DISCLAIMER: The characters in this story and any references to HP books 1-6 belong to her Highness J. K. Rowling. This is just my humble fanfiction.

This story is a sequel to my fanfiction, Change of Heart. If you have not read it, I encourage you to check it out first. Thanks!


It's almost time.

Hermione Granger realized she had been daydreaming. She should have never allowed herself to sit and drift off like she did. Now she had only five more minutes to get ready. Sometimes it was just too easy for her to get caught up in memories.

But today was not a day to dwell on the past.

She got up and walked over to the window. She stood looking out over the castle grounds and surrounding forests, a faint smile on her lips. The view was breathtaking. Ireland was so beautiful in the springtime. She could see people meandering through the gardens taking in the colors of the flowers planted along the paths. There was a huge fountain in the center of the drive, and the water reflected the sunlight streaming down from a cloudless sky. The setting was perfect.

She turned from the window and went back to the dressing table and sat down. She checked her hair in the mirror again as she already had a thousand times that morning. It was still completely smooth and shiny and was piled on top of her head in an elegant arrangement. Soft ringlets framed her face. Her makeup was done, but she touched up her lips again just to make sure. She wanted everything to be just right.

It's not everyday a girl gets married.

Not only was she getting married, but she was getting married to her soul mate, the man she loved more than life itself. Her heart swelled at the thought until she felt it would surely burst out of her chest.

Her dress was hanging by the window, a beautiful vision of white silk and lace. The sleeves were short and draped off of her shoulders. The skirt was full and beautifully beaded as was the bodice. When she tried it on, she felt like a princess. She couldn't wait to wear it for real, which would be in just a few moments.

As if she had read her mind, Hermione's mother entered the room to help her dress. She looked beautiful as well in her simple but elegant ivory suit.

"Hermione, are you all right?" Her mother said in a concerned tone.

Hermione smiled for her mother. "Yes, I'm fine. I guess I'm just a little tired from all the preparation over the last few weeks."

"Come on, then, Sweetheart," her mother said then, visibly relieved. "Let's get you ready."

"Sure, Mum," she said. She checked the mirror one final time and then got up. Her mother was now holding her dress so that she could step into it. As the lace sleeves slid up her arms and into place, she almost sighed. It made her feel so beautiful. Her mother finished with the zip in the back, and Hermione turned in front of the mirror to see the full effect of hair, makeup, and the dress. She hoped her husband-to-be loved it as much as she did.

There was a soft knock at the door, and her father entered. He ducked his head quickly but not before Hermione saw him quickly brush a tear from his cheek. He came into the room and gave her a gentle hug, taking care not to touch her dress. Her father was showing a brave face, but Hermione knew he was nervous.

Her mother and father were the only Muggles in a castle full of wizards.

"Dad, you look so handsome," Hermione told him as she kissed him on the cheek.

"I won't look too out of place? Should I dress more like the magic folk?"

"Oh, no Dad. You look absolutely wonderful!"

Mr. Granger blushed and ran his hands over his tuxedo jacket. "So, we have about five minutes until the wedding starts. As you ready to go, my dear?"

"Yes, just about. I have one more thing to do and I'll be ready."

Hermione walked over to the dressing table and picked up her necklace. The small silver rose sat in the palm of her hand shining in the sunlight filtering in from the window. As always, her thoughts drifted back to the one who had given it to her on the day he had walked out of her life forever.

She could feel the tears start to burn the backs of her eyelids and forced them back. Not today. She ran her fingers over the pendant for a moment, remembering. She then smiled to herself as she fastened the delicate chain around her neck.

"Okay, I'm ready."

Her father took her arm as her mother helped her with her dress. They made their way to the stone staircase that led to the great hall where the ceremony would be held. She descended slowly and gracefully despite being afraid of tripping.

When she got to the bottom of the stairs, a beautiful sight met her eyes. Pink and white roses lined the corridors. There were huge candle holders everywhere holding hundreds of candles. The huge arched doorway into the great hall where the ceremony would be held was draped with an enormous garland in pink and white. The decorators had outdone themselves. It took her breath away.

All of her bridesmaids and their groomsmen were waiting at the bottom of the stairs. Parvati, Lavender, and Ginny all looked stunning in their matching dresses while Neville, Seamus, and Harry all looked handsome in their dress robes. Ginny gave a little squeal when she saw Hermione coming down.

"You look marvelous!" Ginny gushed as she hugged Hermione.

"Thanks, so do you!" she said, returning her hug. She took a moment to greet the rest of the wedding party. When she got to Harry, he picked her up and hugged her fiercely.

"You look beautiful. He won't know what hit him," he whispered in her ear. Hermione blushed and smiled at her friend.

"Thanks," she said. "And might I say you make quite a handsome best man."

"Places!" The wedding coordinator shouted, lining them all up to enter the hall. The music began to play softly, and the huge doors were opened. The wedding party then began their march to the front of the hall.

As Hermione entered on her father's arm, the orchestra began playing "Here Comes the Bride." Everyone stood, but Hermione didn't see them. She had eyes only for the man waiting for her at the end of the aisle, waiting for her to become his wife.