Disclaimer – I do not own Harry Potter.

Authors Note – Yay I got to write Dramione scenes in this chapter! It was really fun, I hope you like it.

Draco looked at Harry as if he was completely off his rocker. "You want me to live with you?"

"With us" Harry said, signaling to Ron and Hermione. "Look, I just thought maybe you needed a place to stay and its convenient if you are going to be with us for the fight. At least come tonight, there are a few things I'd er, like to learn from you." It was obvious Harry had great trouble saying that the last part..

"No, you're right, I'll stay." He tried to make it seem as though he was going because he had wanted to and because it was the smart thing to do, but truthfully he had no place else to go.

"Come on then. Ron go get his wand, he'll be needing it." Harry said and once again holding out his hands, but this time Draco protested.

"Can't you just tell me where we are going? I don't like grabbing your hands like a little girl." He said disdainfully.

"Fine. Number twelve Gimmauld Place. It doubles as Order of the Phoenix headquarters, don't mess it up." Harry warned and they all apparated there separately.

Draco recognized the house immediately. He could remember coming here with his mother when he was a child.. "This is the Black house." He said.

"Um, yeah it was, Sirius left it to the Order when he... died." Harry choked on his words. Even after two years the pain from losing Sirius still seared inside of him as if it happened just yesterday..

"Dear old Aunt Bellatrix did him in eh?" He rolled his eyes. "I always hated her you know, even before I understood about Death Eaters and all that. She's really a nasty old hag, not even my mother really likes her that much."

"I forgot you were related to them. Can you remember anything about Sirius from before he was sent to Azkaban?" Harry asked, making Draco wonder if he was some kind of masochist, why would anyone want to talk about things that clearly bring them pain?

"Uh, no. I never really knew him at all, everyone always said that he was a disgrace to the family and I never got to know him." He said looking down at floor, in fear that Potter might cry or something.

"Come on then, I'll get you set up in a room. Didn't you bring anything with you?" Harry asked changing the subject as he headed up the stairs.

"Nope. When you've got Death Eaters attacking you from every which way you don't usually have time to grab things." He replied a bit disgruntled from all the stupid questions he had been asked though the course of the night.

"Very well, we'll go to Diagon Alley tomorrow for you. You should probably stay hidden." Harry wisely suggested.

"Oh really? I figured I'd go cruise around in all the Death Eaters usual haunts. I'm just finally getting some relief from all the times I was hit with the Cruciatus Curse today, but I kind of miss the agony, ya know?" He lashed out sarcastically.

"Malfoy, are you ever going to be pleasant?" Harry asked.

"Potter, are you ever going to be intelligent?" Draco replied, but immediately regretted saying it. With Dumbledoor dead the Order and the house belonged to Harry who could easily get rid of him and leave him for dead.

Harry glared at him for a moment before softening his facial expression. "Whatever Malfoy, this is your room." Harry said, pointing to a rather large dusty room with very little objects inside.

Draco carefully eyed the plain off white room which only held a queen size bed and a tall armoire. There was what appeared to be a bookshelf, only it had no books, or anything else on it.

"What the bloody hell am I supposed to do in here? Its boring." he complained.

"Ask Hermione if you can borrow or a book or something, its not my job to entertain you." Harry said and closed the door behind him leaving Draco alone in the plain room that was now 'his'.

"Hmph, I'm not asking the mudblood for anything." He said to himself and took out his wand,

"Pulvis absentis" He chanted a spell to make the dust in the room vanish. Once it was gone he realized that the room isn't as bad as he was making it out to be. And it was much better than being outside in the middle of winter.


The next morning Draco didn't roll out of bed until it was nearly the noon hour. He heard the strangest sound coming from downstairs. It was loud and jumpy, the fast beat made him feel like moving around...like dancing. The words were too faint to make out so he made his way down the stairs to hear it better.

I am thinking it's a sign that the freckles
in our eyes are mirror images and when
we kiss they're perfectly aligned
and I have to speculate that god himself
did make us into corresponding shapes like
puzzle pieces from the clay

He saw Hermione in the kitchen reciting the words as they played while she cooked something bubbly on the stove. He watched her in amusement as she bobbed and shook to the music, throwing her ingredients into the pot.

and true, it may seem like a stretch, but
its thoughts like this that catch my troubled
head when you're away when I am missing
you to death
when you are out there on the road for
several weeks of shows and when you scan
the radio, I hope this song will guide you home

Hermione moved her head in a way that caused her bushy brown locks to fly in every direction possible. He couldn't help but laugh at her, blowing his cover.

"How long have you been standing there, Malfoy?" Hermione asked angrily, but her face was a shade of red that would suggest she was more embarrassed than mad.

"A while." He purposely answered vaguely not wanting to admit that he had watched her at all. "What is this that you are listening to?" He asked to change the subject, though he wasn't completely uninterested.

"The Postal Service, they're a muggle band." She glared at him, probably expecting a comment about how muggle things were beneath them.

"I like it." He said causally. Hermione continued to stare at him but her expression changed from one of anger to curiosity.

He could literally feel her graze on him. She was staring so hard, for a moment he thought she may have X-Ray vision and she was trying to see how he worked.

"Your potion is bubbling over." He pointed to the stove where the purple substance had indeed flowed out of the pot and onto the floor.

Hermione cursed and ran back to the potion. "Ow!" She yelped when her hand made contact with the hot potion. "Take that off the fire please." She said running over to the sink.

Once he moved the potion off the fire he looked at Hermione who was holding her hand under running water. "You are a witch you know, its not hard to heal that."

"I can't, its my wand hand." She cried.

Draco thought for a moment, He could leave her there to care for her burns the muggle way in the sink, or he could pull his wand and heal her himself.

Just yesterday he would have walked away and probably laughed at her. But something unknown to him made him pull his wand out of his pocket and think of a spell.

"Give me your hand." He said, awkwardly moving towards her.

"What?" She asked, as if she were in shock that he out of all the people in the world had offered to help her..

"Give me your bloody hand you git, I can fix it." He said more firmly.

She was reluctant but she pulled her hand out from under the water. He took it into his own and placed it knuckles down in his palm.

"frigus incendia." He chanted and the burns on her hand turned blue for a second before shrinking to disappearance.

"Thank you." Hermione said examining her hand. "That spell was spectacular, even I couldn't have done better. Where did you learn that?" It would appear that the girl who knew everything was in awe of his knowledge.

"I uh, learned it from some Death Eaters. I learned loads from them actually." He said it as if he were uncomfortable mentioning that he once socialized with Death Eaters, but there was never shame in his voice.

"Loads? Malfoy, can you teach me? Please!" The pure desperation in her voice made him laugh again. She spoke as if she needed information more than she needed oxygen.

"I suppose so, its not like I have anything better to do around here." He fronted to her, but really he was happy to show her what he had learned as a Death Eater. It could keep her alive and he needed her alive. He was convinced that she was the only one of his new 'roomies' that had at least half a brain and therefor the only one he could tolerate.

"Oh thank you! I will go grab my parchment and quills." She said and dashed off in the direction of the stairs.

When she returned with a stack of books higher than her head and literally hundreds of pieces of parchment he wished he had told her no. From the looks of things he would be sitting at the kitchen table for the rest of his natural born life teaching her spell after spell.

"Granger, are you off your rocker? What in the bloody hell are you doing with all that stuff?"

"I wanted to be prepared." She said innocently, and Draco shook his head.

"Alright then. Give me that quill, while I'm doing this make yourself useful and get me breakfast." He ordered her.

She opened her mouth to argue but before she could get any sound out, without looking up at her Draco interrupted. "Now, I'm being nice enough to show you all this magic that could potentially save your life, I think that merits breakfast."

Hermione grumbled but she turned and pulled more pots and pans out from a cabinet while he sat quietly trying to remember all that he had learned from training for Voldemort. His hand was just starting to ache from writing when Hermione pushed a plate in front of him.

"We don't have much so you get pancakes and toast." She said, taking the parchment he had been writing spells on to examine.

"Not bad Granger, you do all the cooking around here? I seem to recall you being rather oppositional to house elves."

"Not really. Most of the time we have meals at the Weasleys'. Molly likes for us to come around often, and we need to eat so its convenient." She answered without looking up from the parchment.

Hermione kept rushing him to finish his meal so she could start practicing the wand movements and he ended up pushing his plate away prematurely just to get her to keep quiet.

"Alright, alright you insufferable nuisance. Pick up your wand and do what I do, got it?"

She nodded to show that she understood and took her place opposite of him, ready to begin learning.

"The first one 'capulatio' decapitates your opponent. It kills, just as Avada Kedavra but unlike the killing curse it is deflectable." He drew his wand up towards his head and down again diagonally in a slashing motion.

Hermione flinched as the thin green line that sprouted from his wand moved towards her and fell right before it reached her. "Watch it would you!" She yelled.

"Relax, now you try it."

Hermione did as he did and her spell was almost as powerful as his had been. Though she lacked the aim that he had and he had to deflect the spell before it hit him.

"Now who should watch it?" He quipped. He couldn't help but take advantage of her fumble, Hermione wasn't one to mess up very often.

They practiced a couple more times until she had it down perfectly. Around the same time she had gotten it to the point where she could control where the magical line was going Harry and Ron returned from Diagon Alley, looking furious.
