A/N: This fic is basically a Pokemon/Mystery Science Theater 3000 crossover. Deoxys captures Ash, May and Brock's Pokemon, trapping them in a satellite which it constructed. After that, it goes on to try and take over the world!
Meanwhile, on the satellite, Pikachu and the rest are forced to watch bad movies from Deoxys' personal DVD collection till Rayquaza comes along and rips Dee-sis limb from limb…………
Important Notes:-
I will be riffing several complete fics on Please be a sport and don't take any of this personally. My mockery of certain fics doesn't necessarily reflect my true feelings about them. If you must flame, you are welcome to. No hard feelings.
Plus, this fic is set after the Battle Frontier storyline ends.
If any of you wish to be part of this and want a parody fic of yours to be riffed, e-mail it to me with your request and it will be carried out.
Lastly, this idea wasn't exactly mine; I took it from garfieldodie from the 'Calvin and Hobbes' section. I took his permission to set up a fic of my own.
And also, I haven't seen the movie 'Destiny Deoxys', so Deoxys might not be in character.
Pikachu was tossing and turning in his sleep, in the clutches of a nightmare.
"Hah!" bellowed nightmare James, his unappetizing features even scarier than usual. "Team Rocket has finally caught you!" Evil laughter echoed as the looming Rockets stared down at the puny Pikachu.
Pikachu took one good look at the Rockets, trembled violently, and burst out laughing hysterically, tears pouring down from his eyes like mini River Gangeses. If he didn't die of dehydration, he might just asphyxiate due to laughing without enough oxygen.
The nightmare shattered, and Pikachu woke up with a start.
He didn't really recognize where he was. The room was metallic and completely bare, save for a sink and refrigerator tucked away in one corner. The walls were dotted with several doors. The ceiling was actually one large T.V. Screen. A very large window made him realize that he was actually in outer space.
Pikachu closed his eyes, slightly overwhelmed. He tried to recall to mind the events preceding his knockout…….
Flashes of light… an injured Sceptile, hurt but in no way unready to battle more… an unconscious Glalie… Ash riding on Charizard, attacking… Deoxys!
Pikachu's eyes flew open as everything came back to him in a flash. His head hurt.
Looking around, he saw that he was, in fact, not alone. From Ash's Pokemon, his Hoenn five, as well as Donphan, Bulbasaur, Squirtle and Charizard were present. Bonsly, Marshtomp, Ludicolo, Crobat and Foretress from Brock's team were there too. Capping the group was May's Pokemon: Skitty, Beautifly and Munchlax. The entire group was just coming to.
"Where are we?" demanded Charizard. The effect of his fury and his fiery eyes was somewhat undermined by his position: sprawled on the floor, upside-down with his rump in the air.
"Well, I'm just guessing, but I suppose this is Dee-sis's spatial hideout?" replied Pikachu.
"He built this?" Glalie asked, looking around at the ship.
"He's a legendary Psychic who doesn't need to respire. Go figure," Sceptile stated, examining the many doors.
"So I suppose we're prisoners?" said Marshtomp.
"Let's check out the living conditions we've been provided with." Corphish made his way towards the sink. The water was clean enough to drink. Next, he opened the fridge and recoiled in horror.
"Brussels Sprouts!" exclaimed Crobat in horror. Bonsly began to weep. Marshtomp and Ludicolo tried to console him, but were unable to mask their own traumatized countenances. Even Charizard and Sceptile, who always tried to maintain outwardly tough appearances, were scarcely able to conceal their fright.
Munchlax walked up to the fridge and grabbing a fistful of The Food That Tastes Like Feet, threw it into his mouth and chewed away nonchalantly. The others gawped at him, dumbstruck.
"Truly, all things that are edible…" muttered Pikachu, shaking his head in disgust.
Swellow fluttered up to the fridge. "Eugh. Dee-sis put an article here outlining how eating Brussels sprouts boosts mental capacity…"
"Repulsive," said Corphish, crabhammering the door shut and accidentally knocking Munchlax in.
"Will he be fine in there?" asked Skitty.
"He's got food, doesn't he?" remarked Beautifly. Everyone else flinched at Brussels sprouts being referred to as 'food'. Beautifly apologized with haste.
Suddenly, the ceiling flashed. The Pokemon hastily looked up to see Deoxys' image materialize.
"MWUAHAHAHAHAHA! Finally, I have you all captured!" boomed the Psychic type.
"One word, you sadistic psycho: WHY?" bellowed Charizard.
"Thank you," said Deoxys. "Well, I've decided to lock you guys up because even though you are much, much, much, much, much, much, much, much less powerful than I, you and your trainers are a conniving, cunning sneaky bunch of no-gooders who spoil my plans through your trickery! Without you guys, who should, in my opinion, be half-Dark types, your trainers will be powerless before my might! I can proceed to conquer the world at my leisure! MWUAHAHAHAHAHA!"
"But what will you do about the other legendaries?" asked Donphan.
Deoxys stopped laughing insanely to do a double take. "Say what?"
"Well, you know, the protectors of the earth and time and space and stuff won't just let you waltz in here and rule all of Pokemonkind," explained Pikachu. "You'll have Celebi, Dialga and Palkia to contend with. Not to mention Rayquaza…" Dee-sis shuddered, but then tried to hide it.
"HAH! I'll hide the floor with their wipes!" stuttered Dee-sis. "Anyways, I've wasted enough time talking to you tools. I'm off to take over the world!"
"Good luck, Dee-sis," said Ludicolo.
"IT'S DEOXYS!" bellowed Dee-sis before his image flickered and faded.
Charizard yawned. "I'd pay good money to see the expression on Dee's face when Rayquaza catches up with him…"
Sceptile sighed. "I'll see what the rest of the rooms are like." Sceptile began opening doors at random.
"So what do we do for entwertainment?" squeaked Bonsly.
"NO! Not the E-word!" whispered Pikachu, but it was too late.
Ludicolo bounded up to them. "Did someone say my name?" Ludicolo executed a pirouette and was about to launch into a song and dance routine before Beautifly knocked him out with Sleep Powder.
"Thanks," said Marshtomp, while Bonsly pouted. The baby Pokemon strangely liked Ludicolo's heinous performances. But then again, babies are stupid.
"Hey, guys!" called Sceptile. "Check this out!"
The Pokemon, with the exception of Munchlax and Ludicolo, all approached the door Sceptile was holding open. They looked in.
The door led to a room which was unmistakably a theater. The lighting was dim, there was movie screen and there were about fifty seats in all shapes and sizes to accommodate various Pokemon.
"Deoxys has a personal theater?" said Beautifly.
"Apparently," said Sceptile. "All the other rooms contain shelves and shelves of DVDs."
"So…" began Pikachu.
"So," said Sceptile, nodding.
"Can we set it up?" Charizard asked.
"With ease," said Sceptile.
"I'll go choose a DVD," said Skitty, skipping off to a room.
"Wait for me!" yelled Pikachu, dashing after her.
"Wait," Sceptile interrupted. "There's one more room I haven't checked."
Sceptile walked over to the last room and opened the door. Inside was a bathroom. It seemed clean enough; Sceptile ran the faucet, which spewed sapphire-blue water. Next, he walked over to the toilet and opened the lid while simultaneously flushing it.
The toilet exploded. Luckily for everyone outside the bathroom (less so for Sceptile), a fragment of toilet knocked the door shut. Even though the Pokemon were unable to see inside the bathroom, Sceptile yells communicated to them that it wasn't pretty.
"Corphish! Squirtle! Marshtomp!" Sceptile's voice trembled. "Get in here! NOW!"
The water types burst in while the others turned away. The door was slammed shut when they entered, but horrified yells leaked out ("My eyes! MY EYES!"). Gushing water could be heard as they used their Water Gun attacks; soon, the door opened once more.
Four very shaken Pokemon walked out. Though the others pressed, they said that they had sworn an oath never to recount what they had seen, and busied themselves in preparing the theater. The others, without much choice, did the same.
A/N: So, what do you guys think? Review!
Explaining Deoxys' choice of Pokemon: Sceptile, Glalie, Corphish, Swellow, Pikachu and Torkoal were the Pokemon Ash had when he encountered Deoxys. After being vanquished, Deoxys plotted revenge and watched the whole Battle Frontier sequence and thus abducted all the Pokemon used in that, i. e. Charizard, Donphan, Bulbasaur and Squirtle.