearing a dress dancing with a boy. They looked very delicate and well-painted. The girl stood up and danced along with the music. Just before the song was about to end, Ky's little hand slipped on the branch and caused him to disturb the girl. The girl stopped and stared at the blonde boy in front of her.

"...Sorry...I didn't mean to..." Ky wiped off some mud on his shirt and looked back at the girl.

"That's okay! Are you okay?" The cute little girl helped Ky get up. They looked into each other's eyes.

"Um.. yeah! I'm okay! An' you? I didn't mean to.. to... scare you," Ky shyly replied.

"Do you wanna to see my music box?" the girl sweetly asked.

Ky blushed and nodded his head. The girl removed the music box from a stump and handed it to Ky. Not knowing what to do with it, Ky opened the bow and at the moment he did, the figures began twirling and the music started again.

"It pretty. Is it a toy?" Ky interestedly asked.

"It is pretty rite?" smiled the little girl. Ky blushed as the girl rewinded the music box with a key-shaped necklace. As soon as she did, the music played again and the figures danced.

"Do you wanna dance wif me?" the little girl smiled. Ky also smiled and took her little hands and moved the same way the figures did. They two danced for hours until it was finally sunset. The tired kids lied down on the green grass and watched the sun set as fireflies began to appear. Then a rustling in the bushes interrupted the moment. Another little girl with brown hair appeared. Her short hair was tied in a weird ponytail. Then another voice called in the distance.

"KY! Where were you?" came an elderly man. Instantly, Ky stood up and looked down to the ground. The brunette girl signaled the little girl to leave, and the girl nodded her head. She walked up to Ky and smiled.

"It was fun dancing wif you. I wouldn't wanna dance wif anyone else! Here... Keep fis," the little girl handed Ky the necklace with the musicbox key dangling on it. "I'll only dance wif you, and you only! Bye!" with these words, the two girls left. Ky looked at the golden key studded with a pink heart-shaped jewel in the middle.

"Undersn-sama... who is that girl?" Ky said pointing to the two girls.Kliff squinted his old eyes and looked back at the boy.

"That is Jam Kuradoberi. She works at her parents restaraunt near our area."

"Jam Kuradoberi..." said Ky with a deep pink blush on his cheeks...


Ky woke up from a "dream" as he gazed at the sky. It was already turning dark and the bright moon was visible up ahead.

"Whoa... How long was I asleep?" Ky stood up and walked to the building far away. As he entered the academy's doors, maids were running here and there and calling "Kiske-sama! Kiske-sama!"

Then Kliff, who was much older than in the dream, came up to him with an angry look on his face.

"There you are! It's 30 minutes past bedtime and you're still out here. This is the tenth time it's happened and!" the man coughed and grabbed Ky by the arm and dragged him upstairs. "the next time it happens, you'll be expelled from the Holy Order, understand young man?" Kliff harshly told him. Ky said nothing but nodded his head slowly.


Later that night, Ky who wasn't very sleepy looked outside his window. A gentle breeze blew quietly through the willow trees. Ky was stupefied by the tranquil scenery as he was removing something from inside his collar. He pulled out a golden chain and held the key pendant that dangled from it.

"Jam Kuradoberi... Jam Kuradoberi..." he said whispering the little girl's name. He still remembered the little girl's soft blue hair and her gentle smile even if it was ten or more years ago.

"Maybe not now... but I'll find you again..." Ky said holding onto the pendant...


This is how I made the manga for "Meaning of Love". Right now, I'll just follow my original story. I'll be making newer stories next week so also watch out for "Koe no Ai" and "Nekko-Mimi-Kun"

I'm tired of typing! I'll try to update all my stories ASAP! Sorry for the long waits.

This story will pay it off, I'm sure!!! It'll make you cry. If you like this story so far... Ask for the sequel in the comments please!!! I'll be working really hard on the sequel.

Till then!