Here for You
By x0xCorniqueXoX
Normal POV
"Say goodbye, Taylor McKessie," Dylan Wilkinson said to his victim and her friends.
Chad Danforth held Taylor McKessie closer, trying to protect her from anything imaginable.
"Show yourself, Dylan!" Chad exclaimed. His right hand was in his pocket, his fingers resting on his pocketknife, ready to strike at a moment's notice.
"Nah," Dylan said then. "Its more fun to watch you people squirm."
"Dylan, this isn't funny anymore," Taylor spoke up, fear evident in her voice. "Please, just leave us alone!"
At that request, Dylan showed himself, looking at Taylor with such longing, she buried her head into Chad's chest.
"I can't leave you alone," he answered. "Not just yet." The lust was back in his eyes and Taylor hated to see him like that. "I didn't finish what I was doing prom night."
"And you aren't going to get to finish it," Chad told him, slowly rising off the bed, his hand still resting on the knife in his pocket.
"Back off!" Chad cried.
Dylan just smiled at him as he walked quickly into the room. "Nah," he said, walking over to Taylor's bed.
Chad slowly raised his hand, the knife lying loosely in it. He walked slowly over to Dylan.
"Shh!" he told the others. "Hey, Dylan."
Dylan turned around and in one quick motion, a knife was against his throat.
"Now, what do you say we get out of here, drive down to the police station, and have you arrested?"
"That plan doesn't work that well for me." Was Chad seeing things, or was Dylan Wilkinson, the person who had raped Taylor and put her through hell, actually afraid?
"Aw," Chad said with false sympathy. "Is big bad Dylan Wilkinson actually scared? Scared . . . of little old me?"
Chad said this so calmly and with the straightest face, his friends had to fight hard not to burst out into fits of laughter right then and there.
"No . . . of course not," Dylan answered, obviously lying through his teeth. "Me? Afraid? Of you? Don't be silly . . . "
"Admit it Dylan," Taylor said. "You think your big and tough when you're holding the knife. But when it's in someone else's hand, your big, bad persona quickly diminishes."
"No!" Dylan yelled. "I'm not afraid of Chad Danforth. The only thing about him that is killer is his jump shot . . . "
"Actually, that's Troy," Chad interrupted. "I'm great at lay-ups . . . "
"Like it matters!" Dylan was getting aggravated, and despite the hostile situation, Taylor and her friends were having a little fun making him this way.
"It does matter." That was Troy, and he had to fight hard to keep his voice steady as he said, "Jump shots are from the foul line and lay-ups are when you run up the basket, dribbling the ball, and shoot it. There's a big difference between lay-ups and jump shots."
Dylan turned around to face Troy and Chad caught Taylor's eye.
Keep his busy, she seemed to be telling him telepathically as she reached for her cell phone. I'm going to call in the reinforcements.
Chad nodded his head so slightly, Taylor wasn't sure Chad had understood what she meant.
"Hey, Dylan . . . "
"How come you don't have a girlfriend?"
"Because," Dylan said.
"'Because' is a word, not an explanation," Chad told him. "How come?" He nudged Gabriella Montez and Sharpay Evans.
"Oh . . . yeah, how come? You're very . . . " Sharpay paused. "...kind of . . . handsome . . . "
Gabi looked at her for a long second.
"Oh!" she said, finally catching onto what Sharpay was doing. "Yeah, you're . . . semi-good-looking . . . "
Dylan turned his gaze to Gabi and Troy slipped an arm around her waist.
"Would you go out with me?"
Gabi's face registered disgust for a semi-second. "No!" Then she added quickly, "I mean . . . uh . . . I mean . . . if I wasn't already taken . . . " She looked up at Troy. "...yeah, I'd go out with you . . . in a heartbeat . . . "
"Smooth," Kelsi Nielsen whispered into Gabi's ear.
"How about you?" Dylan asked Kelsi.
Jason Cross placed a kiss on Kelsi's forehead. "She's taken."
"Yup," Johnny Richards said happily. "She's taken too."
"Come on, Dil . . . " Chad started.
Dylan stared at him, suddenly angry. "Don't call me that!"
"Okay, sorry . . . " He paused. "But there's a girl out there somewhere for you. Either here . . . or in prison . . . "
"In prison?!" Dylan yelled. "I'm not going to prison."
"Too bad, Dylan," Taylor said. "You don't have much of a choice. The police are already on their way to arrest you, to give you the Miranda warning . . . "
Dylan turned to Taylor.
"You turned me in?!" He hurried over to her. "I thought we were friends!"
"You crossed the friendship boundary when you put a roofie in my drink. You raped me, Dylan!"
"Yeah . . . so?"
"You think we're still friends after that?" Taylor was shocked. "Wow, you're really pathetic, you know that? You can't get a girlfriend of your own so you resorted to raping one of your friends? What kind of low life does that?!"
"I can't believe you think of me as a 'low life'. I thought I was your friend!" he said again.
"No, Dylan, you're not my friend now and you'll never be my friend again. You hurt me in one of the worst ways imaginable and I will not forgive you for that. You're going to jail, Dil. For a long, long time."
Dylan snapped. He grabbed Taylor around the neck.
"I told you never to call me that!" he exclaimed. "And I am not going to jail. I'd rather die than live out the rest of my life in that hell."
"You should've thought of that," Taylor told him, "before you did what you did to me."
Dylan's hands tightened around her neck and Chad looked out in the hallway for the police.
"Screw this, the police are taking too long."
He grabbed Dylan's arm and pulled him off of Taylor.
The knife was back to his throat.
"I'm going to say this one time, and one time only." Chad got so close to Dylan's face, Dylan could feel the hotness of his breath. "You stay the hell away from Taylor or this knife is going to be in your neck. Did I make myself clear?"
The police chose that moment to appear at the door.
Chad had Dylan in a headlock and reluctantly let go when the police took him from Chad.
"Remember what I said," Chad said, mouthing the words. He made a motion across his throat. "You're dead."
Taylor rubbed her neck and Chad hurried over to her. "Are you okay, babe?"
"Yeah, Chad, I'm fine."
The others caught Chad's eye and they quickly excused themselves.
"Taylor . . . the doctor said . . . he said . . . that you might be . . . pregnant . . . " He paused. "And since you and I never had sex . . . "
"The baby is Dylan's," Taylor said, finishing Chad's sentence.
Chad nodded his head, holding Taylor in his arms. He placed a kiss lightly on her forehead and put his hand on her tummy.
"No matter what happens," Chad started, "I'll always be right by your side." He handed her a box.
"What's this?"
"Open it," he whispered in her ear, "and find out."
Taylor slowly opened the box and gasped at its content.
"Oh, my...Chad, it's absolutely gorgeous!"
Chad took the ring from Taylor and placed it gently on her ring finger.
"It's a promise ring," Chad explained. He smiled. "I promise that no matter where I go or what I do, I'll think of you and only you. I promise that even when the road gets hard, I'll be there to take the journey with you. I promise you, and that little baby inside you, that this will never happen again. I promise you . . . that I'll always be here for you."
"I promise you that I'll always be here for you too."
Did you like it? I don't like it that much. This was the last chapter . . . Aw!