Summary: The Imaginary Friends discover fanfiction. Will they brace themselves for the horrors inflicted upon them? Please leave a review after reading.

Disclaimer: I don't Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends, except Glee (who is my OC).

Note: All the stories and the authors mentioned in this fic are made-up, any resemblance to actual stories or people are coincidence.

I'm Your Number One Fanfiction

-Chapter 1: The Discovery-

It was another day at Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends. Frankie Foster was busily surfing in the Internet, looking for a website that might interest her. Soon she came across a certain website she hasn't seen before.
"Hey, what's this? Frankie said aloud as she read the site's address. "Hmm, wonder what's it about?"
She was about to click a link when she heard Mr. Herriman, her grandma's six-foot-all rabbit, was barking an order outside her door.
"Miss Frances! There is a mess in the kitchen that needs to be cleaned up at once. Go tend to it now!" he called.
"I'll be in there in a couple of seconds, I just found a…"
"Miss Frances!"
"Okay! I'm coming!"
As Frankie grudgingly marches out her room, a blue Imaginary Friend named Bloo, bumps into her room.
"Oh, hey, Frankie, what's up?" he asked.
"Fine," Frankie responded. "Listen, Bloo. Can you watch my computer for a minute? I came across this website and it looks interesting. But I have to go do something in the kitchen for a while, so can you make sure nobody messes around my computer?"
"Sure, okay!" Bloo replied enthusiastically.
Frankie then points a threatening finger at his face. "And that includes you. If I come back and saw my computer damaged in any certain way, I will be sure you won't be able to sit down for two weeks."
"Frankie, Frankie, Frankie. You don't trust me? I promise I won't let anything bad happen to your computer," Bloo said innocently. "And if something bad did happen to it, you can hang me outside the window in the tallest room by my toes."
"You don't have any toes," Frankie said after a pause.
Bloo pouts then Frankie walks out the room. Bloo then goes over her computer and sat down.
"Let's see what this website has got Frankie so interested," he said to himself. What ever that means… I think it's a stupid name for a website."
He clicks on something, and site showed him a page full of lists of cartoon show titles. His eyes widened when he saw "Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends" among the titles.
"Oh, my gosh!" he gasped. "Wilt! Eduardo! Coco! Come here, you gotta see this!"
A tall red Imaginary Friend named Wilt, a big purple hairy Friend named Eduardo, and a plant-plane-bird Friend named Coco enter the room.
"See what, Bloo?" Wilt asked.
"Look what I found!" Bloo pointed the "Foster's" title for all to see.
"Co co co co co co co co co?" Coco asked.
"I don't why it's there. What do you say we check it out?"
"Si! Si!" Eduardo said.
"Sure, why not?" Wilt agreed.
"Co co!"
Bloo clicks on the title and it showed them another page with a column of titles and summaries.
"Hey, what are these?" Bloo asked, looking awe.
"Cool! I think they're stories," they heard a voice behind them. They all turned to see a small green optimistic (yet a bit air-headed) Imaginary Friend named Glee, looking at the computer too.
"Glee! What are you doing here?" Bloo asked her.
"I live here," she replied cheerfully.
"Oh. But I didn't see you come in; where did you come from?"
"My creator."
"Never mind," Bloo sighed in frustration. "I didn't call you here, Glee. Go away."
"Because I didn't call you to come here."
"Because what?"
"Because you're not very bright!"
Glee looked puzzled. "Why am I in the dark?"
"Never mind, you can stay with us," Bloo said through his teeth. "Let's just check what these 'stories' are. Let's read this one first."
Bloo clicked on a story titled.

Heart for a Friend
By: MacIsHawt

"MacIsHawt?? Jeez, they must have some serious issues," Bloo chuckled.
"Um… excuse me, but I'm not really sure if we could--" Wilt began but everyone hushed him. "I'm sorry."

Eighteen-year-old Goo is alone. So alone and helpless. So alone she didn't know what to do. She wondered if the person she loved ever loved her back.

Eduardo suddenly burst out crying, to everyone's surprise.
"Don't cry, Eduardo, I'm sure Goo isn't like that," Wilt tries to calm his crying friend.
"Look on the bright side, it's just a story," Glee said.
"Always the optimistic one, aren't you, Glee?" Bloo smirked.
"Co co co, co co co co," Coco said frowning.
"So, what if Goo is eighteen? Like Glee said, it's just a story?"

Goo had no one to talk about her feelings, not even her parents. That night, Goo was standing at the highest roof of Foster's, looking all around the houses below. Wondering if she could jump off to stop the pain.

"Don't jump, Goo!" Wilt screamed, frightening Eduardo. "Sorry."

Before she can even get over the railing, she heard a cool voice speaking, "What are you doing here, Goo?"
She gasped and turned around. No, it can't be! But it's him! It's her true love!

"Co co?"

"I didn't know you cared," Goo said to him. "I always care about you, Goo," he said. Mac lifts her chin and then kisses her.

The reaction from each Friend was unbelievable. Eduardo's jaw dropped; Coco, in her shock laid an egg; Wilt's good eye widened; Glee beamed, and Bloo gasped.
"Hey! Take your hands off Mac, Goo!" the blue Friend shouted.

Goo pulled away from the kiss.

"Ha! Take that!"

But she eagerly returned the kiss, but much more passionately.

"Awww, they so cuuuuute!" Eduardo cooed.
"Co co co!" Coco agreed.
"Yuck, that is as cute as Wilt taking Frankie to her prom," Bloo remarked, disgusted at the story he's reading.
Wilt's good eye widened. "How did you know that?"
"Know what?" Bloo turns to the tall friend.
"Oh, nothing."

"Mac, I…" "Yes, Goo?" "I… I… I love you!" Then the young woman jumps on Mac, kissing him and tearing at his clothes.

"Wow, Bloo! Goo is getting wild over your creator," Glee said.
"Si, I never had crazy lady kissing me and tearing me clothes," said Eduardo.
"This… no… it can't be true," Bloo looks shocked. "I mean, there are a lot of Macs, right?"

"But, Goo… what if Bloo comes along and sees us like this?" Mac asked worriedly.

"Nope, it's the same Mac; I'm sorry, Bloo," Wilt said.

"Never mind about Bloo, ickle Mackkie-poo. Let us spend this night together, just the two of us," Goo replied seductively.

"Ickle Mackkie-poo?" the imaginary friends asked in unison.

And that night, Mac and Goo were lost in their deep intimate passion.


"Bloo! Are you okay?" Wilt asked as he tries to wake up Bloo, who fell off the chair and fainted.
"Is it over?" Bloo asked, looking sick.

The next day, Mac and Goo confessed their love to their friends and everyone threw a big wedding in honor of the couple. Mac and Goo got married and have three kids. With Bloo marrying Berry. The End.

"Co co co co co co co," Coco said in awe.
"I agree," Glee said.
"How could Mac do this to me…?" Bloo cried in horror. "How could he leave me for some girl! I thought we're supposed to be best friends forever!"
"Bloo, it's just a story; it's not real," Wilt told him.
"Can we read another, please?" Eduardo begged.
"As long it doesn't have to do with Goo removing Mac's clothes," Wilt said with a shudder.
"Ooh, how about this one?" Glee pointed to another story.
Bloo got back on the chair and clicked on the story.