Disclaimer – I do NOT own Harry Potter

Author's Note – I had a dream last night that led to me writing this. I've never attempted Harry Potter fan fiction before, quite frankly its a little intimidating. I am an American trying my best to write like a Brit, please forgive me and my cultural differences from the Harry Potter characters. And just for a fair warning, Draco is somewhat pleasant in this chapter, but he will not stay that way for long! There will also be no immediate Dramione pairing, you must give them time to grow into it. I can't write fluff so don't expect it.

"Must...Find... Potter." Draco Malfoy encouraged himself to keep going. It was cold, the kind of cold goes right through you and makes everything inside ache. The urge to just stop and rest, even if only for a moment was overwhelming, but that wasn't an option. When you are running from the darkest wizard of the age, you don't have many options at all. So he pushed himself to keep going.

Potter and his pals were not exactly easy to find, every locating charm he tried didn't work properly. Clearly they had taken measures to ensure that they could not be found magically. Draco was both annoyed and impressed by that. They were the only ones who had ever successfully evaded Voldemort for a long period of time, but that also meant he couldn't find them either, at least not magically, so he would have to try the muggle way.

Luckily he had stumbled across one of those books that contained a list of muggles with funny numbers next to their names attached to a strange device with more numbers.. Once when he was a child he had found one of these books in his parents home. Lucius said that it was useful as a reference point to keep track of the muggles that had been 'exterminated' as if they were bugs or something.

Upon opening the book to the 'P' section he learned that there were millions of Potters, even other Potters named Harry. It would take forever for him to apparate to each of these locations. Next he flipped the book to the 'G' pages, and look for the mudblood. There were much less Grangers than Potters but he still did not find the name Hermione next to any of them.

Draco sighed in defeat. If he couldn't find Potter or Granger that meant he had to go to the Weasley's. Fortunately he knew where most of the wizarding families resided, so he wouldn't have to look for it.

"Burrow" Draco mumbled before apparating to the front steps of the Weasley home, where there was no guarantee that he wouldn't be killed as soon as he knocked on the door.

The house was exactly as he expected it to look, small, messy, comfortable. You could have fit two of their house into his own, which had far less occupants. He did envy their yard, it looked like the most perfect place to play Quidditch.

Staring at the house reminded him of all the quips he made to Ron about his family's wealth, now he is going to show up here asking for help? No, he decided. He was about to turn and leave but he heard the front door open and he was standing face to face with a plump woman he recognized as Molly Weasley.

"Oh dear." She muttered. "Arthur! Come quickly!"

Draco stared at her unable to think of anything to say. Perhaps he looked worse than he felt because she didn't look as though she were frightened of him.

"I'm sorry to just drop in, but I -" He started to explain but was cut off by the arrival of Arthur Weasley.

"Oh my, what happened to you boy?" He asked, to Draco's surprise.

"Death Eaters." He said simply, and Arthur nodded.

"Well bring him in Molly, we very well can't let him freeze to death. Ron isn't here at the moment, he Harry and Hermione should be back soon. You may wait in living room if you wish." Arthur said almost kindly, but he clearly hadn't let his guard down.

"Come along, I'll make you some potion." Molly said cheerfully signaling him to follow her into the house. "Ginny is here, she can keep you company while I'm busy."

"I'd like your wand before you enter my house please Mr. Malfoy. Forgive me, but I can't let a known Death Eater into my home armed, injuries or no injuries." Arthur Weasley said sternly and holding out his hand for Draco's wand.

"Very well." Draco complied. "I didn't come here to hurt anyone, you may have it." He said handing over his wand.

He sat on a large couch in their small living room. He was right about their house being comfortable. The house was indeed small, but it was sufficient, and everything seemed to fit inside of it. Unlike his own home, which was filled with dark magic and emptiness.

"Hi!" A cheerful voice startled him out of his thoughts. He looked up to see the youngest Weasley staring at him suspiciously.

"Hello Ginny." He managed to say civilly, though he much rather would have told her to shut up.

She continued to stare at him as if he were a monkey in a zoo doing something extremely entertaining. He hoped she wouldn't be able to break him. If he lost his cool and started shouting he would be thrown back out in the cold, probably wandless.

"What happened?" She asked, "What are you doing here?" She continued her line of irritating questions that he did not wish to answer.

"I would much rather not talk about it." He replied calmly. He didn't feel that he had to explain himself to a little girl. When the time came for him to confront these issues, he knew he would have to, but most certainly not to her.

"Fine" Ginny said miffed. Then she picked up a book and sat down to read, quietly.

With the newfound silence he could overhear Molly and Arthur arguing about him in the kitchen.

"The boy is dangerous! When he is well we must see him off."

"Arthur how can you say that? What if he is good now?" Molly replied.

"Oh come off it! People don't just change their ways. He has had Lucius filling his heart with hate from the day he he was born. There is no coming back from that Molly." Arthur said gravely, and for a moment he thought he heard sadness in the older wizards voice. Of course, he must have been imagining it. The Weasleys would feel no sadness for him. He was a Death Eater, everything they were fighting so hard against. He was part of the reason their lives were so awful he thought looking up at the clock that pointed to each member of the Weasley family who are all in 'Mortal Peril' as the clock read.

"Severus Snape did! People can change if something happens to make them want to. Now, there is clearly something that happened to him, or he wouldn't be here in the state that he is. We have to help him, and I'm going to let you say no. He very well not be his father's son after all. He didn't kill Dumbledore now did he? That says something." Molly ranted on, taking his side.

Draco pondered her words, she had faith in him. She believed that he could be a better person, maybe that was true. Although he really didn't have any interest in being 'good' it was comforting to know that someone thought he was even capable of it.

He would probably never renounce dark magic, it was in him, a part of him even. But his days of following his father and Voldemort were done. In fact, he decided he would fight against them with the Order, if they allowed him to. If not he would do it on his own without the Order.

Next Chapter – Veritaserum
