MY Breu

Summary: Sakura and Sasuke had been best friends since the first time they met in the sandbox. Sakura realized she LOVED Sasuke when they were older. Wrong timing Saku! Sasuke already has a girl in mind and unfortunately, it is not her….or is it? SASUSAKU

Hey guys!!! I am back! I am still thinking of the good continuation for the fic HOW COULD YOU? It was supposed to be a sad ending but I don't think I want to make such ending for my favorite pair. So, I will be holding a survey…

What will be the ending?

Sad ending then I will make a sequel with a happy ending.

Happy ending and NO sequel

The ending will pretty much be the same. They will still end up together anyways but it's the journey that counts right? However, I will try to make both of them if not one. This is totally hard for me because I have many ideas in my head but then I cannot make a very good story about it so it just frustrates me. Thank you guys sooooo much and I hope you will like the story. They are pretty much the same like other fics but this is completely different because, I, a total sucker, made it. Anyways, thank you for putting up with me and my hideous writing skills.

I know, I know, I hate myself soooo much but then again, I just LOVE HATE. Get it??? Hahaha… sigh better keep those sugar away from me.

Disclaimer: I DO NOT own Naruto or any of its characters but some characters are original. But I wish I DO own Naruto, it will make my life a whole lot better.

Start of story

Oh this is the life! Sakura thought as she lay down in the flowery garden. This had been the best vacation yet. Sasuke had treated her to an overnight stay at one of the 5-star hotels in the country. Sakura will cherish this moment forever. Sasuke and she go way back in their childhood days. It is her 17th birthday today and that explains why Sasuke treated her to a very fancy place.

As she got up from the dirt, she heard the voice that she never got tired of hearing. That is the same voice that she wants to hear everyday, the same voice that she wants to wake up to and the voice she wants to hear before she goes to sleep. It is the voice of her beloved bestfriend, Uchiha Sasuke and now her boyfriend. Yes, you heard right, she officially became the luckiest girl in the world when Sasuke asked her to be his girlfriend during their fancy candle light dinner. It had been a blast and Sakura is still a little bit dazed.

"Going already?" asked the onyx-eyed, raven-haired Hottie.

"Yeah, I am a little bit tired." She answered. I DID tell you she was a LITTLE BIT dazed.

But who wouldn't be? If you are a girl in the right mind, asked by a gorgeous guy with an enormous fortune, you better not faint or else he might be abducted by an enormous horde of desperate fangirls. Yeah, those girls got it bad, but honestly, who wouldn't? It is like everybody is totally head-over-heels over this guy. They practically worship the ground he walks on!

"I'll walk you to your room" he offered being the gentleman that he is.

"I- um- ah – s-sure."

"Saks, I am your boyfriend now. You could stop stuttering and blushing anytime you want" He answered with a gorgeous smirk plastered on his pretty boy face.

Sakura nodded. Well, too bad they reached her room already.

"Well, this is my stop." She answered waving her French-manicured hand telling him she is off to bed now. Before she was able to get inside the room, she was pulled by her boyfriend and she came slamming to his chest.

"What? No goodnight kiss?" he asked with a wider smirk on his face. She gazed dreamily at him before leaning into him. She observed that Sasuke was doing the same. Only 10 cm apart….





"Sakura" he heard him sigh









What the heck! Why do these dreams always end when it is in the good part!!!!

"Ewww… why are you puckering your lips at me?"

"AHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!! PERVERT!!!! What are you doing in my house???!!!" Sakura shouted while pounding the pervert/thief/bestfriend with a pillow. WAIT! Bestfriend!

"Sasuke? What are you doing here? OMG! I am sooo sorry. But it was entirely your fault!" Sakura wailed while checking if Sasuke had any bruises on his body.

sigh Girls. I will never understand their kind. But I DO understand my bestfriend. Well, she does look cute in her oversized men pajamas. WAIT! Men pajamas…. M-E-N... Does that mean she has a boyfriend? This cannot be! I'm her freaking bestfriend for god's sake! Has she been keeping this away from me?

"Breu? Are you okay? You seem a little off today." Sakura said while putting the back of her palm to Sasuke's forehead. At the moment Sakura put her hand on his forehead, Sasuke felt a spark and immediately pulled away. If you look closely, you will see a pink color adorning his once pale cheeks. But as we all know, Saku is known for her naïve and oblivious nature or we can just say she is just plain damn INNOCENT!

"Hn. I am okay Breu. I just came here to wake you up. Geez, I go here every 5:30 in the morning to wake you up and you still manage to hit me with your pillow every time. What is wrong with you woman?"

"Hmmp! Fine, now get out so I can get ready for school. Just rest your pretty boy ass on my couch and wait till I am ready." Sakura said while standing up grumpily from her bed. Just as she was entering the bathroom, she was pulled back once again to a lean and muscular chest. Oh that is it!

"WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU U.C.H.I.H.A.?" Sakura said well er, shouted.

Then, she felt cold and yet sinfully warm lips touch her cheeks. Thus, she heard the oh-so-cool voice of THE Uchiha Sasuke.

"Chill Breu. Jaz forgot to say good mownin. And oh, labshoo." Sasuke said with a smirk on his oh-so-cool face. He always want to see the different reactions given off by his bestfriend whenever he does these…..things. He is well-aware of the effects he has on his bestfriend though he doesn't really think any of it than embarrassment. What he doesn't know is that Saku was really blushing because of their close proximity.

Talk about personal bubble invasion.

"Um yeah, good mownin and luv yah too Breu."

Yes, that's what they call each other… BREU… ever since they were 7… they have been bestfriends and called each other Breu,

The other parts are like the once they have everyday. After waiting for his bestfriend to finish in the shower, he rests in her couch. Once she arrives, they will eat a healthy breakfast prepared by Sakura herself. But between those times, Sasuke will always marvel on how pretty she looks on her simple and yet elegant clothes. He will always space out because he has no idea what to call the feeling that he has whenever he is with Sakura. There is warmth all thru out his body and he has the urge to keep her close. There is another feeling whenever they are apart it is like he lost his other half like he is incomplete.

It is because I am always with her and I've grown attached to her that it seems awkward without her around.

Yeah, that is it.

Do I have to tell you how completely clueless our dear Sasuke-kun is? I'd rather not. I mean, it would take up sooo much of my time and space.

Sakura wore a white fitted GUESS shirt with a very daring neckline. She wore a baby pink pleated mini skirt which reach her mid-thigh showing her long creamy legs. She also wore a silver strappy sandals and to match this look, she brought a small beaded white purse. She is soo hawt and gorgeous.

Of course, her prince charming should be equally gorgeous and h-h-hawt. He wore a blue short-sleeved polo with white SANDO. He wore maong pants with a silver chain attached to the side. He also wore an all-star converse shoes. His black back-pack is hung loosely on his left shoulder.

She is looking so totally hot right now. I could just pounce on her right now! NOOOOOO!!! She is my bestfriend for goodness sake… I should not have these dirty thoughts about her…

I protect her from these perverts and I'm turning to a person that I swore to kill… I should not!! I WILL not!!! She's MY Breu…

They continued their trip to the school. It is always like this on weekdays. Sasuke will come to her house to wake her up. Sasuke will come rest while waiting for her to finish dressing up. After that, Sakura will cook breakfast for herself and her Breu and they will go to school together.

"So, u-um.. Breu, what do you think of me asking Ami out? I have my eye on her for almost a month now and I have been meaning to ask her out. Do you think she will she say yes?"

"U-um… I think that is a great idea Breu. I am sure she will say yes…"

Great. My Breu is going to ask Ami out. Oh man, he sure does have bad taste in girls. Oh well, MEN, as they say, men like what they see. Seeing that she is the head cheerleader and flutters around in tight shirts and mini skirts, it won't be hard to get noticed by young men with raging hormones.

"Well, Ami is not really my favorite girl but if you want her, I'll support you. That's what friends are for right Breu?"

"Yeah… Breu?"


"I love you."

"Love you too Breu."

If only he will realize that I love him more than just my Breu. sigh I am really hopeless.

They say I love you to each other everytime but doesn't seem to see the real meaning behind. Well, that makes one of them…


R and R pipol!!! Stay cool!!! .. this fic is dedicated to my friends and to Mikhail … I LOVE you guys!!!