Title: Talking
Author: stolendreams
Pairing: Gen
Spoilers and Warnings: Only for the last minute or so of Gridlock I think
Summary: Post Gridlock drabble
A/N: My first ever Doctor Who fic, and also my first drabble, 100 words exactly. Reviews make the world go round :) Concrit very welcome

Talking comes easily to him, it's knowing when to stop that's the problem normally. But sitting with Martha and telling her about Gallifrey, he finds himself struggling. There aren't enough words in any language to describe a planet; a home; a family.

She sits, her eyes shining with emotion, and listens. She doesn't interrupt or ask questions, she just lets him talk until he runs out of things to say. Then she squeezes his hand and tells him she's sorry.

Hours later, sitting alone while she explores the Tardis, he says the one thing he'd missed out.

"I killed them."