Summary: So I know that I said that the next installment of the series would be up yesterday but the stupid internet was being a bitch (Everything's a bitch to me) and I couldn't post. Anyways today I am now able to post so here it is folks. The sequel to My Stalker...My Capture.

Warning: This is a story that will implied slash and other adult themes such as rape, torturing, and JDA along with some mental DCA. If you don't like these themes and can't handle it then PLEASE DON'T READ. THIS STORY IS NOT FOR YOU.


Now on to the disclaimer:

Disclaimer: I do not own Scrubs, what you gonna do about it

Now on to the Review Shout Out Corner:

Review Shout Out Corner:

91 reviews for My Stalker. How freaking awesome is that. I know that some may find it sick that I like the reviews that I get for writing about the torture and abuse of others but hey, my life is boring. I need something interesting to do. Hope My Capture can radiate just as many reviews as my last story.

KyoSohmaLuver: It doesn't make you a bad person because you wanted J.D to get caught. It doesn't make me a bad person that I wrote the story about J.D getting caught.

psychotic KAT: Thanks, I love that you love my story.

dingus485: I know that April Fools was seventeen days ago but what can I say, I love a good prank. Hope you enjoy the new story.

Your prayers have been answered because here is the newest story. Hope you enjoy it as much as the last one.

Jenny: I am pretty amazing aren't I. Thanks for loving the story and I hope that you love the new one. This chapter will tell you who the stalker is and I will warn you that it will blow your mind.

Star Future: I'm sorry that I left you hanging and please don't go as bald as Doctor Cox. He doesn't look so good without hair. So here is the next story and I hope that you love this chapter.

CruelMistress:The stalker is…you have to read the next chapter to find out.

Jasmine: Please don't cry. I had to do something to keep you on the edge of your seat, keep people interested. Hope you love the sequel.

Now on to Chapter One

Chapter One

The sound of the dripping pipe is the only thing that kept J.D sane in the dusty dungeon that he was being held. His wrists were trapped tightly around long chains that allowed him to sit on the ground. Sitting on the ground was what he was doing now, sitting and counting. That's all that he could do now that he was a prisoner. Since being taken, he had just sat in the cold, dark, musty room. He had no recollection of how long he had actually been trapped away in what appeared to be a basement but he didn't care. All he wanted was to be rescued; see Perry, his friends, but he knew that wasn't happening any time soon. No one knew where he was; maybe they didn't even know had taken him.


His mind constantly wondered back to the night everything went to hell. He could remember how easily that knife slid across Perry's throat. The tongue that tasted the other man's blood as it was some kind of foreign delicacy. He shivered as he also remembered how his ex friend heartlessly thrust the knife into the older man's side, as if there was no soul at all in his body. He wondered if Perry was okay, if the knife wound had done any organ damage.


He had been praying since he woke up from his drugged sleep about Perry being okay. He had to be okay, not just for J.D's sake but for his son's as well. He was suddenly jolted out of his thoughts when he heard footsteps near the door. Had he been found, was this horrible nightmare finally over. He held his breath as his head spiraled upward at the sound of the door opening. His heartbeat pounded against his chest as he heard footsteps coming down the steps. He heart dropped to his stomach when he realized that it wasn't a savior but the devil himself, and not Jordan either. The figure that had been haunting him for a long time was standing right in front of him.

"Hello Johnathan" he stated sweetly. He bent down on his knees so that he was staring at the chained man face to face. "Did you miss me?"

J.D refused to talk to the man or did he look at him. How could someone that he trusted, befriended even, hurt the people that he loved and kidnap him. This wasn't how it was supposed to be with people you trusted. He wished that he could wipe that smug smile off their face, the sadist stare in those cold black eyes. Every word that the two every exchange were now nothing but bitter memories locked inside of J.D's mind.

"Did you not hear me? I asked if you missed me" they asked again, this time the voice seemed more sinister.

J.D still refused to talk and remained silent. The frustation of the man seemed to become evident to J.D as they grabbed him by his collar and pulled him up on his feet. With one swift move, they pushed him hard against the cold brick wall, creeping their hand closer around his neck. Panic arose in J.D's stomach as fear sparked in J.D's heart because of what was unknown to come. His breath hastened as they suddenly pressed something sharp and cold against his arm. He outline that the man was making on his skin seemed to be come from something like a knife. Sure enough when he looked down and saw that he in fact; had a knife in his hand, pressed against him.

"For the last time" the man whispered soflty into J.D's ear as he began to move the knife up and down his prisoner's arm. Did-you-miss-me."

Silence was the only thing that J.D was willing to give to the man. He redused to become broken more than he already was and it would only worsen if he gave in to his fear. Bringing his face up from the ground, he forced himself to stare into the man's cold eyes; daring the man to do something else.

"Well if you can't answer me then I guess I will have to make you talk to me." snarling as he quickly he sliced the knife across J.D's upper arm. Because it was unexpected, J.D wailed out in pain as the sharp knife penetrated through his skin. He looked down at his arm to see the blood dripping from the shallow wound, down from it and onto the concrete floor. Still recovering from the first wound, his mind barely had time to register when the man placed a second cut along his forearm.

"Stop it" crying as the blood trinkled down his wrist and dripped heavily onto the floor.

"Now why should I listen to you when you wouldn't listen to me" he replied as he made another cut along J.D's arm. J.D could do nothing but cry out in pain as he proceeded to do it repeatedly, each one seeming deeper than the last. By the fifth cut J.D could feel a great amount of blood dripping from his arm, giving it a tingling sensation. J.D knew that here was nothing he could do as he watched they raise the knife again and proceeded to do the same to his right arm.

"You know when I was eight my mom did this to me for the first time when I was being a nuisance.

One cut

"She only did it because she was drunk and high at the same time and she thought I was bothering the hell out of her."

Two cuts.

"The whole time she was doing it she was constantly telling me that it was my fault. Like it was my fault that she was high again, my fault that I hadn't eaten in two days and was hungry. My fault that she was such an awful mother."

Three cuts.

"She said that she did it to teach me a lesson. That if I wanted to break the rules then she would have to punish me in a way that I could never forget. That it was a sigh of love in what she was doing, Yeah right" scoffing as he pressed the knife again against his skin.

Four cuts

"I knew right then and there that she didn't care anything about me, nobody did. I thought that she was wrong for doing this to me but that changed as soon as I met you Johnathan. You showed me that there are people who actually give a damn about the well be of others. It was at that moment I realized that I had to have you and guess what, I got you. You are mine to love." he smiled evilly not removing his eyes from J.D's face. "This is why I am doing this because my mother told me you have to punish the ones you love. I love you but when you disobey me I have to punish you. Believe me I don't want to but I have to. I have to do whatever it takes to make sure that you learn your lesson."

Five cuts

"I have come up with some rules so that you don't make me do anymore bad things to you again. Rule number one, always speak when spoken too. Rule two, never try to escape and the most important rule of all. Never mention that bastard's name in my presence. Follow this rules and you will always be rewarded. So don't disobey me again" yanking J.D's face so that the young doctor was looking directly in his eyes. He loved the rush of power that he got seeing J.D so weak and vulnerable, completely depended on him. He didn't want to hurt his love but he needed to do what was necessary to make sure that he would be disobeyed again. "Got it"

"Ye-yes" J.D stuttered, desperately trying to ignore the pain that was coursing through his body. His arms were dripping massive amounts of blood on the ground and his arms were painfully numb. Tears ran down his cheeks and mixed with the dripping water and blood that was also dripping to the ground.

"Good" he replied as he removed the knife from J.D's skin and held it in his face.

J.D looked at him and tried to hold back the tears that were forming in his eyes. He refused to let this psycho get him but the pain was beginning to become unbearable. He stared as the man brought the knife closer to his face and then he licked the blood off the blood.

"Sweet, just like I thought it would be." they smiled as they brought the knife to J.D's lips and gestured for him to taste it. J.D shook in fear, not knowing what he would do if he didn't do what he said. Opening his mouth, he let the man run the blade across his tongue; careful not to run the sharp blade across his tongue. He wanted to vomit from the taste of the metallic liquid but keep it down. The last thing that he needed was to be sitting in his own blood and vomit; urine if he had to go to the bathroom anytime soon.

"Now I have to go into town, get a few supplies. I want you to sit here and think about what you did and if you are a good boy when I get back, I'll give you a surprise.

What happened next was much unexpected. The next thing that J.D knew, a hand grabbed the back of his neck and two rough lips were pressed against his. He could feel the man's tongue run across his lips, trying to gain access inside his mouth. He tried to struggle against it but it was no use. He was weak from cuts on his arms and all he was doing was making him bleed even more. He was glad however that the kiss was short, not progressed into something more.

"There will be more where that came from" he smiled as he let go of J.D's head and began to walk away. J.D sunk back to the ground as he began to let the tears that he was holding back fall freely from his eyes. What had he meant about there being more where that came from? He couldn't, wouldn't would he. All sorts of thoughts raced through J.D's mind as he tried to catch his breath and prayed that someone would be coming for him soon. He didn't know how much more he could take this torturous abuse.

Carla had been sitting in Perry's room for the third time that day. Physically out of everyone else, she was the only one who had been in the room constantly. Elliot had checked up on him when it was necessary but that was all. Turk hadn't even left the apartment since the incident, not dealing with the fact that his best friend had been kidnapped. Jordan still hadn't come back yet from her mother's house, saying that unless he was dying don't call her again.

"Satanic bitch" Carla thought to herself as she wrote on Perry's chart. As she reached over to check his pulse through his wrist, she gasped when she felt fingers grab her own. She looked down and noticed Perry's eyes were open and focusing on her. She threw the chart on the bed and bent down to hug his head.

"Carla" Perry said weakly as she released his head and placed it softly back on the pillow. She could feel the tears weld up in her eyes again. She was glad that at least one of her friends were okay but still, it wasn't enough to lift the fear that was in her heart.


"What happened?"

"You were stabbed"

"Stabbed" Perry repeated. His whole body ached with pain, especially his side. He tried to remember what had happened to him but that were coming up with blanks. In his soul he could tell that something was out of place, he just couldn't tell what it was.

"In the hospital parking lot"

"How long"

"How long were you out?" Carla finished for the weak man. "You have been unconscious for almost three days. The knife that you were stabbed with nick your heart and you lung. You lost a lot of blood and you had to have three blood transfusions."

"Sounds pretty bad" Perry smirked

"Don't smile; we almost lost the best damn doctor in this hospital."

"Now you want to boost my ego" Perry laughed

"Well you don't get used to. As soon as you are back on your feet, I will back to bashing you every chance I get."

Suddenly Perry eyes widen when he glanced around the room. Someone was missing from this scene, and now he realized what is was. He then came to the realization of what happened, why he was in the hospital bed. He was attacked in the parking lot by J.D's stalker.

"Carla, where's Newbie"

"Perry, I probably shouldn't" Carla tried to reason with the older doctor. She didn't want to burden him while he was supposed to be recovery. Even though she knew that, he had a right to now but she didn't want to be the bearer of bad news.

"Carla" Perry hissed as he pulled his body up. "Where the hell is he."

"Perry please, lie back down."

"Damnit Carla, you are talking about someone that I love. Tell me."

"Perry" tears already flowing from her eyes as she thought about her missing friend. "We haven't seen J.D since the accident" Carla cried as she walked over to the window. How could she tell the man that his lover has been missing for three days and the police have no leads on how to find him because technically; they hadn't even known who had taken him.


"J.D's been missing for three days Perry. The police have no clue where he is or who has him."

Perry felt like he couldn't breath, as if the whole room around had suddenly lost all its oxygen. He grab a hold to the bed to keep his legs from giving way as he thought of J.D being gone, alone somewhere with a crazy lunatic. The room began to become blurry as he felt Carla's hand on his arm, holding him steady. He started to regulate his breathing, and soon his lungs felt like they the air that he needed to make words that he needed to say.

"Perry you can't do things like this" Carla insisted. "It will make your recovery more difficult."

"Carla" Perry grumbled as he yanked his arm away from her and started to yank the all the electronic devices off him. He didn't care what anyone said; he had to find J.D before he was hurt. "I need to find J.D"

"Then let the police do it" Carla demanded as she grabbed Perry's arm and spun him around to face her. "They have been working non-stop to find this guy. Apparently, they drugged the officer that was supposed to pick J.D and he has yet to awaken. You know the police work faster when one of their own is injured."

"They don't even know who this guy is"

"And you do"

"Yes dammit, I do. I was looking right at him after he stabbed me." Perry yelled limping over to the door. "And you know what they say how you can never really trust a person, you really can't"

"Perry tell me who it is"

"It was someone that worked here, at Sacred Heart."

Carla stood shocked at the revelation. Could there be someone that worked here capable of taking another life by their hands, risking their own career and the lives of others.

"You mean it was a fellow doctor."

"No it wasn't a doctor Carla" Perry snapped as he continued to make it to the door. He didn't have time for her bumbling questions. He had to find J.D and fast and he couldn't do that it she was berating him with tons of questions.

"Then tell me who it was" demanding as she walked closer to where he was, wanting to know everything that she could"

"It's that damn cafeteria boy that J.D was fond of. The one who was always fucking singing and talking about how great us doctors where."

"No-that can't be true. He was also so nice to us."

"That was his cover. Pretending to like us until he got what he wanted, and he was even willing to kill to get it."

"Perry are you sure."

"Oh course I'm sure Carla" yelling as he turned around to face the Hispanic nurse. "If I remember correctly, he is the one who tried to kill me, run Barbie off the road, put poison into J.D's coffee and managed to kidnap J.D"

"What. He's the one who poisoned Turk. How is that possible and why would he do that."

"Apparently he thought the coffee was for me and if you've forgotten, he's a cafeteria worker. He's the one who makes the coffee."

"But what about Elliot"

"He was using Elliot as an example for not staying away from me" Perry frustrated replied. He was ready to head to the police but Carla seemed adement about asking him more fiverelous questions. "And before you say it, he know about me and Newbie the whole entire time. Even before we did."

"Oh my God, you're serious. You mean-"

"Yes Carla" Perry sighed as he limped out of the door. "I mean that the person that took J.D was the one that I almost fired from the hospital. Kenny"

Carla just watched as Perry limped out of the doorway and made his way down the hall. She plopped on the bed and her mind begins to play the song that Kenny always hummed whenever J.D was around. Before it seemed like a sweet song but now, every time she would think about it, it would do nothing but twist her stomach into knots.

"Isn't she lovely" Carla thought as she walked out the door to find Dr. Cox. What was thought as a just a beautiful song to sing was what Kenny had been using to express his unrequited love for J.D. She thought that it was ironic that the whole time they were worried about J.D's stalker; he had been around the whole time dropping those hints about whom he was.

I know, I know. I made Kenny the stalker when all you thought it was Michael. No my fellow readers, Michael was just my pawn to keep you guessing who it was. Honestly, the idea came to me while I was watching the episode on my computer and I decided to use him as my stalker. I also know that if you haven't seen the episode that has the character Kenny in it, the character is played by Clay Aiken. I know, who would be scared of Clay Aiken but even the normalest looking person can be crazy. If some of you are disappointed that I didn't use Michael, don't worry, he plays a bigger part than you realize and he knows some things about Kenny that may help them find J.D.

So there you have it folks. Chapter One of My Capture. I started if off hard with the torure of J.D and I can promise you more, much more.

Chapter Two will be up later today or tomorrow afternoon.
