It was their anniversary and Klaus had a guitar. Why in the world did Klaus have a guitar?, Isadora wondered. He couldn't play. And he was as tone deaf as a…well, he was as tone deaf as they came, anyway.

She was filled with horror when she realized he was planning to sing to her for their anniversary. She loved him, but she didn't want every mirror and window in the house to shatter. And if he does break them all, she thought viciously, it's coming out of his paycheck.

He sat down and started, presumably, to tune his instrument. He was doing it by ear! Oh, God, she thought as she calculated, there was going to be nearly 100 years of bad luck in one song. It really wasn't worth it.

"I've got a surprise for you, love," he said. "I've been working on it for months. I hope you like it." She sat down in the chair opposite him and he began to play.

It was the most beautiful melody she'd ever heard. Admittedly, she didn't listen to music as much as her boyfriend did, but this particular song sounded exquisite.

The he started to sing.

Smiles and her laughter.
It's the only thing that I've been waiting for.

A time,
Regardless of our distance,
And our hope,

She began to stare at him. His voice sounded just as lovely as the guitar. As far as she could tell, he was perfectly in tune.

'Cause we're
Swept by pretty eyes and letters for the time.
The only thing that I've been waiting for.

He stopped looking at the sound hole and glanced up at his fingers on the neck of the guitar. He was playing chords now instead of individual notes. It looked infinitely harder.

I hope it's something worth the waiting,
'Cause it's the only time that I ever feel real
Thunder storms could never stop me.
'Cause there's no one in the world like Emily.

She felt her eyes well up with tears. This really wasn't Klaus's normal type of anniversary gift. They'd been dating for five years now, and he usually he bought her some flowers or a necklace, and once a bookstore gift card. She appreciated them all (he was doing his best, she knew) but they were things she usually didn't use (with the exception of the gift card). As he played the beginning notes again, she listened intently. This was only going to happen once in a lifetime, after all. She wanted to cherish every moment.

Wait, she'd heard this song before. The next verse started out with—

She's simple yet confusing.
Her sparkling eyes make me weak at my words,
They tremble.
Days seem like years in this month of December.

Yes, she'd heard this somewhere before. She tried to remember where.

A tear glided down her cheek as thought of the effort he'd put into learning this song. For her.

The winter,
Coldens me for I have yet to sleep.

He looked up at her.

And never will I give up trying,
'Cause you're everything to me.

She put her hands over her mouth and leaned down on her elbows. She felt more tears come to her eyes as she realized he was going to play the rest of the song without taking his eyes away from hers.

This year's gift was definitely better than last year's.

I hope it's something worth the waiting.
It's the only time that I ever feel real.
'Cause thunder storms could never stop me.
'Cause there's no one in the world like Emily.

He played the opening notes a third time and stood up. As he let the last harmonic ring, he knelt in front of her and sang directly into her face.

There's no one in the world like Emily.

He sat the guitar aside and improved a line of the song. "'Cause there's no one in the world like Izzy."

She wiped the tears from her eyes as he gave her a hug. She wrapped her arms around his neck tightly. Gradually, her tears of joy stopped and he leaned back slightly. Bringing a velvet box out of his pocket, he whispered, "Will you marry me, Isadora Quagmire?"