AN: sorry for the long, long, long wait for this chapter but it has been all work and no play for quite some time and my computer caught a virus and you know how it is.

Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto if I did him and Hinata would be together and he would also be a perv and spelling wise if theirs something wrong put the blame on my spell check and any song I list I do not own



Hinata woke up in a hospital bed next to Naruto and seeing him stair into her eyes

"Morning beautiful I'm glad you're ok"

"Na Na….Naruto where are we?"

"In the hospital" said Isamu walking into the room

"What the hell it feels like a truck hit me" Kiba moaned as he woke up

"I agree" said Sakura as she came to

"Good you're all awake you guys have been out of it for a week" Isamu said while smiling under his mask

"A WEEK!!" they all yelled

"Yep" Isamu started then whack on the head courtesy of Temari's fan

"No you've only been out for a day" Temari said

"Aw you're no fun Temari-chan" Isamu said while rubbing his sore head

"What the hell happened the last thing I remember is fighting those duds in the black robes" Kiba said

"Well by the time I got their you guys were all knocked out cold and I managed to get you all out of their before they took Naruto and killed the rest of you" Isamu said

"So it's all happing again" Naruto said

"I'm afraid so" said Tsunade as she walked into the room "but I would relax a bit I got ANBU units searching the out skirts of the village but so far nothing was found they may have retreated for now"

"So how long will we have to stay here?" Kiba said

"Well since you wounds were miner and you are all awake we'll give you one last checkup then you are all free to leave" Tsunade said then left the room

"See you later guys" Temari said with a smile and also left the room

"See you guys tonight at the bar" Isamu started

"What bar?" Naruto asked

"You know the new karaoke bar you were talking about yesterday" Isamu explained

"Oh yea see you later Isamu"

"Later" and in a poof he was gone

"I think that guy is a show off "Kiba said and in another poof Isamu was back

"Why yes, yes I am" he laughed then he was off again



Naruto walked down the street with Hinata hand in hand to the new karaoke bar when Hinata noticed a worried face on Naruto.

"Naruto-kun what's wrong?" Hinata asked sadly

"It's just…well you see Hinata-chan when we fought the 4 Akatsuki members the other day I was afraid I was going to loose you and I never want to put you in that" but that was all Naruto was able to say before Hinata put her finger to his lips.

"It's ok Naruto-kun whatever happens we will get thru this together ok?"

"Ok but once this is all over and when the dust settles and the smoke is cleared" Naruto starts then leans closer to Hinata and whispers something in her ear which causes her to turn red and tears in her eyes

"Do you really mean that Naruto?"

Naruto nods his head and with that nod Hinata jumped on him and started to kiss him all over. After a few moments of kissing they continued their way to the bar.


As the bar came into site Naruto and Hinata witnessed Isamu Temari making out by the front door.

"Are we interrupting something?" Naruto said with one of his fox like smiles.

"Yea you were" Isamu said while pulling his mask back down witch earned him a playful slap by Temari

"No you not we were just waiting for you two" Temari said with a blush and a smile.

"So were is everyone?" Hinata asked

"Inside so shall we then" Temari said while Isamu opened the door and the four of them interred the bar. When they walked in they saw all their friends waiting for them at a large table in the back.

"So Naruto are you going to sing for us tonight?" Sakura asked

"Yea Sakura and Kiba have told us that you have a good singing voice" Ino said

"Yes let the power of youth power you to sing my friend" Lee said with a fist up in the air and then bonk a hit on the head.

"Lee cant you stop that for one night?" Tenten asked

"Oh I don't know" Naruto started

"Come on Naruto-kun I want to hear you sing tonight" Hinata said sweetly

"Oh ok then anything for you Hinata-chan but I have a few conditions"

"What are they?" Chouji asked

"One Hinata-chan you have to sing with me" which caused Hinata's face to go red.

"I don't know if I can Naruto"

"Hinata sings?" Neji asked with an eyebrow raised

"Yes she does and she has a very beautiful voice" Naruto said proudly pulling Hinata into a hug

"What's the other condition?" Shino said

"And number two you all have to sing a song to that's the only way I'll sing" Naruto said with a smile

After a few moments of silence and looks around the table they all agreed they would sing. They drew numbers to see who would go first.

First up was Kiba who sung Who let the dogs out? Witch earned a small laughing fit at their table.

Next up was Neji who sung Sweet Emotion by Aerosmith

Then came Shino singing I wear my sunglasses at night

And the list goes on

Shikamaru sung Wasted years by Cold

Chouji sung Overburden by Disturbed

Tenten sung This ain't a scene, it's a goddamn arms race by Fallout Boy

Ino sung I wanna know what love is by Foreigner

Then it was Naruto and Hinata's turn to take the stage

"What do you think of this song Hinata-chan?"

"Oh that's good you ready?"

"Yea" Naruto said as the music started to play

((AN:ok when you see (N) Naruto's voice (H) Hinata's voice (NH) their together))

(H)What would you think if I told you

I've always wanted to hold you?

I don't know what we're afraid of

Nothing would change if we made love

(N)So I'll be your friend

And I'll be your (NH) lover

Cause, I know in our hearts we agree

(N)We don't have to be one(NH) or the other, Oh no

We could be both to each other

(H)Yes, it's a chance that we're taking

And somebody's heart may be breaking

(N)But we can't stop what's inside us

Our love for each other will guide us

As Sakura watched the two sing she realized that they belong together and once again she was alone. As Lee was thinking on a song to sing he looked over to see Sakura all sad

"What's wrong Sakura?"

"Oh its nothing Lee" she said sadly it was then he decided to think of a song that he could sing so it would cheer her up. Isamu watched what played out before him and decided to lend Lee a hand when his turn came.

(NH)So I'll be your friend

And I'll be your lover

Cause, I know in our hearts we agree

(H)We don't have to be one(NH) or the other

(N)I've been through you

And you've been through me

(H)Sometimes a friend is the hardest to see

(N)We always know when it's laid on the line

(NH)Nobody else is as easy to find

(MH)So I'll be your friend

And I'll be your lover

Cause, I'll be your friend

And I'll be your lover

Cause, I know in our hearts we agree

We don't have to be one or the other

Oh no, we could be both to each other

When the song was done they herd claps and cheers but none louder than their friends.

"So how was that?" Naruto said

"That was awesome Naruto" Chouji said

"Yes indeed that was an extent display of youth by you and Hinata!" Lee said

"How many times do I have to tell you to stop doing that!" Tenten started while strangling Lee "but yea it was awesome guys"

"Sakura I do believe its you're turn" Temari said

"Yes it is" Sakura decided to sing I never get over you getting over me by Exposé

Next was Lee's turn and Isamu pulled him close and whispered something to him "Do you think that will work?" Lee asked

"It will trust me" Isamu said while Lee walked towards the stage

"nicely done Sakura" Lee said

"Thanks Lee" Sakura said

"This one is for you" he said as he passed her. Sakura look stunned at what he just said someone was going to sing a song for her.

Lee took Isamu's advice and sung I'll Be by Edwin McCain and he was right it did cheer her up.

((AN: ok now I'm not going to do anymore on those two for right now maybe later…maybe))

The last two songs of the night belonged to the sand duo

Isamu decided on Cry Little Sister by Sisters Of Mercy and as for Temari she sung Just Close Your Eyes by Waterproof Blonde.


As the night ended Naruto and Hinata said good by to their friends and left for home.

"I had a really great time tonight Naruto-kun"

"Well I'm glad Hinata-chan" he said as he pulled her closer and gave her a light kiss on the lips.

………………………………………………………………………………...AN: ok their it is the chapter you guys were waiting for. Now if anyone is wondering what song Naruto and Hinata were singing it was called Friends And Lovers by Gloria Loring and with that said I'll see you next time and hopefully it wont be so long