Don't own any of the characters, just the plot bunny
Warnings: pg 13 chapter (sorry but I can't give you it all just yet)
Personal file: (Summary)
Name: Uzumaki Naruto
Age: 17
Sex: Male
Previous School: Konoha High
Family Status: Orphaned
Character: Cheerful, mischievous, easily distracted, average intelligence. Suffers from hyperactivity.
Medicinal needs: Prescribed drugs to suppress extreme hyperactivity.
Side effects: extreme mood swings.
Dosage: 1 dose whenever hyperactivity is thought to be out of control. DO NOT EXCEED 3 DOSES IN 24 HRS
Note: Uzumaki is suspected to suffer from a multiple personality disorder, but as of yet no real evidence has been obtained.
Signed: Doctor Kabuto Yakushi
Principle Hokage the Third, aka The Third, frowned down at the report, massaging his lined forehead. This new student sounded like trouble, trouble he wasn't sure he could handle. Maybe 10 years ago he would have thrived on the challenge of shaping the future of such a problem teenager, but recently all of his 72 years seemed to be weighing heavily on his shoulders.
Tired, he was so tired recently.
Shaking himself from negative thoughts, a small, determined smile formed. He would accept this challenge just to show that there was life in the old dog yet. He buzzed for his secretary, Shizune.
"Tell him to come up, I'm ready for him now"
Shizune's quiet, kind voice relayed the message
"He's on his way"
The aged Principle closed the file, shuffling the paperwork strewn around his desk before bending to retrieve a blue slip of paper from a drawer. He was just sliding it closed when-
He dived behind his desk as the door to his office was wrenched off it's hinges, slamming into the hard floor under the force of a bright orange blur. It was a boy dressed in an obscenely fluorescent orange jacket, with such bright, blonde hair. The Third squinted slightly waiting for his eyes to adjust to so much…colour, before he really let rip.
So this was Naruto Uzumaki.
The boy struggled to his feet, clutching his obviously winded stomach. As he straightened, a sheepish grin spread across the blonde's cheeks and he stood rubbing the back of his head.
"I'm really sorry about this sir", he gestured at the ruined door, splintered remains of the door frame and ripped carpet. "You see…"
He launched into an explanation.
"This nice lady outside told me to go in, but I tripped on something and fell into the door, and there was this loud crunching noise and the door started caving in but my hands were slippy cause I get nervous in strange places and I couldn't hold on..."
His voice sounded so apologetic, and that meek 'head down, shoulders slumped' pose looked so pathetic…
The old man's anger disappeared
"Ok, Ok, I understand", The Third extended a hand, 'forgive and forget"
The transformation was instant, a blinding grin stretched right across the boy's face. Even the old man found himself smiling slightly.
"Welcome to your new school, a home from home if you will". He looked down to locate the illusive blue slip. "You are in Blue Wing, I hope you enjoy your time here, any questions?"
He rattled off the standard welcome speech and waited.
…. No response.
Perplexed, he studied the blonde only to find that he was looking at an empty space in front of his desk. In fact, the boy had somehow vacated to the far corner of the room, and was currently trailing his fingers into the exotic fish tank seemingly mesmerized by the bright colours.
His eye twitched
"Naruto…Naruto are you even listening?" he ground out.
"NARUTO!" The scream of outrage jolted the blonde out of his trance, the fish tank wobbled precariously on its stand.
"What old man? Oh, sorry. I mean, Yes sir? The blonde tried the meek look again but the Third was having none of it. Violent eye twitching superseded the comment.
Naruto bounded in front of the desk grinning madly for no apparent reason.
"I'll do my best here, don't worry old man. I'll try my hardest to succeed and one day I'll run a huge place like this, so watch out!" It was all said with such cheerful honesty that the Third couldn't help but smile a little.
The shattering of expensive glass, slosh of rushing water and wet flapping of stranded fish alerted the Third to the destruction of his beloved fish tank. His mouth dropped open; he stared at the mess of crushed glass and soggy carpet for a long moment. Then ripped his gaze away, with the intention of throttling the blonde idiot who had so effectively ruined his office.
The same blonde idiot who was apparently smart enough not to be in the room anymore...
Naruto slid down the wall panting heavily. Man, this place was huge; he must have run up a thousand stairs or something. Everything looked the same wherever he went. Same gilded paintings, same expensive carpets same dusty old statues.
As he stopped for breath, he couldn't stop himself sniggering as the old man's horrified face surfaced in his memory. It was just too funny. He'd wanted to see how much he could get away with at this new school, and apparently it was a lot. His old Principle had tried to expel him after only the first few tricks. Naruto smiled. Looks like he'd just secured a wealth of leeway when it came to placing the blame for his future pranks. Not even the old man could completely counter his ultimate pity pose and he had yet to meet the cute pose that got him anything he wanted.
Wincing a little he rubbed the growing bruise on his stomach, he hadn't meant to wreck the door though, he actually had slipped. Bad things usually happened a lot around him, like being bullied and called a freak, like getting beaten up at his last school… like his parents deaths.
That thought effectively killed his triumphant mood
Darkened eyes glared aimlessly at the ground. He punched the wall and sighed dejectedly. No use crying over spilt milk, he had been loved and that meant the world to him. Any way, the blonde smirked, he had Jiraiya. Maybe he wasn't exactly parent material, but had been there since he adopted Naruto six years ago.
Obsidian eyes followed the rapid emotion changes of the boy sat in the middle of the corridor, a wry smirk flitted across the mouth. 'A new kid eh? Should I, or should I not?' He weighed up the pros and cons. Bright orange jacket vs innocent face.
'I really have nothing better to do'.
A pair of immaculate black army boots moved into his line of vision. Traveling upwards his blue gaze skimmed over trim legs clad in dark fitted jeans, a slim waist and lightly muscled chest covered in a clinging black shirt. For some reason he couldn't seem to tear his eyes away from the slight ridges of the telltale washboard stomach and abs...
Jolted out of his reverie, Naruto felt the blood rush to his face. He'd been caught staring. Cerulean eyes snapped up to the source of the voice only to pause again, this time in order to explore the gorgeous face before him. Pale skin contrasted with raven locks and those coal eyes seemed to burn into his most secret desires. Even the look of amused satisfaction and slight smirk of the mouth screamed 'sexy as hell'.
Pale pink lips parted and…
"Have you quite finished eyeing me up yet?"
There was a painful silence, then a splutter of rage.
"Shut up bastard! Get the hell away from me!"
Embarrassed and indignant the blonde stood up quickly, fully intending to stomp away, when a hand shot out catching his elbow.
"Sasuke Uchiha" the brunette offered.
The blonde yanked his arm away. "Ask me if I care," came the answering yell.
Sasuke winced slightly at the sheer volume of noise, before turning completely around walking away, hands in pockets. He called out over his shoulder.
"There are 67 corridors, 45 staircases, 22 classrooms, 3 assembly halls, 5 sports halls, a swimming pool, 2 libraries, 4 dorm areas each containing 15 rooms…. Good luck". He didn't look back.
Naruto was seething as he realised the Sasuke guy was right, it would be dark soon and he had no idea where he was supposed to be. Wasn't he supposed to have a map or something, a timetable? Suddenly it dawned on him, 'Crap'; he remembered the blue slip on the old guy's desk. 'Well there's no way in hell I'm going back there now'
In his office at the other end of the school, an old man cackled madly whilst watching the flames consume a certain blue slip. He rubbed his hands together in unholy glee, as he anticipated the hours of frustration a certain blonde would go through to find all his classes tomorrow. As the last shreds of paper succumbed to the flame, laughter rang out through the empty corridors and that night, a ghost story was born.
Naruto let the wall support him as he groaned. Why did he have to be sent here? He'd begged Jiraiya not to send him to a school full of rich snobs, but as there was no real reason not to go, and many reasons why he should go, any defense Naruto could have come up with was totally trashed from the start. In fact Naruto only had one reason not to go, 'boarding schools were expensive', which was such a ridiculous reason considering the millions Jiraiya had made as a porn writer, that even Naruto had grudgingly admitted defeat.
Sasuke smirked knowingly, allowing the cute blonde to catch up. And indeed he was cute, that angelic face, with the faint whisker like marks, the golden hair and baby blue eyes. It all just screamed innocence, like a cute puppy or something. Too bad angels weren't his type; he had someone else in mind. Although… it wouldn't hurt to play a little. Sasuke was curious to find out just how innocent his new acquaintance really was.
"What are you smirking about teme?"
Frowning the Uchiha just raised an eyebrow in detached acknowledgement. He'd have to do something about that mouth; sure he was cute, but so noisy... 'I wonder if he's a screamer?'
Naruto exhaled almost violently, sighing dramatically at being ignored.
"What dorm are you in?"
The brunette looked up, "Blue".
"Ditto teme', he glanced away, 'I guess it's lucky I met you then"
The two fell into a comfortable silence.
They reached the dorm some 10 minutes later.
"Finally!" the blonde stretched his arms to the ceiling, unknowingly revealing a portion of lightly tanned stomach.
The brunette tore his gaze away from the delicious sight before him, plenty of time for that later.
"Hn" was the monosyllabic reply as he pushed open the door.
They entered into a large, comfortable room strewn with soft chairs, several large beanbags and two solid looking tables at different corners of the room. The décor was neutral but the deep blue carpet and curtains added just enough colour. There was an enormous fireplace as a centerpiece, jet marble inlayed with intricate silver swirls, it looked expensive.
"Common room" Naruto started as the Uchiha whispered into his ear from behind. He pointed to a doorway situated at the far end of the room; there were two others just like it. Consecutively he named them. "First year, Second year, Third year" He seemed to be taking great pleasure in the flinches Naruto fought against, every time his arm brushed past the tanned neck.
He nodded towards the third door, intentionally letting a lock of hair brush against Naruto's cheek, and quietly observing the growing blush on the still boy's face.
"If anyone ever tells you to go in there, don't".
He felt faint tremors run through the boy he was standing so close to, as he breathed lightly into his ear.
"They're animals"
Naruto coughed slightly to ease the tension in the room. He shrugged off the brunette roughly, attempting to make conversation in order to distract him.
"Soooo….where is everybody?"
"Well, what about you?"
"Wasn't hungry"
That wasn't actually true, the Uchiha thought back to earlier on. He'd just grown sick of the feeling of fingers brushing over his thigh and occasionally his crotch, courtesy of his most rabid fangirls. Sakura Haruno and Ino Yamanaka. Not that it was difficult to control himself or any such thing; in fact it was quite the opposite. Those light, intrusive touches disgusted him to such an extent, that he felt like throwing up all over the sluts just to watch them scream in horror.
Although, on second thought, they'd probably consider it an honor that he'd given them food that had actually been inside his body. It was the closest they'd ever get.
Sasuke smirked, walking to the First year doorway. Naruto followed, obediently climbing the carpeted stairs behind the Uchiha, gaze fixed on the slight, seductive sway of his hips. 'I bet he's doing that on purpose', lost in thought he tripped on the top step throwing his arms out to break his fall.
"Careful there dobe"
Naruto opened his eyes; he'd closed them purely out of instinct when he'd started to fall. Sasuke had caught him and was holding him up by his wrists. Naruto felt his breathing hitch as the raven haired boy started to trace slight, suggestive circles with the tip of his thumb.
Naruto struggled to calm his breathing as every subtle movement of the thumb sent delicious shivers down to his elbows. He was pulled forward allowing his knees to rest on the landing and his arm was carefully extended. The blonde watched almost fearfully as a single finger stroked the velvet skin of his inner arm. A husky voice sounded in his ear.
"Your skin is so soft, Naruto"
It was almost sinful the way his name rolled off that pink tongue, like honey. He was trembling. Snatching his arm away Naruto stared fiercely at the smirking Uchiha.
"I don't need your help, teme"
A slight "Hn" was the usual response and the dark haired boy gestured fleetingly to a door along the corridor, before turning to what Naruto assumed was his own room.
"Goodnight dobe" The door slammed shut before a furious blonde could yell his protests, so he settled with shouting at the closed door.
"Don't call me dobe, teme!!"
Grumbling viciously under his breath about obnoxious brunettes, Naruto kicked open the door only to have it bounce off his suitcase (conveniently placed behind the door), right back into his face.
It was really lucky that he had such good reflexes because he'd only narrowly missed out on a concussion.
Carefully pushing open the door this time he looked around. There were two single beds on either side of the room, and two dressers at the foot of each bed. There were also two bedside tables complete with two small lamps. An adjoining revealed a small shower sink and toilet. There were no personal belongings in sight. 'Heh, looks like I've got the room to myself'
The blond yawned, he was exhausted and yet there were still things he wanted to think about. Like the brunette across the hall. Naruto knew that he didn't go for the type of person Sasuke was, but he was literally walking sex. Also, it was very obvious that he was some sort of challenge to Sasuke; there were no burning emotions there, except for the desire to screw him up against a wall. Naruto was a virgin, and as embarrassing as that was to admit, he'd rather it not be a meaningless fumble in a closet or something.
No, closet sex would come later.
Kicking off his shoes into some far corner of the room, he unpacked his wash bag and padded to the bathroom.
Turning off the tap, the blonde staggered sleepily toward the nearest bed, curling catlike under the warmth of the covers. He was fast asleep before his head touched the pillow.
Not long after, the muffled voices of fellow students filtered into the room. Laughing and door slamming continued for the next few minutes before the noises died down to a low hum.
The sun had long set casting deep shadows throughout the quiet room. The blonde slept on. A slight click sounded out as the door handle was turned by long slim fingers, the door ghosted open, then stopped. An impassive gaze took in the dark silhouettes of strewn clothing on the floor and an open suitcase at the foot of his bed. A lump in the covers also informed him of his new roommate's preference for what was not his. Expressionless eyes narrowed as he strode across the room, the sheets were yanked back, simultaneously the bright moon flooded through a large gap in the curtain.
Motionless, he stood for long minutes drinking in the sight of perfection before him. Moonlight bathed the beautiful, delicate face staining it silver, soft blonde locks artfully framed that face with a halo of radiance. White gold pooled at his exposed throat lavishing the curves of a slight torso, pearling the graceful forearms wrapped around the youths' stomach. Every breath led the liquid silver on a mesmerizing sway between the planes of the light muscles.
Reverently, he released the sheets watching them flutter downward slowly molding themselves to the body of the sleeping boy. There he stood just watching the slight rise and fall of the sheets until a cloud passed over the moon plunging the room into blackness. He turned to the empty bed and seated himself with all the grace of feline royalty. Then tensed.
The door slid silently open, black eyes flashed in the dark.
"Get lost, Uchiha" The low warning in his voice was delivered, diamond edged in its clarity.
"So you've discovered our resident angel" The smooth voice was curious and playful.
"Leave if you value your sanity" A deep threatening aura radiated from the seated voice.
"Hn,' he spoke softly into the darkness, 'You of all people should know it's mostly gone anyway, Hyuuga"
The door slid shut.
Neji stared sightlessly at the indistinct celing, looking at everything yet nothing at all. His salvation had come and there would be no opposition. Sasuke Uchiha would not have his angel.
Warning to all readers: you think you know what will happen, but at best you're half right. Each chapter will be given ratings and warnings at the beginning, the ratings will definitely go up in the next chapter. We will also meet new pairings. Hope you like.
Oh, yeah, I made up the age of the Third, I've no idea how old he is, hope you don't mind.
Reviews are as precious as gold dust to me so please indulge me with a few words.
Taita x