D.J. scales: I think Lillian will appear somewhere in the story, but probably not for long. Basically, Louisa has part of the Earth abilities, fighting skills, and the Heart of Earth is blood related so maybe she has some of that power. I dunno, I didn't really think about that.

c&c4eva: thanks for supporting me and the story!!

Celestial Dragon Rider: I'm glad you like short chapters, because I haven't got a clue how much is gonna be out in this chapter. And Ithink'The Plot thickens' is a cool line too!

The Earth Guardian: Thanks for saying I have a lot of talent, and I'm glad you loved the story so far, I think (I hope) it's gonna get better later on. My English Teacher says I have a lot of talent as well… don't know why I mentioned that but Thanks anyway!

Pyromaniac-Girl: I know it's a strange divider, but you know me, I like to be strange. So thanks a lot!

Sasha: Sorry it's kind of a late chapter, but I couldn't think of what to write, then it came to me when I was in bed (that happens a lot with stories) so anyway, thanks for the support!

I got quite a few reviews for that chapter… well, more than most of my stories, anyway. Sorry it took so long to update so I'll give you a 'previously in Chosen Child' thing Now, on with the story!!

Chapter 3: The Disappearance

"And you came here because you want to know why" explained the knowledgeable Oracle. Cornelia and Caleb just stared at the Oracle.

"Your daughter possesses great powers. Powers that the two of you cannot imagine. Earth abilities that stretch farther than yours, fighting skills that you have not even mastered. Together, you created a being more powerful than the Heart of Earth used to be at this age. If she learns how to stabilise her powers, and uses them for good, she will do great things. I suggest you go back to your daughter, before Nerissa attempts to do anything. If Louisa is Nerissa's target, we will need her to have extra protection!"

Louisa's POV

"Are you sure about this? Leaving us alone in the house? What if Nerissa comes and you're not here to help me protect her? You know what Nerissa's like, she easily get me out the way on my own!" Mummy was shouting at daddy, who was carrying a big axe-thing. Mummy looked like she was about to explode, but daddy calmed her down, which was lucky.

"You, are going to be fine, Cornelia. You are both going to be fine. Nerissa wouldn't come for her yet, and she doesn't know we know. It's going to be fine." Daddy kissed mummy on the lips and left the house. Mummy was standing at the door watching him go.

I don't know what's going on. Mummy and daddy went off yesterday and left me with Auntie Will, Irma, Taranee and Hay Lin and Uncle Matt. when they came back mummy was upset, so I didn't bother her. Mummy and daddy have been different since my birthday party, when they got that phone call. I miss them.

Mummy and daddy hardly look at me now. I don't know why, and they say it's not because of me, but I can't help wondering why they are being like this. I hope I will be able to spend some time with mummy now daddy has gone somewhere.

"Mummy, when's daddy getting back?" I ask, trying not to sound disappointed. Mummy finally closed the door and smiled at me. "I don't know, sweetie. I don't know." Mum's face suddenly dropped and she walked back into the living room to watch T.V. I walked in there as well and sat by mummy's side as she played with my hair a little.

Normal POV

A program that Louisa loved came on, so Cornelia went to get her a drink. As Cornelia stared out the kitchen window, she wished Caleb was there. She was scared to be left alone with Louisa at the moment, she knew Nerissa would've realised Julian told them, and that they'd be thinking of ways to get her. Nerissa could easily walk through that door or appear out of no where at any minute.

Cornelia could've sworn she heard noises coming from outside, but she thought she was just being paranoid. 'Caleb said we'd be alright. Nerissa wouldn't be able to come now; she doesn't even know where we live. Maybe I could call the others and tell them to come here to keep us company.' Cornelia left the drink in the kitchen and walked over to the hallway to call her best friends.

"Mummy, where's my drink?" Louisa asked impatiently, but not taking her eyes off the T.V. Cornelia picked up the phone and started dialling.

"I'll give it to you in a sec, Lou; I'm just calling the others to see if they want to come round." Louisa looked away from the T.V for a second, but looked back almost immediately so she wouldn't miss it.

"Will Jamie be coming?" Louisa perked up, still staring at the T.V. Cornelia smiled. "I don't know, maybe. Actually, would you like to go round his house?" Cornelia said. But regretted it soon after. 'What am I thinking? Jamie's house is the Silver Dragon and Nerissa knows that place more than anything! She needs to stay here!'

"Sorry, we have to stay here. How about Jamie comes here?" By now Louisa was standing directly in front of her mother looking very excited.


In Meridian

Caleb was patrolling the forests in Meridian, wanting to get home to his family. He knew Cornelia was right, that Nerissa could come at any minute. Caleb sat down on a log, wanting to be with his daughter to protect her. 'Why am I here? This isn't what I should be doing; I should be at home with Cornelia and Louisa. Helping them!'

Caleb stood up, determined to help his two girls. He speedily walked back to the palace to tell Elyon and Aldarn that he was going home. As soon as he spotted his green friend, he ran up to him to tell him where he was going.

"Aldarn! I'm gonna go back to Earth to look after Cornelia and Louisa. Could you-"

Caleb was interrupted by a small man running towards him and Aldarn. Elyon walked out of the palace.

"What's wrong, Daaga? (Don't ask, he's only in this bit. Pronounced Darga) Elyon asked as she approached the small metallic blue man.

"My Queen… there are… reports… of an attack… on… Earth." Daaga panted. Everyone's eyes widened as Caleb realised who was being attacked.

"Cornelia!" He shouted, and ran to find Blunk to let him through a fold.


On Earth

Cornelia smiled at her excited daughter, and for a minute she forgot that Louisa had powers, and that Nerissa was coming after her. That was until a noise of a fold echoed around the hallway. Cornelia and Louisa looked to the middle of the room where a mystical blue fold was situated. Louisa screamed and ran behind her mother, who was equally nervous.

Cornelia protectively put her arms around Louisa, knowing what was going to happen soon. 'Caleb! Told you not go!'

Just as she Cornelia thought, Nerissa stepped out of the fold and smirked evilly at the sight.

"Stay away from her! I know what you're here for, and you're not getting it!" Cornelia shouted over the noise of the fold. Louisa whimpered slightly while Nerissa laughed.

"You think you're really going to stop me by shouting? Dear Cornelia, you have a lot to learn. Hello, little Louisa. Aww, aren't you going to say hello to your dear Aunt Nerissa?" Nerissa bent down and beckoned Louisa to come forward, but Cornelia pulled her back more.

"You are not her Grandmother." Cornelia said through gritted teeth. She glared at Nerissa, who was just smirking.

"Say what you want, dear, I am her grandmother, and how is Caleb, by the way? He hasn't called in a while."

"Maybe because we burnt the phone number!" Cornelia shouted. Nerissa stood up, ready to attack. Cornelia wasn't prepared, but managed to send a small table flying at Nerissa, who simply held out her hand and 'Quintessence'-d it out of the way. She threw a bolt at Cornelia, who was hit and sent across the room. Louisa screamed loudly as Nerissa grabbed her hand and pulled her into the fold. Cornelia, who was almost unconscious, managed to get one word out before she passed out.


Oh no! what's gonna happen?! Find out in the next chapter. I was going to make it a bit longer, but I didn't have time, I shouldn't have even finished the chapter. Shows how dedicated I am, lol. Anyway, if you liked, or not, let me know! Just press that little grey button below that says 'Go!' and write something! Bye!!