Choosing Chapter Three

"It's a pleasure to finally meet you Kagome," Sesshomaru said extending out his hand. The woman had placed her hands within his grasp and he in turn brought them to his lips to kiss the back of her knuckles. Sesshomaru had to admit, she was quite the beauty and she seemed nothing like the reserved girl he had heard about considering the way she was dressed. She wore a short mini skirt with a sequined tank top, an outfit more for clubbing than meeting your future husband. She seemed to fiddle where she stood, and her nervousness was very apparent.

"The pleasure is all mine," Kagome finally responded and doing a small curtsied bow. This man that stood before her resembled so much like the man she had spent the last fifteen minute car ride home with. Except for the few similarities, Kagome could tell that his man held an air of superiority whereas Inuyasha seemed care free. Sesshomaru seemed to scream out perfection, and the high end suite he was wearing just made him look more like the well thought business man he was.

Kagome finally noticed the outfit she was still wearing and politely excused herself to change into something more appropriate for the occasion. Having her future husband thinking she was some sort of whore or slut was not how she wanted her future husband to remember their first meeting. Even though she wasn't a slut, her skimpy outfit might have implied otherwise. Kagome ran up the stairs into her room mortified that her mom couldn't even give her a heads up that Sesshomaru was going to show up today, and at this very instant when she had just gotten done celebrating her birthday.

She grabbed a skirt, a plain tank top, and a cardigan hoping to look a little more decent. Checking her hair in the mirror and making sure that she looked presentable, she walked back downstairs to her living room where her mom was serving tea to her guest.

"I'm so sorry for my indecency earlier," Kagome apologized making herself known that she was done changing. "I was out celebrating my birthday last night, and I had spent the night at a friend's without thinking to bring out a spare set of clothes."

"It is understandable. There is no reason for you to explain yourself. Your mother had informed me of your little outing last night with your friends," Sesshomaru replied taking a sip of his tea.

'Oh, but if only you knew what I did last night, you wouldn't be so forgiving.' Kagome said in her head. "I wasn't expecting you to show yourself today. May I ask what the occasion is for?" Kagome asked.

"As you already know, a mergence will be taking into effect with our union. Even though we are already engaged, it was only proper that since you became of age that I court you before our actual wedding. I thought it would be nice if we could have lunch together today and maybe learn of our likes and dislikes. It wouldn't be right to just meet on the day of our wedding."

Kagome only nodded at the proposal. This Sesshomaru guy didn't seem like a bad guy after all. He probably had no say at all when his father arranged the little agreement between the two companies, but if he was trying to at least make things work out than maybe she could learn to love him one day. This guy was being a real gentleman and making an effort to go on dates and spend time with her. Though her actions last night made her feel guilty, she promised herself that she would not have a repeat of last night and she would defiantly not be seeking Inuyasha out again.

Kagome looked straight up at Sesshomaru and encircled her arm around his as he led her out of the house and into his car, but not before her last thought escaped her. 'I'll be able to stop seeing him, but how exactly am I going to stop thinking about him when I'm looking at an almost exact replica of him. Maybe not a replica, but the resemblance was uncanny. Life couldn't get more difficult could it?'

They had gone to a small casual Italian restaurant. Lunch had been pleasant and small talk had ensued. Kagome couldn't decide if she liked Sesshomaru or not. Even though, he had mentioned wanting to get to know her before the wedding, he was very quiet and only talked when answering any of the questions she had asked. His answers were short and to the point never elaborating. She wasn't sure if she liked that about him. She found it quite…boring.

She wanted noise and laughter and excitement. Not a stick walking around with no optimism. She needed an adrenaline rush to keep everyday new and different. Kagome didn't want to be a house wife waiting at home for her husband all day. She wanted someone like him. Inuyasha. She did it again. She was comparing the two beings again. She shouldn't have, but she couldn't help it. Her mind couldn't stop wondering off about a certain someone and she promised that all of her focus was going to be on Sesshomaru, while she was with him and having a nice simple lunch date with him. If only he would get rid of the stoic face and show even an ounce of emotion. Sure he was polite and handsome, but he just didn't have an inch of warmth in him. Not like…. 'Nope nope she was not going to make a mistake and mention his name.'

"You seemed distracted," Sesshomaru said interrupting the battle going through Kagome's head. He eyed his fiancé with concern. "Are you not feeling well? We can go home if you like."

"It's nothing at all," Kagome responded waving her hand like nothing was wrong, "I was just thinking about turning eighteen and the responsibilities I have now."

"Of course, with age come more responsibilities."

"So what did you do when you turned eighteen? Anything exciting? Did you break any rules or go against your parents' wishes?"


"I guess not," Kagome signed knowing that this man was nothing more than perfection. He didn't do anything out of the ordinary. He was an ideal role model.

"Did you want to go somewhere else? You don't seem that hungry for Italian."

"The food is fine. Let's go take a walk. I think I want to stretch my legs."


Sesshomaru paid for the bill, and left the restaurant only to continue their small talk at the park. From a bystander's point of view, the pair looked like complete opposites, Sesshomaru with his business suite on and Kagome with her casual attire. The two walked hand in hand with Kagome trying her best to find something in Sesshomaru she liked other than his looks.

They had stopped by a water fountain when Kagome decided to take a break from their stroll. Sesshomaru sat beside her, and Kagome laid her head on his shoulder while her hands were entangled in his The sound of the waterfall calmed Kagome, and she couldn't help but close her eyes and listen to the water.

One of Kagome's eyes peaked open, and a mischievous grin formed when an idea popped into her head. She knew she was stepping out of line and maybe even being childish. She couldn't help herself. She knew Sesshomaru was probably going to be angry with her knowing that he had an image to uphold. He would understand though considering the age gap between the two he being twenty-six and she only eighteen as of yesterday. But if he was going to hate her forever for this than it showed that he himself wasn't very mature.

"Hey," Kagome said breaking the silence and moving from her spot next to him. Instead, she was now on top of him and straddling him from his seat on the edge of the fountain.

Sesshomaru could do nothing as he held the petite girl in front of him. He knew she was thinking of something bad, but still allowed her to continue where her mind was taking her.

Kagome was going to be bold with him knowing full well that this was something she would normally not do. She couldn't stand having him be emotionless towards her if she was to be married to him for the rest of her life. Kagome placed her hands on the sides of his face and brought her lips up to his for a chaste kiss. The kiss brought a tingling sensation towards the rest of her body and she knew that he must have felt the spark too because he continued to stare at her. Kagome was about to let go regretting her decision when Sesshomaru's hold tightened and he crashed his lips on top of hers once more, but this time the kiss was needier. He demanded an entrance to her mouth with his dominance in the kiss and Kagome did nothing but comply. She melted in his arms feeling her body go weak. This was what she wanted! If she knew that a kiss was going to bring out the spark in the guy than she would have done it this morning.

Her next mistake was when she leaned toward him and he in return forgot where they were also leaned back only to have slipped back into the fountain. Splash.