I'm sorry if this update got your hopes up (winces).

Don't worry this will be the LAST time I ever post an AN Update here. The next time you get a notification from me I will be updating this story. Read below though for information regarding this.

I have not given up on fanfiction. I still love to read/write and I will finish the story posted that is incomplete (by golly, I will), I just can't give you a time frame in which this will happen... It could be years (God, I hope not). My interest in writing Inuyasha and Harry Potter fanfiction has waned due to finding new fandoms to gush over, and I'm sorry for that (the waning interest, not the love for a new fandom), and it gets harder and harder to spark an interest due to this. I have so much in the works and my new computer doesn't host Microsoft Word (blasphemy) so it'll be even harder to get me to buckle down and write these stories.

I might end up moving my incomplete story/complete stories over to the Archiveofourown Website. I spend nearly all my time there so... (laughs).

Once again, I'm so sorry for the wait and, if you stayed with me this far, thank you.