Oh good god it's actually an update people. Hope you still like me after all of this time


Chapter 4

Harry let out a groan as he came to. He had fainted not long after he had been forced onto the horse by the blonde haired elf. He turned his head to the side and noticed that the blonde that forced him on to the horse was sitting a seat next to the bed he was in, blue eyes open, staring into space.

Harry fidgeted at the blank gaze, wincing as he moved his arm, the wound still tender. Harry brought his arm up to his face and looked at the bandage wrapped around his forearm, stained with his blood, he brought up his other hand and began to pull back the bandage when a hand snapped out and stopped him from removing the bandage.

Harry looked up startled and looked to see that the elf was now looking at him with a slight glare, "You should not remove the bandage, it is not yet time for it to come off." He explained to the teen.

"How long have I been out?" he decided to ask instead of any of the other thought that we rolling around in his head.

"Three days since I met with you and the others in the forest." He responded, "Master Baggins is still unconscious though in much better condition then when he left you."

"Oh that's good, I'll just be off to see him then." Harry said as he slid his way out of the opposite side of the bed and crouched at the side of the bed watching the elf watch him. "Where am I anyway?" he asked looking around the lightly coloured room.

"You are in one of the rooms in the House of Healing." Glorfindel responded watching the boy.

"Healing. Healing means hospital, hospital means sick people and sick people mean doctors." Harry yelled and bolted for the window and jumped, knowing that he wouldn't make it past the elf.

Startled Glorfindel blinked at the rash and quick decision that Harry made to jump out of the window, something he wasn't expecting at all from the boy. Glorfindel quickly jumped out of the window and moved quickly to catch up with the sick teen.

Harrys' bare feet slapped on the solid floors, the hospital pj's flapping around his waist as he ran as fast as he could from the hospital wing, having been there enough times that he didn't want to stay any longer then was necessary and knew that the elf wouldn't let him leave.

Coming around a corner Harry slid to a stop seeing the Glorfindel was reclined against the wall waiting for him, one fine eye brow raised as he looked at the boy, "I do hope there is a reason for you're rather abrupt departure."

Harry looked up from where he was sitting on the floor where he fell skidding to a stop. "Uh, yes." He responded a slight blush on his cheeks

"And that reason would be?"

"I don't like hospital wings."

"Hospital wing?" Glorfindel questioned, the wording completely lost on him.

"The healing ward I was in, we call it a hospital where I come from. I don't like them." Harry explained with a shrug.

Glorfindel walked over to Harry and hoisted him up from where he was sitting, "Then you should have told me and I would have seen about moving you to a room where you could have rested comfortably. You were only in the house of healing for convenience. It was easier on Lord Elrond for you to be there so he didn't have as far to go in treating both you and Frodo." Glorfindel explained as he led Harry back toward his healing room. "We are now going to go back because Lord Elrond will more then likely be in your room to check up on you."

Harry sighed as Glorfindel led him back to the room that we woke up in; inside was a tall man with long dark brown hair and a smooth face though aged eyes. He turned to look at Harry and Glorfindel with a questioning glance.

"And what is the reason for this disarray?" he asked.

"Harry here doesn't like to stay in the Healing House." Glorfindel explained as he led Harry back over to the bed, "Harry this is Lord Elrond, Lord of Rivendell and your healer."

Harry bowed his head in greeting, "Hello sir."

"Well met young Harry, welcome to my home." Elrond responded, "Please make yourself comfortable while I check on your wound."

Harry shuffled back on to the bed so that he was sitting comfortably enough for Lord Elrond to check his wound. Elrond unwound the bandage from his forearm and put the old bandage on a silver tray that was placed on the bedside table.

Harry held his jaw closed as the wound was revealed to him, it was just like the bite he received from the basilisk but it was like he had something eating his flesh but was stopped by what ever the elves used. Harry turned his head away, looking at Glorfindel.

"Not pretty to look at it is it?" he asked.

"Would it have been different if I had of said something sooner?" Harry asked.

Glorfindel shook his head, blonde hair whipping around his shoulders, "No, I'm afraid that it wouldn't have been any different. So is the power of the Morgul blade." He explained.

Harry sighed, "Is it the same for Frodo?"

"Yes I am afraid so, but there is something more about being stabbed by a Morgul blade, you will forever feel the pain of a Nazgûls' call."

Harry shuddered and blinked back the tears that came to his eyes. "Great that's all I need." He muttered and rubbed a hand over his forehead, over his scar.

Elrond gently patted the fresh bandage that he wrapped around Harry's arm, "It has healed well." He told the teen.

"Thank you sir."

"Would you like to look for your Hobbit friends?" Elrond asked.

"I would like that very much, thank you." Harry smiled at the elf and looked around the room, "Um where are the clothes that I was wearing when I came in?"

"We had them disposed of, everything that was in your pockets were removed and placed in the draw." Elrond explained as he saw the slight panic in the green eyes.

A light rapping came at the door, Elrond bade the person to enter, a young woman entered with a bundle of clothing in her arms. "Some clothes Lord Elrond for your guest." She said placing them on the end of the bed and walked back out of the room.

"Come now Harry Potter, dress and we will lead you to where young Mr. Frodo is sleeping." Elrond offered, "Glorfindel and I will wait for you outside."

Harry waited until both elves were out of the room before grabbing his shrunken things from the bedside draw and quickly enlarged his trunk so that he could dig around inside it for the mirror Dobby had mentioned when he delivered it.

"Hello Headmaster?" He whispered into the reflective surface.

="Harry my boy. Is that you?"= Came the headmasters' voice though a yawn, an orange light flickering to life lighting the headmasters face.

"Oh I'm sorry headmaster. I didn't mean to wake you." Harry apologised.

="That's quite alright my boy. You know that I am there for you whenever you need me to be. Now what can I do for you?"=

"Well I was wondering if I could get a small vial of Phoenix tears off of you if you wouldn't mind." Harry asked, "I have a feeling that I might need them while I'm here." Harry explained to the Headmaster.

="Of course my boy. All you had to do was ask." Dumbledore laughed as he reached into his bedside draw and pulled out a small vial. ="I shall send Dobby right with them. But I want to know how you're doing Harry?"=

Harry sighed and rubbed his forehead, "I'm okay I guess. They have elves here Headmaster and I don't mean house elves but the elves told of in fairy tales and they are beautiful." Harry explained, "I'm actually in one of their settlements. The Lord of the house was healing me from a cut I sustained during the walk here."

="Are you alright though Harry?"= Dumbledore asked.

Harry smiled, "Yes sir. I'm fine."

Dumbledore nodded firmly, ="Alright my boy. Now why don't you get dressed and I'll send Dobby right away with the tears alright."=

"Thank you Headmaster. Please give everyone my love."

="Of course my boy. We are all looking for away to bring you home, though it may take some time yet."=

"That's alright Headmaster. I don't want to leave just yet. I feel that I will be needed here." Harry explained.

="We will let you know as soon as we have something Harry. But never fear, it won't be for a while."= Dumbledore chuckled and his image vanished and Harry put the mirror back in his trunk and got dressed in the elven clothing that was left for him on the bed.

Once dressed Harry walked over to the door and poked his head out to see both Glorfindel and Elrond standing opposite the door speaking lowly to each other in their birth language, looking up when they noticed Harry peeking out from the door.

"Are you ready to visit Frodo?" Elrond asked.

"Ah, yes sir, thank you." Harry said as he shuffled out of the room tugging at his new outfit, slightly uncomfortable.

Elrond and Glorfindel laughed lightly and Glorfindel moved over to Harry and swiftly began to set Harrys' clothes right, "How does that feel child?" He asked stepping back and looked the teen over.

"Much better thank you sir." Harry responded.

"I am Glorfindel, not sir. If anyone here is a sir then it is Lord Elrond." Glorfindel explained as he threw a look at his friend.

"Sir indeed." Elrond grumbled as he led the way out of the House of Healing, "First I think we shall show you where your new rooms are and then we will take you to see Frodo. Is that acceptable tithen pen?"

"Ah yes sir. That will be fine." Harry said watching everything that flashed through the arches of the walkways. The lush greenery, the beautiful buildings scattered through the valley.

"Here we are." Elrond spoke up bringing Harry out of his musings and pushed the large double doors opened, showing Harry a large room with wide-open spaces overlooking a large valley with a rushing waterfall and lake.

"Thank you sir. It's beautiful." Harry said and placed his shrunken things down on the bedside table before turning back to Elrond and Glorfindel only to see them conversing with another blonde haired elf. Deciding to wait for them to finish Harry sat down on his bed and looked around the room a little more and noticed that sitting on the opposite bedside table was a small vial with a dropper inside it. Smiling Harry reached over the large bed and grabbed the vial of tears and began to pull of the bandage that was covering the wound on his arm.

"Tithen pen what are you doing?" Glorfindel called out and grabbed a hold of the teens arm.

"Let go!" Harry cried out and twisted his arm out of the blonde haired elves grip and caused the elf to stumble back a bit at the force he pulled away. Harry hurried and grabbed the stopper from the vial and let two drops fall on to the wound and watched as it hissed and oozed as the tears began to work.

Out the corner of his eyes Harry watched as Elrond and the other elf walked over to the bedside, curious about what the black haired teen was doing and watched stunned as the wound began to hiss and heal right under their very gazes.

"Harry what is that you just did?" Elrond questioned.

"Um... well... what has been told to you about me?" Harry asked looking up through his fringe.

"Estel has told me all that you told him." Elrond explained.

"Who's Estel?" Harry asked confused.

Elrond laughed lightly, "You would know him as Strider. Estel is the elven name he was given when I adopted him as a child."

"Oh, right then."

"Now what did you just do Harry?" Elrond asked again.

"Magic." Harry whispered and put the vial in his shirt, "Can we please go and see Frodo now?"

Elrond nodded knowing that he wouldn't get anything more out of the teen about what he had just done, "Of course, please follow me."

Frodo let out a sigh as small shades of light filtered through still closed eyelids. He let out a pained groan as he moved the wrong way on his sore shoulder.

"Where am I?" he whispered thickly.

"You are in the House of Elrond. It is 10 o'clock in the morning, on October 24th if you want to know."

At the sound of the weathered voice he knew and love Frodo was wide awake and looking at the wizard in shock, "Gandalf?!"

Gandalf smiled at the Hobbit, "Yes. I am here. And you're lucky to be here too, a few more hours and you would have been beyond the elves aid. You have quite the strength in you my dear Hobbit."

"What happened Gandalf?" Frodo asked as he shimmied up his bed a little bit more so that he was sitting up a little, "Why did you meet us?"

"I am sorry Frodo... I was delayed." Gandalf responded with a sad smile and a far look on his face.

"What is it Gandalf?" Frodo asked bringing Gandalf back to the present.

"Nothing, my dear Frodo." Gandalf responded with a reassuring smile to the Hobbit.

"Mr Frodo. You awake." Sam cried as he came into the room for one of his visits. He stopped short in the doorway in shock at seeing his dear friend awake at last.

"Sam." Frodo smiled, "It's good to see you."

"How are you feeling Mr. Frodo?" Sam asked coming over to the bedside.

"Much better Sam, thank you." Frodo responded smiling at his friend.

"Sam has hardly left your side." Gandalf informed Frodo.

"We were that worried about you, weren't we, Mr. Gandalf." Sam explained.

"It is by the skills of Lord Elrond that you are beginning to mend." Gandalf explained.

"Welcome to Rivendell, Frodo Baggins." Elrond greeted as he appeared behind Gandalf with Harry by his side.

"Harry!" Sam and Frodo cried out.

"Hey ya Sam, Frodo. How you feeling Frodo?"

"I'm fine." Frodo responded with a smile to the dark haired wizard.

"How are you feeling Mr. Harry?" Sam asked concerned lilt in his voice.

"I'm fine as well Sam." Harry pulled part of his elvish tunic sleeve back and showed the unblemished skin to Sam, "See, all better."

"What happened to Harry?" Frodo asked concerned looking between both Sam and Harry.

"It seems that Harry was also stabbed with the Morgul blade and hid it from us up until the time that we met with the other elves in the forest that were sent to aid and accompany us. Strider wasn't very happy when it was pointed out to him." Sam explained.

Harry had started blushing at the explanation and was rubbing the back of his neck in nervousness, "It wasn't that big of a deal, really. You were much worse off than I was." Harry responded, "You needed the help more than I did."

"Still Harry you should have said something." Frodo admonished the teen wizard.

Harry shook his head, "We were in a hurry to get you to the elves. You were a lot worse off than I was Frodo. You were turning into one of those things."

"Thank you." Frodo smiled and gave up arguing with Harry knowing that he wouldn't get anywhere with it.

Harry watched from where he was seated in the library with Glorfindel trying to make heads or tails of the elvish languages so that he could talk with other elves in their native language when he came across them instead of Westron.

"Harry would you please pay attention. I do not have long to teach you everything but the basics." Glorfindel admonished the teen.

Harry turned his attention to the blonde elf, "What do you mean you don't have long to teach me?" He asked.

Glorfindel shook his head, "I forget that you are not elf like, for you time is fleeting and there is never enough time to learn everything that we know."

Harry just nodded his head and flicked over a page, "Oh, right."

Glorfindel let out a sigh and pulled the book out from underneath Harry's nose, "Alright, up you get and come with me." He ordered and headed out of the room. Harry hurried out after the elf knowing that he wouldn't wait for him.

"Where are we going Glorfindel?" Harry asked as he jogged next to the elf.

"I am taking you down to the training area. We will teach you something about how to use a bow and a sword instead." He explained to Harry.

"Okay I guess. Though I do have my magic as a weapon you know."

"I know that. But I want you to save that as a last resort. Something to stun them for a few seconds, you understand what I'm saying?" Glorfindel responded.

"Yeah. I guess you're right. Don't reveal you whole hand until everyone's at the party." Harry responded and followed after Glorfindel to the training area to get started on swordsmanship and the use of a bow.