Tails propped his feet up on Amy's coffee table, a can of Coke in his hand. Said pink hedgehog wasn't around, as she had gone on a holiday or a week and left the unnaturally responsible 8-year old to watch her house for her. It was currently day 3 of Amy's vacation, and Tails was making sure nothing happened.
"Ah…" he sighed, reclining into her couch. "This is great! I can get to see what it's like to have a house to my own!" Tails took a sip from his can. Yep, he had the place to himself. He could do whatever he wanted. The only thing Amy had forbidden him to do was go into her room. Tails glanced up at her door.
Perhaps he could take a look. Amy wasn't here. No, no, what was he thinking? The fox couldn't abuse Amy's trust like that. But she'll never know, said a small voice in his head. Go on, she won't mind you just taking a quick look, will she?
Tails set his Coke down. That's right, he had four days until Amy came home, and how will she know he's been in her room? Tails went upstairs and slowly opened the door.
Pink. Amy's room was bright pink, with pictures of her, Cream and Sonic everywhere. Tails walked in cautiously. He had never been in a girl's room before, and he accidentally stubbed his toe on a chest off drawers. After recovering from the pain, he looked hard at it. Like the rest of the room, it was pink, but Tails had never seen a girl's clothes drawer before, and decided to take a look.
Opening the bottom drawer, the kitsune found Amy's underwear drawer. Picking out a pair of panties at random, Tails lifted them up and took a good look at them. A soft pink colour with frills on the edges was what he saw, and he began thinking "Why in the world do girls wear these? Don't those frills itch? And why is it so fancy? No one's going to see them?" Only one way to find out, said that voice in his head again. What? No! This was just plain stupid! He couldn't try on Amy's clothes!
Could he? He did wonder what they felt like. And they looked so soft…. Tails began to take off his gloves and shoes.
Elsewhere, a certain pink hedgehog was on a taxi home. She had cut her break off early, unable to bear being away from her Sonikku for so long. And all the others thought she was still on her trip; Amy couldn't wait to surprise them!