Pillow Talk

Oh my God, what has it been, like, six months since I last updated or something? Maybe a million years, LOL! But here I am, back with chapter FOURTEEN. Wow. I could not have imagined writing a story this long. You know, it IS my longest story out of all of the fics I've ever written…Yada, yada, go on and read, READ!! Also, if it is your wish, review!

The hours of the day stretched by unnoticed by the two lovers as they dozed and explored each other. The blissful sleeps that followed their lovemaking were filled with dreams that would leave Kane aroused as he awoke, and Ashley, joyous in her new-found happiness, met his desires eagerly with the fire that pleased the Big Red Machine and drew him to her in the first place. Even his dark voices lay dormant in their happy exhaustion, as Kane proved his possession over the blonde Diva time and again.
Kane was glad the voices were quiet for the time being, but his true joy lay in Ashley's complete acceptance of himself, a pleasant surprise for him.

In between the intervals of their cozy, flushed sleeps, their impassioned romps and their tender joinings they talked, softly, dotingly, cuddling together and confiding deep thoughts, confessing fears and revealing truths.

"I'm scared, Ashley," he whispered his voice trembling slightly.
She propped herself on one elbow and raised an eyebrow, looking a bit worried. "Why?" she asked. "Of what?"
"Myself," he answered, unable to meet her gaze. "I'm a monster—"
She went to interrupt him, but he cut her off.
"You don't really know the half of it, Ash, you don't." he said emphatically. "I have voices. Voices that tell me to do things I don't want to do. Dark, evil voices. They wanted you long before I knew that I did myself, and the things they whispered to me, their words slithering around seductively in my mind, made me shudder in disgust and pleasure, though I tried to block it out. I could never stand to hurt you, Ashley, ever. I've fought with myself since this morning if I should tell you, to give you a head start, but I'm so afraid of telling you about the real me. I don't want you to leave me, but I can't keep this from you.
"I couldn't stand the thought of lying to you. Either way is too good of a chance to lose you. It's nothing but a lose/lose situation."
She grabbed his chin to force his eyes to meet hers, and he was taken-aback by the anger she showed splayed across her features.
"I want you to listen to me. I want you to read my lips, let every word absorb into your skin, your mind. I want you to hear me: I. Don't. Care. I'm. Not. Going. Anywhere.
"How dare you assume that I would do something like that, especially with what we've been through in the last few weeks, let alone the last day?!" her heated eyes and the remembrance of their many touches, kisses, sighs and cries of release seared his brain.
"Don't you think that I know that you would never hurt me? Don't you think I know that? There is nothing to be ashamed of about anything that you are, Kane, you taught me that. When I was down about Snitsky, Melina, my injury and myself in general, you never let me drown. You always pointed out something that made me realize my value, my worth. You picked me up, emotionally and physically. You came to my rescue, even when you were angry with me, and I'll be damned if you thing that your fear is going to drive my feelings for you away and under the water. I have faith in you, why can't you have that same faith in me also?"

Kane lay there, stunned as he stared up into her face. Her eyes welled with emotion as she spoke, and he felt warmth and shame all at the same time. Drawing her close to him, he nuzzled her neck, her hair, taking in her scent. The smell of him still on her skin made him smile as he spoke.
"I'm not accusing you, Ashley. I know you're not that kind of person. But I've come to expect rejection everywhere I go because of who and what I am. I've been shunned without and sign of love, I've been dry for so long. I'm not used to…this. I'm not someone bright like you, someone who's not socially inept and easily loved. You're too bright a star for me to even fathom."
Her jaw dropped and her face softened as his sentiments and feelings poured out.
"I may be a star," she whispered softly. "But you're a bright, large burning flame consuming all of my light. There's more to you than even you know, Kane. I want to discover it all with you, by your side."

Gratitude flooded his entire body, his very blood singing joyfully at her words, and he let out a sound that seemed like happy laughter tainted with a thankful sob. Pulling each other close, they exchanged soft kisses before falling into desire together once more, this time closer than anytime before.

Edge gloated, but it felt empty. He truly was terrified of the Kane. He had been since before that whole thing with Lita, and he still was to this day. Plus, he and that skank had humiliated him, which is why his joy at successfully taunting them both was tainted by anger. No way were they going to get the last word, no way in hell.
Stalking down the arena corridors, he found the person he was looking for. The stench of musk and dirty sweat turned his stomach, but he couldn't help the twisted grin crossing his lips.
"Proposition time," he stated bluntly, holding up a hand to stall the looming figure. "An offer you can't refuse…"

Le fin

Ah…This was really fun to write. Ashley's gonna stand by her man!! Hopefully I'm getting my mojo back now…Cross your fingers and stay tuned!! I'm a little sad though. This seemed longer on word, longer still on paper. Le sigh...

Anubis, look, for once I wasn't lying!! Teehee!!
-XxStylesxClashxUnprettierxX(the artists formerly known as Bijouterie XD)