Back again everyone!

Title: I Think I Love You

Summery: Sakura's dad is the happiest he's been in over 12 years. He met a woman he loves and has been dating her for a month now. Sakura is happy for her dad and goes with him to visit his new girlfriend. But everything gets screwed up...BIG TIME. How? Sakura falls in love with her dad's girlfriend's SON. SxS ExT

Dedication: I dedicate this story to my mom because she inspired it.


Ps. No Japanese words! Too hard to do!

Chapter One: Heartache.


Sakura nearly choked on her Oreo cookie.

"WHAT?!" she screamed, jumping from the couch and causing the crumbs to scatter.

It was one of those lazy Sunday afternoons where you just sit around pigging out and watching whatever the heck is on TV. It had been one of those afternoons for Sakura Kinomoto. That is…

Until her dad came home and announced he had a new girlfriend.

No big deal, right? Parents date. But Fujitaka Kinomoto hadn't dated in 12 years. Not since his wife—Sakura's mom—had died of cancer. And now, suddenly, he just casually says he's met an amazing woman.

"Sakura," he sighed, sitting on the couch beside her and waiting until she had slowly sunk back down. "I know you must find this rather surprising and highly outrageous, but I can assure you that if you just met her—"

Yeah. Right.

"Dad," Sakura frowned, brushing the rest of the Oreo crumbs from her bright pink shirt. "You haven't even wanted to look at another woman, let alone date her! Why the sudden change?"

Fujitaka chewed on his lip. He always did this when he was nervous.

"I haven't changed. I've just decided I need to…move on."

Sakura had dreaded these words for the past 12 years. Not only did they sting like venom, but they mad her angry. Really angry.

"Move on!" she shouted, standing once more. "You want to move on! Forget about Mom?! How could you?!" she pointed a long finger at him, "well, I won't let you!"

Her father was so taken aback that his glasses became askew. Quickly straightening them, he cleared his throat and gave his daughter a stern look.

"Sakura. Sit down."

She hastily obeyed.

"You know I can never forget about your mother. She was the most beautiful and spirited woman I've ever met in my life. But honey—" he rested a hand on her arm, "I can't spend the rest of my life alone."

"You won't be alone!" Sakura hated the squeak in her normally calm voice. "You'll have me and Touya!"

"Yes, I know that but you'll grow up and marry and have kids of your own. I need someone for me, someone to make me happy and listen to me. Someone I can…love."

His eyes got a faraway look in them and he was smiling. Sakura couldn't deny her dad happiness, especially when she knew how alone he'd been for so long. She hated seeing the man she loved most depressed.

"Dad. I understand."


"And then I said, 'Dad, I understand'."

"No way!" Tomoyo squealed, dropping her cheeto.

"Yes way," Sakura sighed heavily. She had just finished telling the story to her best friend, Tomoyo Daidouji. It was Monday at lunchtime, and the girls were enjoying their meals under a pair of gorgeous cherry blossom trees.

"But he…you…" Tomoyo shook her head. "I just don't get it. Where'd he meet her?"

"I dunno," Sakura shrugged, slurping up some more noodles. "He didn't say. I don't even know her name yet."

"Well, that sucks," Tomoyo snorted. "Are you gonna meet her?"

"Duh, Tomoyo. He's taking me and Touya over to her place this Saturday."

"Wow," Tomoyo blinked, surprised. "That's fast. Didn't he just meet her…what…yesterday?"

Sakura nodded. "He did. But he said it was 'love at first sight.' Seriously, who believes in that shit?"

Tomoyo gave a sly grin. "Oh, I dunno. You never really know until it happens."

"Psh," Sakura rolled her eyes. "Whatever, Tomoyo! Come on, the bell's gonna ring soon."

The sixteen-year-old girls gathered up their things and hurried inside just as the lunch bell rang. They attended Tomoeda High School and were in the tenth grade. Beautiful and popular, every guy wanted them. Mostly Sakura.

"Sup Sakura?" a boy she didn't know waved, flashing her a grin.

"Uh…hi," Sakura muttered, throwing her lunch box into her locker and grabbing some books. Slamming it, she rushed away before the guy could ask her on a date or something.

"He's cute," Tomoyo whispered, indicating the guy Sakura had just tried to escape.

"Yeah, if you like beer stained teeth," Sakura glowered.

"No! He drinks?"

"I could smell it on his breath and I did she his—" she held her hands up to make quotation marks—"pearly whites."

"Gross," Tomoyo made a face, looked at him and turned swiftly. The girls headed to their next class and chatted as the teacher prepared to pass back report papers. When he did so, he smiled at Sakura and set her paper down.

"Outstanding report Miss Kinomoto!" he said enthusiastically. "One of the best I've read in this class!"

"Thank you Mr. Koishi," Sakura gave him a picture perfect smile and reviewed her report. A+, as usual.

"God Sakura," Chiharu Mihara, one of her good friends, said, turning in her chair. "How do you manage to get such fabulous grades and still have the most fashionable clothes in school?"

Sakura merely grinned at her and shrugged. It was true. She was pretty, popular and smart. Unlike Chiharu, who was pretty, popular and…stupid. D average student, she was proud.

"She's got a point, Sakura," Tomoyo said nonchalantly. "How do you do it?"

"Studying, Tomoyo. Duh."

Tomoyo raised a thin eyebrow and brushed her smooth, dark hair back off her shoulder. A couple guys glanced at her.

"Oh, shut up! Not even I got an A on that stupid paper. I got an A-."

"Oh, how horrible," Sakura replied, widening her eyes as if it were a big deal.

The teacher quieted the class and started the lesson. If you had been observing Sakura, you would notice she was taking down notes at the speed of light. And Tomoyo wonders how she does it?

Once class was over, Sakura, Tomoyo and their friend, Rika Sasaki, headed down the front steps to Sakura's flashy silver convertible. Hopping in, the girls decided to take a trip to the mall.

I mean, you can never have a enough clothes, right?


The pink shirt or the teal shirt?

That was Sakura's biggest problem of the day. Other then the whole my-dad-just-found-a-new-girlfriend-after-twelve-years thing. She sighed and looked helpingly at her friends.

"Well?" she asked. "Which one?"

Rika studied each. "Teal," she concluded. "It suits you more."

"Definitely," Tomoyo agreed. Sakura made the purchase and the trio headed off for the nearby Starbucks in the food court. Taking their lattes to a vacant table, the girls sat and chatted about the newest hottie in their school.

Suddenly, five guys came up to their table and straddled empty chairs, grinning wildly.

"Hey babes," one with messy brown hair said. "What's up? Need some company?"

"No thank you," Sakura told them shortly, sipping her drink. A few smiled even bigger.

"Really? Cause we were just looking for a few hot girls to take for a ride."

"Seriously?" Rika snorted. "Whatever. Get lost, losers."

It was true. These guys weren't exactly the hottest in the mall. A blonde guy scowled.

"You don't have to be so rude," he told her.

"Sure," Rika mumbled, not really paying attention. "Come on guys. Let's check out the new shoe store over there."

The shoe store, in fact, was actually quite old. But if these losers had known that it would have surprised the girls greatly. Giggling and dissing the guys behind their backs, they walked straight past the shoe store.

"Smooth, ladies. Real smooth."

Sakura, Tomoyo and Rika turned to see another guy leaning against one of the beige, brick walls. He was cooler looking, and much hotter they decided. So they talked to him. Could you blame em?

"What?" Sakura swirled her drink. "You think we handled it bad?"

"Well, duh," the guy answered, rolling his eyes. "You could have done so much better to lose those freaks. I've seen them, they go to my school."

"So?" Tomoyo looked bored. She apparently wasn't interested in this guy. Neither were Rika or Sakura after talking to him for a bit.

"Well, gotta go," Rika finally told him, giving her friends a desperate look. The guy adjusted his glasses—that was another thing. He could pull off looking good in glasses—and ran his fingers through his dark hair. It had a bluish tinge to it.

"Ok," he replied, waving. "See you around. Or, hopefully, not." Then he disappeared. They stood there, stunned.

"What did he say!?" Tomoyo growled, throwing her drink angrily into a trash can.

"He said he hopefully doesn't see us around," Sakura answered calmly, dropping her latte into the trash as well.

"Well, I for one don't really care," Rika snorted. "Let's go."


Sakura was in her room working on math when there was a knock at her door.

"Come in."

Her dad appeared, smiling broadly and shutting the door behind him. "Hi, Honey. How was your day?"

"Oh, fine."

Now he seemed somewhat nervous, as if words weren't coming to him like he'd thought. Sitting in a chair by the door, he cleared his throat.

"I told you we'd go to meet my…girlfriend…on Saturday, right?" he finally asked.

Sakura cringed at the word girlfriend. Like her dad had cussed right in front of her or something.

"Yeah. Why?"

"Well, I was just thinking, maybe it'd be easier to see her sooner. Like, say…tomorrow night?"

Sakura dropped her pencil. Tomorrow night? Tomorrow?!

"Why? Sooner wouldn't be better, Dad," she told him quickly. He looked surprised.

"Why ever not?"

"Because," Sakura gulped. "I'm, uh, busy tomorrow night."

"Really? With what?"

"Oh, you know. Things."

But, no. Her dad just wouldn't give up. "What things?"

She sighed. "I was thinking of going to the mall with my friends."

So, Fujitaka Kinomoto doesn't get mad very often. No, he's quite a pleasant guy really. But right now he looked very mad. Very.

"Sakura, you went to the mall today!" he said seriously, standing. "You can't go there everyday! Now, we are going to her house tomorrow and you are coming. No arguments. Good night."

And he left. Just like that.

Sakura stared at her closed door—which he'd slammed by the way—with a stunned expression. She didn't want to go. Why was he forcing her?

She was on the phone in no time. "Yeah, and he's making me go too. I don't want to Tomoyo!"

"Listen, Sakura," her best friend said comfortingly. "Just go and see what you think of her. He's probably right you know. It's better to go sooner then put it off for later."

"That's not true!" Sakura wailed, shaking her head. "Saturday is better! So much better!"

"But why!?"

Now, she didn't have an explanation. None.

"Just…because," was her brilliant reply. "Sorry, Tomoyo, I gotta go."

Sakura hung up and rolled over on her bed. Why, why me!? She thought sadly, playing with her hair and twirling it around her finger. Why my dad?


"Are you ready Sakura?" Fujitaka called up the stairs to his daughter's room. When he got no reply, he hurried up and knocked on her door.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm coming!" her muffled voice said. He smiled and straightened out his bowtie. Touya was in the car waiting, already in fancy clothing and now he and his father were just waiting for Sakura.

She applied a bit more eyeliner then stepped out of her room. Seeing her father in a suit and bowtie made her furrow her eyebrows.

"Oh, Sakura, you look beautiful!" he said, hugging her.

"Yeah, sure," she mumbled. "Can we go now?"

Not that she wanted to or anything but it was just to, you know, get it over with. The pair loaded into the car and let Touya drive. Sakura was dressed in a short pink dress that was strapless. Her father had ordered she wear nice clothes, so she had.

This woman, whose name she still didn't know, was apparently a very rich person. She owned a large chain of companies and banks. Yet this didn't impress Sakura. She couldn't have cared less if the woman was dirt poor.

Touya turned into a gated neighborhood and told the gatekeeper the address. They were let in and drove down a winding road. Finally, Fujitaka spotted the house.

It was amazing, to say the least. It had to be the biggest house in the entire neighborhood.

"Just park in the driveway Touya," his father told him, which he did. There were six other cars in the large driveway already.

"Does she have company?" Sakura asked curiously, eyeing each of the shimmering cars.

"Not that I know of," Fujitaka answered, seeming quite confused himself.

The family walked up to the door and Touya rang the doorbell, hearing the impressive ding dong it made. Sakura half expected a servant dressed in a suit to answer the door but instead a pretty woman did.

"Fujitaka!" she greeted brightly, hugging him. "Come in! This must be your wonderful family you told me about! Hello!"

She smiled at Touya and shook his hand, then faced Sakura and hugged her.

Whoa. This was a little…much. Sakura must have been stiff because the woman pulled away.

"Oh, I'm sorry!" she apologized. "That was terribly rude of me!"

"'S ok," Sakura told her, smiling. The woman had long, black hair pulled back in a ponytail and a beautiful kimono. Her eyes were dark but sparkling and she had a kind face.

"You know, I have—" she started but never got to finish, because just then a boy walked into the room.

A boy Sakura's age, and the hottest one she'd ever laid eyes on.

The boy she fell in love with at first sight.


Did you like it? Please review and tell me if you did so! This only took a couple days to write, so I can update frequently! Thank you for reading!

Till next time;

Starlight Maiden 1216